
Who is it for whom the light of a fire welcomed the eyes of the caravan

لمن ضوء نار قابلت أعين الركب

1. Who is it for whom the light of a fire welcomed the eyes of the caravan
Resembling the soft scent of aloewood and wet kerchief

١. لِمَن ضَوءُ نارٍ قابَلَت أَعَينَ الرَكبِ
تَشَبُّ بِلَدنِ العودِ وَالمَندِلِ الرَطبِ

2. So I said verily I have encountered a fire as though it were
The radiance of a star that appeared and for it my heart yearned

٢. فَقُلتُ لَقَد آنَستُ ناراً كَأَنَّها
صَفا كَوكَبٍ لاحَت فَحَنَّ لَها قَلبي