
Seek refuge, seek refuge in the name of my God

ثفوا ثفوا باسم إلهي الذي

1. Seek refuge, seek refuge in the name of my God
Who illness does not afflict those He has healed

١. ثِفوا ثِفوا بِاِسمِ إِلَهي الَّذي
لا يَعرِضُ السُقمُ لِمَن قَد شَفى

2. I seek refuge for my lady and her ladies
And her mother, with the refuge of Al-Mustafa

٢. أُعيذُ مَولاتي وَمَولاتَها
وَأُمَّها بِعوذَةِ المُصطَفى

3. From the evil of illnesses that may afflict
In the morning and night when they strike

٣. مِن شَرِّ ما يَعرِضُ مِن عِلَّةٍ
في الصُبحِ وَاللَيلِ إِذا أَسدَفا