
The tribe found the separation unbearable so they escaped

إن الخليط أجدوا البين فانقذفوا

1. The tribe found the separation unbearable so they escaped
And preoccupied you with a yearning no matter how they evaded

١. إِنَّ الخَليطَ أَجدّوا البَينَ فَاِنقَذَفوا
وَأَمتَعوكَ بِشَوقٍ أَيَّةً صَرَفوا

2. They did not stop quarreling amongst themselves
When intentions went astray, the first of them differed

٢. ما أَقلَعوا يَضرِبونَ الأَمرَ بَينَهُم
إِذا النَوى فَوَّتَت أَولاهُم اِختَلَفوا

3. Until they found what we suspected them of
And they eased the need, the heart they were infatuated with

٣. حَتّى اِهتَدَوا لِلَّتي كُنّا نَظُنُّ بِهِم
وَأَنسَلوا الحاجَةَ القَلبَ الَّذي شَعَفوا

4. And they walked away, the barren land hurling them
Abruptly, without resistance or sympathy

٤. وَأَدبَروا تَرتَمي الأَرضَ الفَلاةُ بِهِم
لبتة ثُمَّ ما عاجوا وَلا عَطَفوا

5. And the family shunned the beloved so the hardy desires united
With those of determination and they allied

٥. وَأَعرَضَ الآلُ دونَ الحَيّ فَاِنتَصَبَت
قُوى النَوى بِذَوي الأَضغانِ فَأَتَلَفوا

6. And bottled up resentment unleashed itself upon them
And forbidden desires prevented them which they had disobeyed

٦. وَشَمَّرَت بِهِم بُزَلٌ مُحَبَّسَةٌ
وَحالَ دونَهُمُ الرَبوُ الَّذي عَسَفوا

7. So the murdered victim whom they had betrayed returned
Without compensation or oaths binding them

٧. باءَ القَتيلُ الَّذي اِختانوهُ غائِلَةً
ما كُلِّفوا دِيَّةً فيهِ وَما حَلَفوا

8. They split his heart then excessive in lamentation
Repulsed by tears that would not cease

٨. تَقَسَّموا قَلبَهُ ثُمَّ اِغتَدوا زُجَلاً
وَاِستَكرَهوهُ بِدَمعٍ لَم يَكُن يَكف

9. As if their betrayal of the family when they parted
If the desert or elevated land secluded them

٩. كَأَنَّ ظَعنَهُمُ في الآلِ حينَ نَأَوا
إِذا اِستَقَلَّت بِهِم بَيداءُ أَو شَرَفُ

10. Were palm trees spending the night embracing birds safely
Where ease and branches emerge from it

١٠. نَخلٌ تَبيتُ عَناقَ الطَير أَمِنَةً
بِحَيثُ يَنبُثُ مِنهُ اليُسرُ وَالسَعَفُ

11. Lofty in number, adorned in variety
With sewn edges and seating atop of which are chambers

١١. عالَينَ رَقماً مِنَ الأَصنافِ زَيَّنَهُ
قَعائِدٌ وَجُلوسٌ فَوقَها غُرَفُ

12. Until when the caravan had traversed the highland
The mountains' heights were traversed by the elevated caravan

١٢. حَتّى إِذا ما قَصَينَ الجملَةَ اِندَفَعَت
شُمُّ الجِبالِ بِهِنَّ الجِملَةُ الشَرَفُ

13. Of each human, every moist twig in its hollows
Without a drop of sweat betraying its burden

١٣. مِن كُلِّ آدَمِ عودٍ في لَهازِمِهِ
مِن غَيرِ ضَربَةِ عِرقٍ خانَهُ كَلَفُ

14. When they marched slowly, the hands and curtains slowed them
Over its contours the procession and the train

١٤. إِذا حُدينَ نَما قُدماً فَمَهَّلَهُ
عَلى نَواعِبِهِنَّ الأَيدُ وَالرَسَفُ

15. In the tents, imagined beauties pictured
Created more beautifully than one describing can portray

١٥. وَفي الخُدورِ دُمىً حورٌ مُصَوَّرَةٌ
خُلِقنَ أَحسَنَ مِمّا قالَ مَن يَصِفُ

16. They had not experienced any life of happiness in the world
For life is but a loaned enjoyment

١٦. لا قَينَ عَيشاً مِنَ الدُنيا سُعِدنَ بِهِ
وَما المَعيشَةُ إِلّا مُتعَةٌ سَلَفُ

17. When a story was mentioned, they told the best of it
And they are far from any evil to be avoided, shielded

١٧. إِذا ذَكَرنَ حَديثاً قُلنَ أَحسَنَهُ
وَهُنَّ عَن كُلِّ سوءٍ يُتَّقى صُدُفُ

18. To the heart they were a worry so it is confused
Pouring with love for them, even if they tortured it harshly

١٨. قَد كُنَّ لِلقَلبِ هَمّاً فُهوَ مُختَبِلٌ
صَبٌّ بِهِنَّ وَلَو عَذَّبنَهُ كَلِفُ

19. Of every radiant one whose flaws her livelihood did not reveal
Neither relief nor suffering from life

١٩. مَن كُلِّ بَيضاءَ لَم يَسفَع عَوارِضَها
مِنَ المَعيشَةِ تَبريحٌ وَلا أَزَفُ

20. While the fortunate ones spent the night indulged
Neglected, their meager existence did not provide subsistence

٢٠. وَفي الفَريقِ الأُلى باتوا مُنَعَّمَةٌ
هَيفاءُ لَم يَغذُها مِن عَيشِها شَظَفُ

21. Like an ostrich egg in the sand for it there remains
Besides the dew, only the edges of its shell's folds

٢١. كَبَيضَةِ الهَيقِ في الأَدحي باتَ لَها
دونَ النَدى مِن خَوافي دَفِّهِ عُطُفُ

22. When the night grows dark and its battles subside
Its flesh craves her love, famished

٢٢. إِذا دَجا اللَيلُ وَلاها مَقاتِلَهُ
فَقَد بَرى لَحمُهُ مِن حُبِّها العَجَفُ

23. Tossing in the darkness which continued to strike it
Drawing from it screams, and from it lashes, dripping

٢٣. مُجرَنثِماً لِغَماءٍ باتَ يَضرِبُهُ
مِنهُ الرَضابُ وَمِنهُ المَسبِلُ الهَطِفُ

24. Or a grouse from the slopes of the Unaza goading it
The clouds sparing it briefly before being shredded

٢٤. أَو حَرجَفٌ مِن طِلالِ المُزنِ يَحفُزُها
عَنهُ الغُيومُ قَليلاً ثُمَّ تَنعَشِفُ

25. A flea-bitten one it shakes until it accompanies her
From her twitching, the flinching ground's friction

٢٥. غَبراءَ تَنقُضُهُ حَتّى يُصاحِبَها
مِن زَفِّهِ قَلِقُ الأَرصافِ مُنتَتِفُ

26. And it edged away from her to the extent of its hobbling
Mocking her with its cooing and deviant strutting

٢٦. وَباتَ يَعدِلُ عَنها حَدَّ جُؤجُؤِهِ
مُعيرُها دَفَّهُ وَالزَورُ مُنحَرِفُ

27. As it stays close to its hen besides the millet
With its neck and hands the foolish aged one

٢٧. كَما يُلازِمُ دونَ الحنبَلِ اِبنَتَهُ
بِنَحرِهِ وَيَدَيهِ الأَشمَطُ الخَرِفُ

28. I gifted her from daughters who were his before
And from sons but loss took them all

٢٨. أُثيبُها مِن بَناتٍ كُنَّ قَبلُ لَهُ
وَمِن بَنينَ فَكُلّاً أَذهَبَ التَلَفُ

29. Until when the days had completed their turn
And worries kindled in its temples and sorrow

٢٩. حَتّى إِذا نَفَضَ الأَيّامُ مِرَّتَهُ
وَاِستَوقَدَ الهَمُّ في صُدغَيهِ وَالأَسَفُ

30. She was separated from him after being tossed
With a toss of assumption, deluded and cleaved in half

٣٠. تَنَصَّلَتها لَهُ مِن بَعدِ ما قُذِفَت
بِالعُقرِ قَذفَةَ ظَنٍّ سَلفَعٌ نَصَفُ

31. So she reached a piece of his heart that remained
He still fears over it, desiccated

٣١. فَأَدرَكَت شُعبَةً مِن قَلبِهِ بَقِيَت
فَلا يَزالُ عَلَيها خائِفاً يَجِفُ