
O flock, return the heart of the lovelorn pine

يا غنم ردي فؤاد الهائم الكمد

1. O flock, return the heart of the lovelorn pine
Before you're sought with reason and punishment

١. يا غُنمُ رُدّي فُؤادَ الهائِمِ الكَمِدِ
مِن قَبلِ أَن تُطلَبي بِالعَقلِ وَالقَوَدِ

2. You've rendered me lovesick with your coquetry that kills
And though you shot, you aimed true at my liver

٢. تَيَّمتِني بِدَلالٍ مِنكِ يَقتُلُني
وَقَد رَمَيتِ فَما أَخطَأتِ عَن كَبِدي

3. If you kill me thus wrongfully without aim
You'll not evade my people, the clan of Asad

٣. إِن تَقتُليني كَذا ظُلُماً بِلا تِرَةٍ
فَلَستِ فائِتَةٍ قَومي بَني أَسَدِ

4. As for my heart, it's something you've taken
No harm that you don't make my body sick

٤. أَمّا الفُؤادُ فَشَيءً قَد ذَهَبتِ بِهِ
فَما يَضُرُّكِ أَلا تُسقِمي جَسَدي

5. You're my passion, my soul's joy and pleasure
I say this openly, hiding it from none

٥. أَنتِ الهَوى وَمُنى نَفسي وَمُتعَتُها
أَقولُ ذاكَ وَلا أُخفيهِ عَن أَحَدِ

6. You've gained beauty and guide, lovely and fair
You're called none but the gazelle of this land

٦. نِلتِ الجَمالَ وَدَلّاً رائِعاً حَسَناً
فَما تُسَمَّينَ إِلّا ظَبيَةَ البَلَدِ

7. You're sweet in summer, cool,
And in winter, a hot night with sleet

٧. وَأَنتِ طَيِّبَةٌ في القَيظِ بارِدَةٌ
وَفي الشِتاءِ سَخونٌ لَيلَةَ الصَرَدِ

8. You give to the slumbering sips from your kiss
Of icy water, sharp teeth like hail

٨. تَسقي الضَجيعَ رُضاباً مِن مُقَبَّلِها
مِن بارِدٍ واضِحِ الأَنيابِ كَالبَرَدِ

9. Oh would that before my death I were alone with her
On the carpet between pillow and headrest

٩. يا لَيتَني قَبلَ مَوتي قَد خَلَوتُ بِها
عَلى الحَشِيَّةِ بَينَ السَجفِ والنَضَدِ

10. She's filled me, her right hand and its lightning
And shining left arm over my arm

١٠. قَد وَسَّدَتني اليَد اليُمنى وَبارقَها
وَدُملُجُ العَضُدِ اليُسرى عَلى عَضُدي

11. Each day we exchange glances, you and I
Would your abode were near mine, accessible

١١. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لَنا إِلماحَةٌ بِكُمُ
وَلَيتَ داركِ مِن داري عَلى صَدَدِ