1. Peace like the breeze that blew upon the rose
And the eyelids of night plunged into the dawn's slumber
١. سَلامٌ كَما هَبَّ النَسيمُ عَلى الوَردِ
وَخاضَت جُفونَ اللَيلِ إِغفاءَةُ الفَجرِ
2. The blowing wind shook a palm tree's bend
So it swayed like the swaying of intoxication with sobriety
٢. وَهَزَّ هُبوبُ الريح عِطفَ أَراكَةٍ
فَمالَت كَما مالَ النَزيفُ مَع السكرِ
3. For the one whom when I bid farewell I leave
A flame kindled in the core and chest
٣. عَلى مَن إِذا وَدّعتُهُ أَودَع الحَشى
لَهيباً تَلَظّى في الجَوانِحِ وَالصَدرِ
4. And he who remains intoxicated with the wine of youth
As I remain intoxicated with the wine of remembrance
٤. وَمَن لَم يَزَل نَشوانَ مِن خَمرَةِ الصِبا
كَما لَم أَزَل نَشوان مِن خَمرَةِ الذُكرِ
5. May God bring us close in visitation
And move me from the hardship of parting to ease
٥. عَسى اللَهُ أَن يُدني التزاوُرَ بَينَنا
فَأُنقَلَ مِن عُسرِ الفِراقِ إِلى يُسرِ