
Ma'n, O Ma'n, O son of Za'ida the unwise,

معن يا معن يا ابن زائدة الكل

1. Ma'n, O Ma'n, O son of Za'ida the unwise,
With hers who is slender of arm, not full breasted,

١. مَعنُ يا مَعنُ يا اِبنَ زائِدَةِ الكَل
بِ الَّتي في الذِراعِ لا في البَنانِ

2. Do not boast when you pride yourself on your fathers,
Rather pride yourself on your uncle al-Hawfazan.

٢. لا تُفاخِر إِذا فَخَرتَ بِآبا
ئِكَ وَاِفخَر بِعَمِّكَ الحَوفَزانِ

3. For Hisham is of Wail in an exalted place,
While you consent to be less than he in station.

٣. فَهِشامٌ مِن وائِلٍ في مَكانٍ
أَنتَ تَرضى بِدونِ ذاكَ المَكانِ

4. And when were you, O son of Dhabi'a, ever hoping
To wed the daughter of the angry tyrant?

٤. وَمَتى كُنتَ يا اِبنَ ظَبيَةَ تَرجو
أَن تُبَنّي عَلى اِبنَةِ الغَضبانِ

5. She is a maiden like the wild onager, a filly
Too fierce for one not fierce as the onager.

٥. هِيَ حَوراءُ كَالمَهاةِ هِجانٌ
لِهِجانٍ وَأَنتَ غَيرُ هِجانِ

6. And the daughters of Salil are in the eyes of Banu
Dhabi'a but wind eggs, O Banu Shayban!

٦. وَبَناتُ السَليلِ عِندَ بَني ظَب
يَةَ أُفٍّ لَكُم بَني شَيبانِ

7. They said, "Ma'n is ours," but when we tested him
He was but pasturage, no rain like Sa'dan's.

٧. قيلَ مَعنٌ لَنا فَلَمّا اِختَبَرنا
كانَ مَرعىً وَلَيسَ كَالسَعدانِ