
The morning cupbearer circled with cups at dawn

وأغيد طاف بالكؤوس ضحى

1. The morning cupbearer circled with cups at dawn
So we urged him on as the morn was growing bright

١. وأغيَدٍ طافَ بالكؤوسِ ضحىً
فحثَّها والصباحُ قد وَضَحا

2. The garden shows us its anemones
And its ambergris-scented blossoms exhale their scent

٢. والروضُ يُبدي لنا شقائقهُ
وآسُهُ العنبريُّ قد نفحا

3. We asked, where is the wine? He told us:
I left it in the mouth of the one who drank from the cup

٣. قلنا وأين الأقاحُ قال لنا
أودعتُهُ ثَغْرَ مَنْ سَقَى القدحا

4. So the pourer of wine kept denying what
He had said, until he smiled and stood exposed

٤. فظلَّ ساقي المُدام يجحدُ ما
قالَ فلمّا تبسَّمَ افْتُضِحا