1. They ride around the dunes in litters
Keen on an ancient, lasting text
١. ركبٌ يجوبون الفلا بنجائبٍ
عُنِيَتْ بنصٍّ دائمٍ وعنيقِ
2. I urged them while the living descended from me
Speaking of pilgrims on the days of stoning
٢. فحثثتُها والحيُّ قد نزلوا منىً
ذكرَ الحجيجِ لياليَ التشريق
3. It moves with every young man as if his cloak
Damp with his tears is the cloak of one who drowned
٣. تسري بكلِّ فتىً كأنَّ رداءَهْ
خَضِلاً بأدْمُعُهِ رداءُ غريق
4. They compete over saddlebags, their talk
Like the competition of wild cows over a drink
٤. يتنازعون على الرحالِ حديثَهُمُ
كتنازعِ الندماءِ كأسَ رحيق
5. The flowing of their eyes as if their tears
Were pearls descending from carnelian gems
٥. رُمْدُ العيونِ كأنما عبراتُهُمْ
دُرٌّ تحَدَّرَ من فُصوص عقيق