1. Do you know in the eastern desert a youthful, playful abode,
Whose people I show to my friend though he sees
١. أَتَعرِفُ بِالصَحراءِ شَرقِيَّ شابِكٍ
مَنازِلَ أَعراها الأَنيسُ وَمَلعَبا
2. Veiled women in the quarters as if their houses
Were filled with the murmur of doves?
٢. ظَلَلتُ أُريها صاحِبَيَّ وقَد أَرى
بِها أَهلَها مِن بَينِ غُرٍّ وأَشيَبا
3. Nothing to be seen but a dripping forehead
Or rouged fingers here and there.
٣. وَمُحتَجِباتٍ بِالستورِ كَأَنَّما
تَجِنُّ بُيوت الحَيِّ مِنهُنَّ رَبرَبا
4. We were joyous and could barely leave in the evening
When they said, No more loitering; be off!
٤. حَواضِنُ إِلّا أَن يرى مُتَعَرِّضٌ
جَبيناً أَسيلاً أَو بَناناً مُخَضَّبا
5. As if we left on swaying camels that vie
With the twisted trees in loftiness,
٥. فَرُحنا وَما كِدنا نَروحُ عَشِيَّةً
وَقيلَ أَلا لاحَيَّ في الدارِ فَاِذهَبا
6. Brought to us by the chiefs of the land who pasture it
And seek hospitality even from a stranger till we were intimate.
٦. كَأَنّا وَرَحلَينا عَلى أَخدَرِيَّةٍ
نَحوصٍ تُباري طاوِيَ الكَشحِ أَحقَبا
7. They lead the she-camels in the night rain to the meadow,
And water oozes into it, greening the dry land.
٧. أَتِنا عِهادَ الأَرضِ يَرتَعِيانِها
مِنَ الضَيفِ حَتّى أَنسَلا وَتَقَوَّبا
8. At Wusmiyyah, though its meadows resemble
Broidered coat of mail or a bejeweled mantle,
٨. يَرفانِ نَضاخاً إِذا ما أَعانَهُ
نَدى اللَيلِ مجَّ الماءَ ريان مُعشِبا
9. We stayed till the dew had soaked in
And nothing was seen but what cleaved hill and plain,
٩. بِوَسمِيَّةٍ قَفرٍ كَأَنَّ رِياضَها
كُسينَ مِنَ النَوارِ وَشياً مُذَهَّبا
10. And the heat of summer had withered
Whatever was left of herbage but colocynth and sorrel
١٠. فَكانا بِها حَتّى إِذا رَسَخَ النَدى
وَلَم تَرَ إِلّا غائِراً مُتَصَبصِبا
11. While we sought shade from the rays with strips
Of cloudless sky, wrapped around us.
١١. وَشَفشَفَ حَرُّ القَيظِ كُلَّ بَقِيَّةٍ
مِنَ النَبتِ إِلّا سَيكَراناً وَحُلَّبا
12. When she wanted something he disliked
He forced her until she was submissive.
١٢. وَظَلَّ بِأَحزانِ الأَجيدِ يَذودُها
وَقَد لَبِسا يَوماً مِنَ الصَيفِ صَيهَبا
13. Like the leader of a mixed band whose perverseness
Increased her reluctance until she was angry.
١٣. إِذا ما أَرادَت وُجهَةً لا يُريدُها
أَضَرَّ بِها حَتّى تَلينَ وَتَلغُبا
14. Suns, when he visited them, spread out for him
The train of their robes while he smiled and she almost loved him.
١٤. كَزوجِ الجُموعِ ناشَطَتهُ فَزادَهُ الشْ
شِقاقُ عَلَيها بُعدَةً وَتَغَضُّبا
15. Unaware, he lagged behind while she sped ahead,
And when he saw her determination, he reproached her.
١٥. شَموسٌ إِذا مازارَها أَجَمَت لَهُ
سَنابِكَ رِجلَيها فَصَدَّ وَحَبَّبا
16. A she-camel aroused when walking, confusing tracks
When he drew near, stretching the earth behind her.
١٦. وَلَم يَدرِ حَتّى أَدبَرَت وَهوَ راتِعٌ
فَلَمّا رَآها جاهَدَتهُ وَأَهذَبا
17. At nightfall we brought her to soft dunes, a haunt
Of wild cows, and left her alone.
١٧. مُذكِيَةٌ تَنباعُ قدماً إِذا جَرَت
وَتَخلُطُ تَقريباً إِذا هُوَ قَرَّبا
18. You'd think the night-lamp in it a lighthouse
That shines when darkness falls in the west.
١٨. إِذا قَطَعَت داوِيَّةَ بَسَطَت لَهُ
مِنَ الأَرضِ شأَواً بَعدَ ذَلِكَ مُغرَبا
19. We met a starved dog who, famished,
Had grown thin until he was just skin and bones.
١٩. فَأَورَدَها لَمّا اِنجَلى اللَيلُ أَودَنا
فِضىً كُنَّ لِلجَونِ الخَواتِمِ مَشرَبا
20. Hunting for young that were his get
He found since they were conceived only riffraff.
٢٠. تَرى لِسِراجِ اللَيلِ فيهِ مَنارَةً
تَخايَلُ وَضّاحاً إِذا لاحَ مَغرِبا
21. We held back until she waded in
And started to kneel, leaning on one foreleg.
٢١. فَصادَفنَ مَشبوحَ الأَشاجِعِ قَد طَوى
مِنَ الجوعِ حَتّى عادَ شُرباً مُحَنَّبا
22. Against his bow of knotted cords which seemed
To answer when drawn - but it hit nothing.
٢٢. يَصيدُ لِأَولادٍ لَهُ قَلَّ ما غَدا
مُذ اِجتَمَعوا إِلّا صَعاليكَ سُغَّبا
23. He followed her with eyes whose lids
Were darkened by her dusty trail.
٢٣. فَأَمهَلَها حَتّى إِذا ما تَغَمَّرَت
وَقارَبَتنا لَدى اِكلَأَنَّ وَرَكَّبا
24. My heart quivered with longing
To tear apart the timid soul and make it quake.
٢٤. وَقامَ بِإِحدى رُكبَتَيهِ وَلَم يَقُم
بِرُكبَتِهِ الأُخرى عَلى الشقِّ أَنكَبا
25. Her white legs I thought were cast idols
When the cover of fog was lifted from them.
٢٥. وَمالَ عَلى كَبداءَ ذاتِ أَسِرَّةٍ
نَزيعَةِ نَبعٍ تُرسِلُ السَهمَ مُتعَبا
26. I saw their ornaments on the cheeks of a fawn
Delighting the eye and heart.
٢٦. إِذا الوَتَرُ المَحبوكُ حَنَّ حَسِبتَهُ
يُجاوِبُهُ مِن عودِها ما تَغَيَّبا
27. She said, Your aloofness is a rebuke.
Have you decided to shun me and keep apart?
٢٧. فَلَمّا رَمى لَم يُغنِ شَيئاً وَلا تَرى
كَحَيِّصِهِ مِن سَهمِهِ حينَ أَنضَبا
28. I said, No, but a certain man has beguiled me,
One who considers praise unearned gain.
٢٨. وَأَتبَعَها عَينَينِ قَد كَحَلَتهُما
سَنابِكُها ثَوراً مِنَ القاعِ أَصهَبا
29. He sees wealth does not last for its defender
And wealth is only to be gotten and lost.
٢٩. أَخُطوَةُ شَوقٍ في الفُؤادِ تَغَمَّرَت
لِتَنكَأَ قَلباً مُستَهاماً فَيَطرَبا
30. His father the Commander of the Faithful, his mother
A Kindeh, the best of the tribe of Hajr ibn Amr.
٣٠. مِنَ الخَفِراتِ البيضِ يَحسِبُ لَونَها
إِذا طارَ عَنها مِدرَعُ الشَفِّ مَذهَبا
31. He was raised by Abu 'l-Aswad and Amr who came together
So honor one as uncle, the other as father.
٣١. تَرى الحُليَ مِنها في عَوارِضِ حُرَّةٍ
وَأَورَقَ لِلعَينَينِ وَالنَفسِ مُعجَبا
32. Two nobles from different clans who vied
To raise a precious scion and so engendered him.
٣٢. تَقولُ وَإِعلانُ العِتابِ مَلامَةٌ
أَأَجمَعتَ هِجراناً لَنا وَتَجَنُّبا
33. I give him unequaled praise that will not
Be matched by another though he live in the west.
٣٣. فَقُلتُ لَها لا بَل تَأَلَّفَني اِمرُؤٌ
وَوَرِيُّ الزِنادِ يَحسِبُ الحَمدَ مَنهَبا
34. Rhymes that, were they made of brashness, would not sell
And would meet with success only if perfectly wrought.
٣٤. يَرى المالَ لا يَبقى لِمَن كانَ مانِعاً
وَما المالُ إِلّا مُستَعادٌ لِيَذهَبا
35. The praise of a man who, if he wins merit, will repay it,
Not brooding over what escaped him.
٣٥. أَبوهُ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ وَأُمُّهُ
بِحَجَرِ بنِ عَمرُو خَيرُ كِندَةَ مَنصبا
٣٦. نَماهُ أَبو العاصي وَعَمرُو تَلاقَيا
فَأَكرِم بِذا خالاً وَأَكرِم بِذا أَبا
٣٧. نَجيبَينِ مِن شَعبَينِ شَتى تَنازَعا
لِصِرّهِما فَرعاً كَريماً فَأَنجَبا
٣٨. أُحَبِّرُ قَولاً لَن يُحَبَّرَ مِثلُهُ
لَهُ صاحِبُ غَيري وَلَو كانَ مَغرِبا
٣٩. قَوافي لَو كانَت مِنَ البَزِّ لَم تُبَع
وَلَم تَكسُ إِلّا ذا تَمامٍ مُجَرَّبا
٤٠. ثَناءِ اِمرِئٍ إِن نالَ خَيراً جَزى بِهِ
وَلَيسَ عَلى ما فاتَهُ مُتَحَوِّبا