1. Grace made this land a home, a country
Whose people you’d be fond to see
١. حَبَّذا الرِقَّةُ داراً وَبَلَد
بَلَدٌ ساكِنُهُ مِمَّن تَوَد
2. We've never known a place that equals it
Nor heard tell of its like, said he
٢. ما رَأَينا بَلدَةً تَعدِلُها
لا وَلا أَخبَرَنا عَنها أَحَد
3. It fronts the sea, in the rear a plain
Its walls are sea, in solid chains
٣. إِنَّها بَرِّيَّةٌ بَحرِيَّةٌ
سورُها بَحرٌ وَسورٌ في الجدَد
4. The partridge's call in the trees is heard
The moan of the dove, the thrush's strains
٤. تُسمَعُ الصُلصُلُ في أَشجارِها
هُدهُدَ البَرِّ وَمُكّاءً غَرِد
5. No town e'er contained what it contained
Of Quraysh's beauty and lion's pride
٥. لَم تُضَمَّن بَلدَةٌ ما ضُمّنَت
مِن جَمالَ في قُرَيشٍ وَأَسَد