
You were distressed that the turns of fate scattered them

جزعت أن شت صرف الحي فانفرقوا

1. You were distressed that the turns of fate scattered them
And they collected the separation with the pledge they hung

١. جَزِعتَ أَن شَتَّ صَرفُ الحَيَّ فَاِنفَرَقوا
وَأَجمَعوا البَينَ بِالرَهنِ الَّذي عَلَقوا

2. So I stood watching them when hope arose
That they would pause or waver for an hour and quench their thirst

٢. فَقُمتُ أَتبَعُهُم عَيناً إِذا طَمَعَت
أَن يَرعَووا أَو يَعوجوا ساعَةً وَسَقوا

3. With a glance the distant person raises to it
Before the eyes when the eyelids were overflowing

٣. لَمّاحَةً يَرفَعُ الشَخصُ البَعيدُ لَها
قَبلَ العُيونِ إِذا ما اِغرورقَ الحَدَقُ

4. And they were roused by an ardent intent that drives them
To the furthest extents of their passion when they set out

٤. وَاِستَنفَروا بِنَوىً حَذّاءَ تَقذِفُهُم
إِلى أَقاصي هَواهُم ساعَةَ اِنطَلَقوا

5. When they surmounted the ridge of the noon mirage bearing them
The kith of morning and when they went down they drowned

٥. إِذا عَلَوا ظَهرَ حَرباءٍ يُحامِلُهُم
آلُ الضُحى وَإِذا ما أَسهَلوا غَرِقوا

6. In a house of sand where the mirage flows through it
When the surface of the desert flashes hot

٦. في آلِ دَوِيَّةٍ تَجري السَرابُ بِها
إِذا تَرَقرَقَ ضَحلُ القاعَةِ القَرِقُ

7. And a steadfast companion with whom I was brought up
From a slumber while he in it was extinguished, limp

٧. وَصاحِبٌ غَيرِ نِكسٍ قَد نَشَأتُ بِهِ
عَن نَومِةٍ وَهوَ فيها مُهمَدٌ أَنِقُ

8. A traveler whose bed the earth made into a halt
To which his composure and neck submitted

٨. مُسافِرٌ فَرَشَتهُ الأَرضُ مَنزِلَةً
أَدّى كَراهُ إِلَيها النَصُّ وَالعَنَقُ

9. He inclined aside and did not slip out of his innermost
Like a drove turning away from the sins of the stretcher torn

٩. فَمالَ مَيلاً وَلَم يَسلَخ بَواطِنَهُ
سِرباً عَن ذُنوبِ المَتنِ مُنخَرِقُ

10. As if he were a drinker who savors its delight
With wine or strangling the innards choked

١٠. كَأَنَّهُ شارِبٌ يَشفي لَذاذَتَهُ
بِالخَمرِ أَو وارِمُ الأَوداجِ مُختَنِقُ

11. So I stood to tell him about the rain I did not see
While I, distressed for him, was sleepless

١١. فَقُمتُ أُخبِرُهُ بِالغَيثِ لَم أَرَهُ
وَالبَرقُ إِذ أَنا مَحزونٌ لَهُ أَرِقُ

12. Sad, glorifying in a north wind
Crowned by the turbid water freed

١٢. مُزنٌ تُسَبِّحُ في ريحٍ شَآمِيَةٍ
مُكَلَّلٌ بِعَماءِ الماءِ مُنطَلِقُ

13. When my boon receptor of renewal turned
To its sequences from its envoys composed

١٣. لَمّا اِكفَهَرَّ شُرَيقِيِّ اللَوى وَأَوى
إِلى تَواليهِ مِن سُفّارِهِ رَفَقُ

14. The night held back until its blamer said
To the guide star or its appearance knocking

١٤. تَرَبَّصَ الَيلُ حَتّى قالَ شائِمُهُ
عَلى الرُوَيشِدِ أَو خَرجائِهِ يَدِقُ

15. Until when the westerly view ran blood
From the redness of the sun when the horizon assassinated it

١٥. حَتّى إِذا المَنظرُ الغَربِيُّ جادَ دَماً
مِن حُمَرةِ الشَمسِ لَمّا اِغتالَها الأُفُقُ

16. It cast upon the lair of anklets its sparks
And its fires blazed and its kindling flashed

١٦. القى عَلى ذاتِ أَحفارٍ كَلاكِلَهُ
وَشَبَّ نيرانُهُ وَاِنجابَ يَأتلِقُ

17. A fire which the firewood takes back to its grandmother
And the fire climbs logs so they catch flame

١٧. ناراً يُراجِعُ مِنها العودُ جَدَّتَهُ
وَالنارُ تَسفَعُ عيداناً فَتَحتَرِقُ

18. And he spent the night weeping to the Goat star its loss
With his bellowing when Aquarius was set boiling

١٨. وَباتَ يَحتِلِبُ الجَوزاءَ دِرَّتَها
بِنَوئِها حينَ هاجَت مَربَعٌ لَثِقُ

19. Crying to regain honey which he had squandered
With a copious draft from it and panting

١٩. يَبكي لِيُدرِكَ فَحلاً كانَ ضَيَّعَهُ
بِرَيِّقٍ سَبَطٍ مِنهُ وَيَنزَهِقُ

20. The interior of no valley poured is sated by its flooding even if
None but a fool is tempted

٢٠. فَما بِهِ بَطنُ وادٍ غِبَّ نَضحَتِهِ
وَإِن تَراغَبَ إِلّا مُسفَهٌ تَئِقُ

21. The runnels of the valleys dripping which the summits
And the slopes stream

٢١. جَونُ المَسارِبِ رَقراقٌ تَظَلُّ بِهِ
شُمُّ المَخارِمِ وَالأَثناءُ تَصطَفِقُ

22. It almost rises upward then the deceptiveness of phenomena overcomes it
And the valley because of it is deluged

٢٢. يَكادُ يَطلُعُ صَعداً ثُمَّ يغلِبُهُ
غِرُّ الظَواهِرِ فَالوادي بِهِ شَرِقُ

23. When it turns from an aversion of purpose
A winding depression with two sides tunneling calls it

٢٣. إِذا تَحَرَّفَ مِن بَرواءَ مُعرِضَةٍ
دَعاهُ أَبطَحُ ذو حَرفَينِ مُنفَهِقُ

24. A jujube tree it has valleys called after it
By their conjunction from it chalk and gravel

٢٤. عودٌ لَهُ شُعبٌ يُدعَينَ أَودِيَةً
بِمُلتَقاهُنَّ مِنهُ الصَفوَ وَالرَتَقُ

25. So from its pebbles the pure and in its sides
With the scum and from it the settling thick

٢٥. فَمِن حَصاهُ نَقِيٌّ في جَوانِبِهِ
مَعَ الغَثاءِ وَمِنهُ الراسِبُ الغَرِقُ

26. Clinging to the retainers of the earth, diminished by it
He almost repels the raven of the sword bowing

٢٦. مُستَمسِكٌ بِعِزازِ الأَرضِ ضَنَّ بِهِ
كادَ يَرُدُّ غُرابَ الفاسِ مُطَّرِقُ

27. A day he takes shade under the noon mirage making it
A refuge, atop the brushwood ascending then descending

٢٧. يَوماً يُظِلّ بِهِ الحَرباءُ مُعتَقِلاً
جِذعَ الهَشيمَةِ يَعلو ثُمَّ يَرتَفِقُ

28. As if he were an evil old man shedding his garments
Bare of armpits, blameworthy, by it feeble

٢٨. كَأَنَّهُ شَيخُ سَوءٍ بَزَّ خِلعَتَهُ
عاري الأَشاجِعِ مَكلومٌ بِهِ رَمَقُ