
To whom does the house belong, like a book's title,

لمن الدار كعنوان الكتاب

1. To whom does the house belong, like a book's title,
That stirred longing and responded with answers?

١. لِمَنِ الدارُ كَعُنوانِ الكِتابِ
هاجِتِ الشَوقَ وَعَيَّت بِالجَوابِ

2. The house increased you in nothing but confusion,
And youth is not akin to propriety.

٢. لَم تَزِدكَ الدارُ إِلّا طَرَباً
وَالصِبا غَيرُ شَبيهٍ بِالصَوابِ

3. A place for convening whatever is seen,
And ashes like kohl of eyes gone.

٣. مَوضِعُ الأَنضادِ لَأياً ما يُرى
وَرَمادٌ مِثلَ كُحلِ العَينِ هابِ

4. The torrent barred a valley's course,
Leaving lasting gashes like scratches of parchments.

٤. صَدَّ عَنهُ السَيلَ مَجرى تَلعَةٍ
خُدُدٌ باقٍ كَأُخدودِ الكِرابِ

5. A slave girl struck it with the crow of an axe in the earth's face,
Pushing back the torrent until it flowed

٥. ضَرَبَتهُ سَلفَعُ مَملوكَةٌ
بِغُرابِ الفَأسِ في وَجهِ التُرابِ

6. Among the pebbly, desolate plains and hilltops.
With what used to dwell in it-

٦. تَدفَعُ السَيلَ به حَتّى جَرى
صَحصَحانِيُّ الصَحاري وَالرِكابِ

7. People of livestock, horses, and tents,
And young girls beautifully pure

٧. وَبِما قَد كانَ فيها ساكِناً
أَهلُ أَنعامٍ وَخَيلٍ وَقِبابِ

8. Whom old age cannot touch in their youthfulness.
So leave play to those who play with it

٨. وَرَعابيبٌ حِسانٌ كَالدُمى
لا يُنِلنَ الشَيبَ لِذاتِ الشَبابِ

9. And saddle your riding camel, going away.
A female camel carried it, strong,

٩. فَذَرِ اللَهوَ لِمَن يَلهو بِهِ
وَاِكسُ أَقتادَكَ جَوناً ذاهِبابِ

10. In a birth and vessel like a saddlebag
For a year until when she found her bearing

١٠. حَمَلَتهُ بازِلٌ كَودانَةٌ
في مِلادٍ وَوِعاءِ كَالجِرابِ

11. She laid it down after writhing and struggling.
A husk whose essence perfidy did not violate

١١. سَنَةً حَتّى إِذا ما أَحوَلَت
وَضَعَتهُ بَعدَ عَزفٍ وَاِضطِرابِ

12. Nor effort of gathering violate.
So it shed its pearls until there emerged

١٢. جَلدَةً لَم يَتَخَوَّن دَرَّها
سوءُ تَصريمٍ وَلا جَهدُ اِحتِلابِ

13. Lofty, rising above water-drawing pulleys.
A trunk the acacia is too short for,

١٣. فَفَلَتهُ دِرَراً حَتّى بَدا
سامِقاً يَعلو مَصاعيبَ السِقابِ

14. Bristling like a stallion frothing at the mouth.
Then it bent while a fierce, unyielding

١٤. جَذَعاً يَستَكبِرُ الشَولُ لَهُ
مُفنَقاً كَالفَحلِ يَعمي بِاللُعابِ

15. Colt startled by the buzzing of flies.
It remained six days within it

١٥. ثُمَّ أَثنى وَهوَ شَهمٌ مُصعَبٌ
فَرَدٌ يُذعَرُ مِن صَوتِ الذُبابِ

16. Crouching, equaling the heights of loftiest peaks
In the wilderness's emptiness until it led him,

١٦. فَخَلا سَتَّةَ أَيّامٍ بِهِ
رابِضٌ يَعدِلُ أَظعانَ الصِعابِ

17. Following the expert guide in conferral and pleading.
Rarely did it carry of his belongings

١٧. في خَلاءِ الأَرضِ حَتّى قادَهُ
تَبَعَ المُهرِ بمَنحٍ وَاِجتِلابِ

18. Other than tether, scraps, and waterskin.
It watches the person with the rear of its eye

١٨. قَلَّما حَمَّلَهُ مِن رَحلِهِ
غَيرَ أَقتادٍ وَقَطعٍ وَقِرابِ

19. After the litters' curtains have been drawn.
Good is the ringing of the caravan bells when

١٩. يَرقُبُ الشَخصَ بِتالي طَرفِهِ
بَعدَما يَنضوا مَعانيقَ الرِكابِ

20. The driver is engulfed in mirage.
Like a wavering shadow, in its weakness

٢٠. نِعمَ قُرقورُ المَرَوراتِ إِذا
غَرِقَ الحِزّانُ في آلِ السَرابِ

21. It relied on the calluses of a barefoot easterner crow.
Fasting, it breaks its slightest command

٢١. كَمُدِلٍّ ظَلَّ في عانَتِهِ
بصُوى الرِجلَةِ شَرقِيَّ غُرابِ

22. Having experienced the violence of servitude.
Does it water them from the spring of secrets or

٢٢. صائِمُ يَقصِمُ أَدنى أَمرِهِ
قَد بَرى جَبلَتَهُ عَسفَ الرِقابِ

23. Return the troop to the water-gatherer?
Then it lined them up-fettered in passion-

٢٣. أَبِماءِ السِرِّ يَسقيهِنَّ أَم
يَرِدُ الجِيَّ إِلى وَجهِ الإِيابِ

24. Addled in intoxications, flame-engulfed.

٢٤. ثُمَّ قَفّاهُنَّ مَحبوكُ الشَوى
أَصحَلُ في أَخدَرِيّاتٍ لِهابِ