1. Su'ad sneaked in an innocent messenger,
And summer came behaving bashfully.
١. دَسَّت سُعادُ رَسولاً غَيرَ مُتَّهَمٍ
وَصيفَةً فَأَتَت إِتيانَ مُنكَتِمِ
2. The messenger came with a scroll sealed,
In it was magic penned with a pen.
٢. جاءَ الرَسولُ بِقَرطاسٍ بِخاتَمِهِ
وَفي الصَحيفَةِ سِحرٌ خُطَّ بِالقَلَمِ
3. In it were passions of love that made him absent
From the ignorant and what the wise cannot grasp.
٣. فيهِ فُتونُ هَوىً طَلَّت تُغَيِّبُهُ
عَلى الجَهولِ وَما يَخفى عَلى الفَهِمِ
4. And I understood what she was hiding so I said to her
Revealing with clarity and pleasure of clear words.
٤. وَقَد فَهِمتُ الَّذي أَخفَت فَقُلتُ لَها
بوحي بِلا وَنَعَم مِن بَيّنِ الكَلِمِ
5. She said: come if you wish hidden,
And rule is your rule, O wise one, so arbitrate.
٥. قالَت تَعالَ إِذا شِئتَ مُستَتِراً
وَالحُكمُ حُكمُكَ يا رَقِّيَّ فَاِحتَكِمِ
6. I presented myself in vastness and ease
Not in Qamraa or darkness so take advantage.
٦. أَقدِم رَبيعَةَ في رَحبٍ وَفي سَعَةٍ
في غَيرِ قَمراءَ وَالظَلماءَ فَاِغتَنِمِ
7. I visited her my gaze upon my feet
Having worn two cloaks of darkness.
٧. فُزرتُها واقِعاً طَرفي عَلى قَدَمي
وَقَد تَلَبَّستُ جِلبابَينِ مِن ظُلَمِ
8. What happened happened none knows of it
Nor have I been hurt or become illicit.
٨. فَكانَ ما كانَ لَم يَعلَم بِهِ أَحِدٌ
وَما جَرَحتُ وَما عُلِّلتُ بِالحَرَمِ
9. Su'ad visited you but left you sleepless
She did not visit you from other nations.
٩. زارَتكَ سُعدى وَسُعدى مِنكَ نازِحَةٌ
فَأَرَّقتَكَ وَما زارَتكَ مِن أُمَمِ
10. Hello to your specter O Su'ad that came in the dark
A specter that moves without star or flag.
١٠. أَهلاً بِطَيفك يا سُعدى المُلِمّ بنا
طَيفٌ يَسيرُ بِلا نَجمٍ وَلا عَلَمِ
11. You are my slumber when I sleep in my dreams
And you are the star if eyes do not sleep.
١١. أَنتِ الضَجيعُ إِذا ما نِمتُ في حُلُمي
وَالنَجمُ أَنتِ إِذا ما العَينُ لَم تَنَمِ
12. My eyes and dreams never lie altogether
My dreams speak truth once in their connection.
١٢. ما أَكذَبَ العَينَ وَالأَحلامَ قاطِبَةً
أصادِقُ مَرَّةً في وَصلِها حُلُمي
13. Say yes, it will surely profit if you say
Not perhaps or perhaps, patience to profit.
١٣. قولي نَعَم إِنَّها إِن قُلتِ نافِعَةٌ
لَيسَت عَسى وَعَسى صَبرٌ إِلى نَعَمِ
14. You granted me favors I do not deny
Until he disappears in an accursed stoning.
١٤. أَنعَمتِ نُعمى عَلَينا لَستُ أُنكِرُها
حَتّى أُغَيَّبَ في مَلحودَةِ الرَجَمِ
15. My heart is sick and the illness of love sickened it
If you wished you could heal the heart of sickness.
١٥. قَلبي سَقيمٌ وَداءُ الحُبِّ أَسقَمَهُ
وَلَو أَرَدتِ شَفَيتِ القَلبَ مِن سَقَمِ
16. She said: your heart is divided among the whites
I have no need in a heart divided from you.
١٦. قالَت فُؤادُكَ بَينَ البيضِ مُقتَسَمٌ
ما حاجَتي في فُؤادٍ مِنكَ مُقتَسَمِ
17. You are the one who switched me for another
You fell short of me and bought evil with good.
١٧. أَنتَ المَلولُ الَّذي اِستَبدَلتَ بي بَدَلاً
قَصَّرتَ بي وَشَرَيتَ اللُؤمَ بِالكَرَمِ
18. I swore I would never love you but
My oath was strong, I exaggerated in swearing.
١٨. قَد كُنتُ أَقسَمتُ أَنّي مِن هَواكِ فَما
بَرّى يَميني قَد أَغلَظتُ في القَسَمِ
19. I ask God for forgiveness, my heart has softened
Between me and you O wise one there is mercy.
١٩. اِستَغفَرُ اللَهَ قَد رَقَّ الفُؤادُ وَما
بَيني وَبَينَكَ يا رَقَّيُّ مِن رَحِمِ
20. I wish who blames us for love tries it
If he tastes what I tasted he will not blame.
٢٠. يا لَيتَ مَن لامَنا في الحُبِّ جَرَّبَهُ
فَلَو يَذوقُ الَّذي قَد ذُقتُ لَم يَلُمِ
21. Love is a hidden illness with no cure
Except the breeze of a beloved with sweet scent.
٢١. الحُبُّ داءٌ عَياءٌ لا دَواءَ لَهُ
إِلّا نَسيمُ حَبيبٍ طَيِّبُ النَسَمِ
22. Or a kiss from a mouth taken stealthily
What is forbidden is a mouth I attached to a mouth.
٢٢. أَو قُبلَةٌ مِن فَمٍ نيلَت مُخالَسَةً
وَما حَرامٌ فَمٌ أَلصَقتُهُ بِفَمِ
23. This is forbidden to one who counts it as sin
The Merciful will not punish us for suspicions.
٢٣. هَذا حَرامٌ لمن قَد عَدَّهُ لَمَماً
وَلَن يُعَذِّبَنا الرَحمَنُ بِاللَمَمِ
24. My heart strayed, O Su'ad, and did not stray
I wish my heart O Su'ad did not stray.
٢٤. هامَ الفُؤادُ بِسُعدى مِن ضَلالَتِهِ
يا لَيتَ قَلبي بِكُم يا سُعدَ لَم يَهِمِ
25. You who made my heart love you
An imported illness and endless longing.
٢٥. أَنتِ الَّتي أَورَثَت قَلبي مَوَدَّتُها
داءً دَخيلاً وَشَوقاً غَيرَ مُنصَرِمِ
26. You were created from musk and people are
Created from kneaded clay of crumbled puss.
٢٦. خُلِقتِ مِن مِسكَةٍ وَالناسُ خَلقُهُمُ
مِن لازِبِ الطينِ مِن صَلصالَةِ القَتَمِ
27. God created no human after Joseph among Arabs or non-Arabs
Like you from a perfected brown idol.
٢٧. ما صَوَّرَ اللَهُ إِنساناً كَصورَتِكُم
مِن بَعدِ يوسُفَ في عُربٍ وَلا عَجَمِ
28. Above you is a litter on a pile
Her buttocks accumulated as a statue.
٢٨. أَعلاكِ مِن صَعدَةٍ سَمرا مُقَوَّمَةٍ
وَالمِرطُ فَوقَ كَثيبٍ مِنكِ مُرتَكِمِ
29. Shaking her behind rounded hips
She walks swaying like a drunk made to stumble.
٢٩. وَأَنتِ جَنَّةُ رَيحانِ لَها أَرَجٌ
أَو رَوضَةٌ نُضِحَت بِالوَبلِ وَالدِيَمِ
30. Her dimples say and her behind seats her
From behind her, I have reached the corner so take your chance.
٣٠. أَو بَيضَةٌ في نَقاً أَو دُرَّةٌ خَرَجَت
مِن زاخِرٍ مُزبِدِ الأَذِيِّ مُلتَطِمِ
31. So I took my chance then stood up to supplicate
If not for that I would not have stood up.
٣١. لاقَيتُ عِند اِستِلامِ الرُكنِ غانِيَةً
غَرّاءَ واضِحَةَ الخَدَّينِ كَالصَنَمِ
32. Until when she left I bid farewell she looked back
And I said you are of my worries and my night talks.
٣٢. مُرتَجَّةُ الرِدفِ مَهضومٌ شَواكِلُها
تَمشي الهُوَينى كَمَشيِ الشارِبِ الثَلِمِ
33. Her companions said this is Rabi’ah
He is the sedition of nations.
٣٣. تَقولُ قَيناتُها وَالردفُ يُقعِدُها
مِن خَلفِها قَد أَتَيت الرُكنَ فاِستَلِمي
34. This is the meaning that suits you
So cover up in heavy clothing and darkness.
٣٤. فَاِسلَمَت ثُمَّ قامَت ساعَةً فَدَعَت
فَقُمتُ أَدعو وَلَولا تِلكَ لَم أَقُمِ
35. The devil of his nation met you in ihram
So seek refuge in God from the devil.
٣٥. حَتّى إِذا اِنصَرَفَت سَلَّمتُ فَالتَفَتَت
فَقُلتُ إِنَّكِ مِن هَمّي وَمِن سَدَمي
36. She said: I seek refuge in my Lord from you and covered up
In the manner clothing edges like an ostrich.
٣٦. قالَت وَمِن أَنتَ قُلنَ التابِعاتُ لَها
هَذا رَبيعَةٌ هَذا فِتنَةُ الأُمَمِ
37. I said: vows and God’s covenant you betrayed
No covenant to the betrayer who takes covenants lightly.
٣٧. هَذا المُعَنّى الَّذي كانَت مَناسِبُهُ
تَأتيكِ فَاِستَتِري بِالبُردِ وَالقَتَمِ
38. Did you not say yes, she said: that was an illusion
Can a person be taken to account for illusions?
٣٨. شَيطانُ أُمَّتِهِ لاقاكِ مُحرِمَةً
فَبِالالَهِ مِنَ الشَيطانِ فَاِعتَصِمي
39. We repented, fasted, and prayed to our Creator
While you did not repent of any sin or fast.
٣٩. قالَت أَعوذُ بِرَبّي مِنكَ وَاِستَتَرَت
بِعادَةٍ رَخصَةِ الأَطرافِ كَالعَنَمِ
40. I blamed myself for spending my hatred on her
And her stinginess, and I cracked my teeth in regret.
٤٠. قُلتُ الذِمامُ وَعَهدُ اللَهِ خُنتِ بِهِ
لا عَهدَ لِلغادِرِ الخَتّارِ لِلذِمَمِ
41. So may God distance a human who persists
In loving a human but does not persist.
٤١. أَلَم تَقولي نَعَم قالَت بَلى وَهَماً
مِنّي وَهَل يُؤخَذُ الإِنسانُ بِالوَهَمِ
٤٢. تُبنا وَصُمنا وَصَلَّينا لِخالِقِنا
وَلَم تَتُب أَنتَ مِن ذَنبٍ وَلَم تَصُمِ
٤٣. فَلُمتُ نَفسي عَلى بَذلي لَها مِقَتي
وبخلِها وَقَرَعتُ السِنَّ مِن نَدَمِ
٤٤. فَأَبعَدَ اللَهُ إِنساناً وَاِسحَقَهُ
أدامَ وُدّاً لِإِنسانٍ وَلَم يَدُمِ