1. Sleeplessness caused by haunting worries,
And sorrow and remembering old misfortunes,
١. مَنَعَ النَومَ طارِقاتُ الهُمومِ
وَأَسىً وَاِدِّكارُ خَطبٍ قَديمِ
2. Has maddened me since night fell till
Dawn broke and stars shone bright.
٢. مِن لَدُن أَن أَجَنَّني اللَيلُ حَتّى
فَضَحَ الصُبحُ واضِحاتُ النُجومِ
3. With a radiance that yellows the horizon
There appeared, at the end of a gloomy night,
٣. بِمُنيرٍ يُعَصفِرُ الأُفقَ مِنهُ
لاحَ في أُخرَياتِ جُونٍ بَهيمِ
4. A dimwitted simpleton.
Tell yourself: people are like festivals,
٤. أَخبِرِ النَفسَ إِنَّما الناسُ كَالعي
دانِ بَينَ نابِتٍ وَهَشيمِ
5. Between prosperity and ruin.
From lands I visited haunted by memories
٥. مِن دِيارٍ غَشيتُها ذُكرَةً ما
بَينَ قاراتِ ضاحِكٍ فَالهَزيمِ
6. Between a laugh of the joyful and tears of the defeated,
The winds have woven their backs until
٦. نَسَجَت ظَهرَها الرَياحاتُ حَتّى
بَرِئَ القاعُ مِن جَميعِ الرُسومِ
7. The horizon was cleared of all markings,
Just as the wounds were cleared from Sturdy's skin
٧. مِثلُ ما بُرِّئَ الحيرَةَ جُروحَ ال
جِلدِ حَتّى يُصَحَّ بَعدَ كُلومِ
8. Until it healed after festering.
And the changing days have erased them
٨. وَاِختِلافُ الأَيّامِ حَتّى مَحاها
سالِفُ الدَهرِ بَعدَ سَكنٍ مُقيمِ
9. After the epochs of firm settlement.
The abode of the gazelle eyes that tempted me
٩. دارُ مَكتومَةَ الَّتي فَتَنَتني
بِخَبالٍ فَمَن لِقَلبٍ سَقيمِ
10. With delusions - so who can help a sick heart?
We gathered there, me and the doe,
١٠. جَمَعَتنا بِها نَوى الحَيِّ حَولاً
نَتَلَهّى بِسِرِّنا المَكتومِ
11. To secretly enjoy our hidden love,
Ever playful, betraying my reason
١١. دائِباً لاهِياً تُخَوِّنُ حِلمي
بِثَنايا غُرٍّ وَوَجهٍ وَسيمِ
12. With the folds of a delicate neck and a beautiful face.
Her leg, peeking below it,
١٢. وَبِأَنَّ النَصيفَ أَسفَلَ مِنهُ
رَجُلٌ وارِدٌ مُبينُ النَعيمِ
13. A man's, announcing prosperity.
Her black tresses adorned with pearls
١٣. وَسَموطُ تَستَنُّ فَوقَ التَرافي
مِن جُمانٍ وَلُؤلُؤٍ مَنظومِ
14. And shells of a threaded necklace.
Lighting the darkness of affection
١٤. تَجتَلي ظُلمَةَ الحِباءِ كَما
يَنكَشِفُ الصُبحُ عَن مَهاةِ الصَريمِ
15. As dawn reveals the gloom of night.
Saving the heart from touching her bentness
١٥. فَنَعَ القَلبَ أَن تَلَمَّ نَواها
فَرَحَ النَفسِ بِالغِنى المَغنومِ
16. And delighting the soul with legitimate gain.
Forgetting youth for one with slanted glances
١٦. فَتَناسى الصِبا بِذاتِ هَبّاتٍ
تَفتَدي بَعدَ اِبنِها بِالرَسيمِ
17. Who redeems her son with a headband.
She threw the last three blames
١٧. طَرَحَت آخِرَ الثَلاثَةِ نَسأً
غَيرَ مُستَلبِئٍ وَلا مَرؤومِ
18. Without discontent or regret.
So she is like the warrior poet whose
١٨. فَهيَ كَالقارِحِ الصُهابي أَضحى
عاسِفاً لِلتَنوفَةِ الدَيمومِ
19. Verses fiercely criticize the everlasting mansion.
I saw him in a piece of cloth not
١٩. لاحَهُ الجُزءُ مِن عُنازَةَ حَتّى
لَم يَجِد ثَوبَ شِربِهِ بِاليَتيمِ
20. Finding clothes wide enough for the orphan.
He tours the wine-houses until
٢٠. فَعَدا يَعرِفُ المَخارِمَ حَتّى
آبَ عَيناً تَرمي بِأَجنٍ جَمومِ
21. His eye grows dim, shooting a thick arrow.
Roaming, startling the thickets with dubious
٢١. مُهَيَّعٌ تُذعِرُ الغَليلَ بِرَيٍّ
مُنكَرٍ لِلسِنانِ وَالحَلقومِ
22. Incomprehensible screams and gulps,
Though a worry like it held me back
٢٢. وَلَقَد حالَ دونَ ذَلِكَ هَمٌّ
مِثلُهُ فَليَزَع فُؤادَ الحَليمِ
23. It would unsettle the heart of the wise.
My people parted after being
٢٣. إِن قَومي تَفَرَّقوا بَعدَما كا
نوا هُمُ القَوم فَاِبكِ غَيرَ مَلومِ
24. My people - so weep without blame!
The neighbour lowers himself among them
٢٤. وَلَقَد يَخفِضُ المُجاوِرُ فيهِم
غَيرُ مُستَشرِفٍ وَلا مَذمومِ
25. Without expectation or scorn.
Repelling the injuries, every
٢٥. تَدفَعُ القَرحُ الصَلادِمُ عَنهُمُ
كَلَّ جَمعٍ مُكابِرٍ لِهُمومِ
26. Obstinate group with worries,
They tied them since the land dried up
٢٦. أَثبَتوا رَبطَهُنَّ مُذ يَبِسَ البا
رِضُ يَنثُرنَ في مَخالي القَصيمِ
27. And they scattered in the meadows.
They sprawled like pipes carrying
٢٧. فَتَرَبَّعنَ كَالأَنابيبِ يَحمِلنَ إِلى ال
رَوعِ كُلَّ خِرقٍ كَريمِ
28. To the pasture every generous patch.
Knowing, when the shears of death meets
٢٨. عارِفاتٍ إِذا التَقى أَسَلُ المَوتِ
بِكَرِّ الكُماةِ وَالتَقديمِ
29. The elite of the early and late,
Holding back every fearful gap,
٢٩. مُمسِكاتٍ بِكُلِّ ثَغرٍ مَخوفِ
آزَماتٍ عَلى فُؤوسِ الشَكيمِ
30. Determined at the heads of the lofty.
They are mute but understood my words
٣٠. هُنَّ عُجمٌ وَقَد فَهِمنَ مِنَ القَولِ
هَبي وَاِجدَمي وَهابي وَقَومي
31. "Wait for me," "Help me," "Gift me," "My people!"
And "All Khaifana," and "Bare Arjad,"
٣١. كُلَّ خَيفانَةٍ وَأَجرَدَ نَهدٍ
حَبَشِيِّ الشَوى كُمَيتِ الأَديمِ
32. "Abyssinian Al-Shawaa," "Robust Kumiya,"
"Thin" and "towering," with the back of a gazelle
٣٢. ذابِلٍ شاخِصٍ لَهُ مَتنُ ظَبيٍ
وَنَداتا عيرٍ وَساقا ظَليمِ
33. And the walk of a wounded camel,
And a tail adorning a behind
٣٣. وَذناباً تَزينُ دُبراً لَهُ ذا
كَفَلٍ مُشرِفٍ كَصَمدِ الجُثومِ
34. With an outstanding double hump,
And a tied, protruding breastbone
٣٤. وَفِقارٌ مُوَثَّقٌ وَضُلوعٌ
نافِجاتُ الحِجابِ وَالحَيزومِ
35. And ribs parting clothes and chest,
And firm legs like a trunk stripped
٣٥. وَتَليلٍ كَالجِذعِ شَذَّبَ عَنهُ
جارِمُ النَخلِ ليفَهُ بِالقُدومِ
36. By the palm thief of its covering,
And twisted horns of she-goats
٣٦. وَتَوَلّى الحَصا ذواتِ نُسورٍ
مُجَمَّراتٍ يَؤُدنَ صُمَّ الرَضيمِ