1. Husaina came to you from those who are remote,
And her intent brought her to where you live.
١. نَأَتكَ حُسَينَةُ فيمَن نَأى
وَكانَت نَواها بِها تُسعِفُ
2. Youth turned away, distracted by its pleasures,
Not light of movement, nor easy to bend.
٢. وَوَلّى الشَبابُ بِلَذّاتِهِ
فَما يُستَقلُ وَلا يَعطِفُ
3. If you were like me, aged over eighty,
While I am withered and wasted away,
٣. وَلَو كُنتَ مِثلي بِالقَرنَتَي
ن إِذ أَنا مُتَبِلٌ أَهيَفُ
4. And she is a cheek that nearly makes
The ornaments, from her beauty, burn with passion
٤. وَإِذ هِيَ خَودٌ يَكادُ الحَلي
مُ مِن حُسن بَهجَتِها يُشغَفُ
5. As though her kisser with hot breath
Is a thirsty man who gulps his drink down.
٥. كَأَنَّ مُقَبِّلَها بِالصَريْ
مِ ظَمآنُ مُستَورِدٌ يُرشَفُ
6. A pool of water clear in its expanse
Stirred by North winds,turbulent and rough
٦. نَقيعَةَ ماءٍ جَلَت مَتنَهُ
رِياحٌ شَآمِيَةٌ حَرجَفُ
7. In the open land it feared to stagnate
Beyond the winding roads amidst the giant rocks
٧. بِأَبطَحَ وَرَّعَها أَن تَغو
ر مُنعَرِجَ الكَيحِ فَالصَفصَفُ
8. It avoided sweet spots so the rough torrents
Did not make it murky as they scraped the gravel
٨. نَفى العَذَباتِ فَلَم يَغشَها
جُرافٌ أَصَرَّ بِها مُجحَفُ
9. It casts itself on high above the two slopes
Rising equal to the lofty mountains' peak
٩. تَرامى بِهِ مُشرِفُ الجَهلَتَيْ
ن ضاهي السَرارَةِ مُستَجرِفُ
10. Not an egg but more rightly it has hatched
Into a garden bloomed in spring or summer
١٠. فَما بَيضَةٌ بَلَّ أَدحَيتَها
رَبيعٌ تَحَلَّبَ أَو صَيَّفُ
11. Pampered among the daughters of vegetation
Clear white and filtering itself pristine
١١. مدلَّلَةٌ مِن بَناتِ النَعا
مِ بَيضاءُ واضِحَةٌ تَلصِفُ
12. When it rains, rain pools form on its surface
Scraping it, though its drippings filter through
١٢. إِذا مَطَرَت جَثَمَت فَوقَها
مُخَوِيَّةٌ زِفُّها يَنطِفُ
13. With better than it when its bracelets rise up
Fluttering from its jewelry, agitated
١٣. بِأَحسَنَ مِنها إِذا ما عَلا
نَقائِبُ مِن حَليِها رَفرَفُ
14. When life is sweet and talk flows easily
Neither excluding me nor making me weep
١٤. إِذا العَيشُ حُلوٌ وَإِذ لا يسرْ
رُ دوني الحَديثُ وَلا يَصدِفُ
15. Worry has accustomed me and worn me out
As the feral creatures wear out the subdued,
١٥. تَأَوَّبَني الهَمَّ وَاِعتادَني
كَما يَعتَري الوَصِبُ المُدنَفُ
16. Troubles my heart has harbored cause it
To preserve them, while I remain guarded,
١٦. بلابِلَ أَضمَرَهُنَّ الفُؤادُ
فَهُنَّ عَلَيهِنَّ مُستَحصِفُ
17. Are generations of men nothing but ages replacing ages
One perishes, the next replacing the last,
١٧. هَلِ الناسُ إِلّا قُرون فقرن
يُبيدُ وَ آخرمُستَخلَفُ
18. Inhabiting the earth awhile but decay
Will come to it, so it stands evicted,
١٨. فَيَعمِرُ في الأَرضِ ثُمَّ الفَنا
ء آتٍ عَلَيهِ فَمُستَنظِفُ
19. Like land stripped bare of all it bore
Though once for it decoration was enough,
١٩. كَأَرضٍ تَنزَعُ ما أَنتبَتَت
وَكانَ لَها مَرَّةً زُخرُفُ
20. I've seen no mortal with perpetual bliss
Nor one with endless anguish to lament,
٢٠. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ اِمرِئٍ غَرَّة
نَعيمٍ وَلا كَاِمرِئٍ يِأَسَفُ
21. What strange wonder is this age
Unrecognized or can you identify?
٢١. فَأَيَّ عَجائِبَ هَذا الزَمانِ
تُنكِرُ أَو أَيُّها تَعرِفُ
22. How many nations has time worn out
Like the land might cave in underneath them
٢٢. كَم اِستَرَطَ الدَهرُ مِن أُمَّةٍ
كَأَنَّ البِلادَ بِهِم تُخسَفُ
23. And a generation we've heard has perished
The living now dead to memory
٢٣. وَجيلٍ سَمِعنا بِهِم قَد فَنَوا
فَما الحَيُّ إِلّا كَمَن يُثقَفُ
24. He whose life wears away with him
Becomes refuse, the most refused of all
٢٤. وَمَن يَتَمَطَّ بِهِ عُمرُهُ
يَصِر وَهوَ الخَلَفُ الأَخلَفُ
25. He who misses his promised time
Death will not fail to meet its date
٢٥. وَمَن كانَ يُخلَفُ ميعادَهُ
فَإِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ لا تُخلِفُ
26. No person has means to flee living
No escape or turning for him elsewhere
٢٦. وَما لِاِمرِئٍ أَرَبٌّ بِالحَيا
ةِ عَنها مَحيصٌ وَلا مَصرِفُ
27. I felt a longing for Umar ibn al-Walid
And chose him as he is dear to me
٢٧. طَرِبتُ إِلى عُمَرِ بنِ الوَليدِ
وَاِختَرتُهُ إِنَّهُ مَألَفُ
28. The gallant warrior, none his equal
Fully accomplished and without excess
٢٨. فَتى البَأسِ ما مِن فَتىً مِثلُهُ
أَتَّمُ تِماماً وَلا أَسرَفُ
29. He's the Caliph's son, his lineage
Well known and cannot be mistaken
٢٩. هُوَ اِبنُ الخَليفَةِ مِن ضَربِهِ
ضَريبَتُهُ فيهِ قَد تُعرَفُ
30. The lords of Kindah, his maternal uncles
Those Kings so thus no less his son
٣٠. وِسادَةُ كِندَةَ أَخوالِهِ ال
مُلوكُ فَلَيسَ اِبنُهُم يَخلِفُ
31. You've become, so you remain the hero of all
When the genealogists review the record
٣١. فَأَصبَحتَ أَنتَ فَتى الناسِ حين
تَذكّرُ أَحسابَها خِندَفُ
32. They see you high above, your gaze
From this lofty view spread out far and wide
٣٢. يَرَونَكَ مُرتَفِعاً فَوقَهُم
بِعَلياءَ مَنظَرُها مُشرِفُ
33. You were born under a star most eminent
Above all other stars conspicuous
٣٣. وُلِدتَ بِرابِيَةٍ رَأَسُها
عَلى كُلِّ رابِيَةٍ نَيِّفُ
34. Brother of Achievement and Glory stand in for them
Though he does not count the cost of what he ruins
٣٤. أَخو الأَجرِ وَالحَمدِ يَنوبُهُما
وَإِن هُوَ لَم يُحصِ ما يُتلِفُ
35. He sees glory as fair game to occupy him
And all its burdens he takes on
٣٥. يَرى الحَمدَ غُنماً فَيُعنى بِهِ
وَكُلُّ تَكاليفِهِ يَكلُفُ
36. So you will gain from what I say
Some minor glory and pleasure
٣٦. فَسَوفَ يَنالُكَ مِمّا أَقو
ل حَمدٌ يَسيرٌ وَيُستَطرَفُ
37. Spreading it through countries far and wide
Wastelands and rocky plains abound
٣٧. وَتَنشُرُهُ في البِلادِ الرُوا
ةُ وَالقُلُصُ الشُسَّفُ العُسَّفُ
38. It startles their wild beasts as the pebbles
Like coins a money changer clips
٣٨. تُطيرَ مَناسِمَهُنَّ الحَصى
كَما نَقَدَ الدِرهَمَ الصَيرَفُ
39. When it flows freely with its steps
Smoothly streaming or bubbling on the ground
٣٩. إِذا ما اِستَتَبَّ بِأَخفافِها
مليعٌ مِنَ الأَرضِ أَو جَفجَفُ