
He rose concealed between a crumbling plateau

نشا مستسرا بين هضب هشيمة

1. He rose concealed between a crumbling plateau,
And crumbling, unstable hills,

١. نَشَا مُستَسِرّاً بَينَ هَضبٍ هَشيمَةٍ
وَبَينَ حَبارٍ عُدمُلِيٍّ تَهَدَّما

2. When the eyes of the seer are lined with his opinion,
He saw it in panic before it crumbled.

٢. إِذا اِكتَحَلتَ عَينُ البَصيرَ بِرَأيِهِ
بَداهُ بِذَعرٍ قَبلَ أَن يَتَهَضَّما

3. A heavenly downpour as if its tongue
Was poured out blackened by kohl.

٣. أَسَلُّ سَماوِيٌّ كَأَنَّ لِسانُهُ
أُسِلَّ سَوادِيّاً مِنَ الكُحلِ أَسحَما

4. When he fears out of fear his country singes him
As the chest harbors the suppressed talk.

٤. إِذا خافَ خَوفاً أَجمَرَتهُ بِلادُهُ
كَما يُضمِرُ الصَدرُ الحَديثَ المُكَتَّما

5. And among the people many resemble, but I wouldn’t
Resemble any evil from Shubail or be defamed.

٥. وَفي الناسِ أَشباهٌ كَثيرٌ وَلَم أَكُن
لِأُشبِهَ شَرّاً مِن شُبَيلٍ وَأَلأَما

6. If Shibil bin Hanbir resembled what he did,
Shubail would continue shedding blood and tears.

٦. تَشَبَّهتُ ما لَو عَضَّ شِبلَ بنَ حَنبرٍ
لَظَلَّ شُبَيلٌ يَسلَحُ الماءَوالدَما