1. A'thamah, let the captive bird go free
For your life's sake, and have mercy on this sad lover
١. أَعَثَمَةُ اِطلِقي العَلَقَ الرَهينا
بِعَيشِكِ وَاِرحَمي الصَبَّ الحَزينا
2. Rabi'ah is infatuated with you, rapturous
He longs for you, with a yearning so keen
٢. رَبيعَةُ مُغرمٌ بِكِ مُستَهامٌ
يَحِنُّ إِلَيكِ مِن شَوقٍ حنينا
3. He came visiting you, so have mercy on him
For your visitor you have maddened into madness
٣. تَعَرَّضَ زائِراً لَكِ فَاِرحَميهِ
فَقَد أَورَثتِ زائِرَكِ الجُنونا
4. He saw you approaching, but when
His eyes saw you, they stirred up turmoil for us
٤. رَآكِ وَأَنتِ مُقبِلَة فَلَمّا
رَأَتكِ العَينُ هِجتِ لَنا فُتونا
5. You got up to bid him farewell, and my eyes
In sorrow at your beauty, bid you farewell
٥. وَقُمتِ تَأَوَّدينَ وَعَهدُ عَيني
بِحُسنِكِ في الحُزونِ تَأَوَّدينا
6. So when the people saw you they said
"Glory to Allah, Lord of all beings"
٦. فَلَمّا أَن رَآكِ الناسُ قالوا
تَعالى اللَهُ رَبُّ العالَمينا
7. Your shapely hips appeared, rising
Hips that left nothing for the people of faith
٧. بَدَت مِنكِ الرَوادِفُ مُشرِفاتٍ
رَوادِفُ لَم تَدَع لِلناسِ دينا
8. And your Lord has granted you, so thank Him
A beauty beyond the description of describers
٨. وَقَد أَعطاكِ رَبُّكِ فَاِكُريهِ
جَمالاً فَوقَ وَصفِ الواصِفينا
9. The bright sun on a gloomy day
Is not more beautiful than you when you display yourself
٩. فَما الشَمسُ المُضيئَةُ يَومَ دَجنٍ
بِأَحسَنِ مِنكِ يَومَ تَبذُلينا
10. If you turn your face the people see beauty
And if you turn away, you shackle their eyes
١٠. إِذا أَقبَلتِ رُعتِ الناسَ حُسناً
وَإِن أَدبَرتِ قَيَّدتِ العُيونا
11. If kings saw you one day
They would prostrate before your beauty
١١. فَلَو أَنَّ المُلوكَ رَأَوكِ يَوماً
لَخَرّوا مِن جَمالِكِ ساجِدينا
12. If women ruled affairs
Then you would be Commander of the Faithful
١٢. وَلَو أَنَّ النِساءَ مَلَكنَ أَمراً
لَكُنتِ إِذَن أَميرَ المُؤمِنينا
13. You were given heavy thighs
And you were burdened with a load you carry
١٣. لَقَد أُعطيتِ أَردافاً ثِقالاً
وَقَد حُمِّلتِ مالاً تَحمِلينا
14. If you stand up straight like a pillar
Your hips protest and you sit back down
١٤. إِذا رُمتِ القِيامَ تَخالُ دِعصاً
يُمانِعُكِ القِيامَ فَتَقعُدينا
15. When you pray and then prostrate we say
"Would that she had prostrated for years"
١٥. إِذا صَلَّيتِ ثُمَّ سَجَدتِ قُلنا
أَلا يا لَيتَها سَجَدَت سِنينا