1. Your passion was not stirred by swarthy maidens,
Nor by abodes where hearts were enraptured by them.
١. ما هاجَ شَوقَكَ مِن مَغاني دمنَةٍ
وَمَنازل شَغَفَ الفُؤادَ بَلاها
2. A house for the blonde who never ceases
Speaking of it, nor forgets it ever.
٢. دارٌ لِصَفراءَ الَّتي لا تَنتَهي
عَن ذِكرِها أَبَداً وَلا تَنساها
3. The smooth-necked one, embraced and enfolded,
Docile as a tamed she-camel in one's arms.
٣. جَيداءُ يَطويها الضَجيعُ فَتَنطَوي
طَيَّ الحَمالَةِ لَيِّنٌ مَتناها
4. Your sister shot at the tribe of Lu'ayy, when she aimed,
Your arrow struck its mark whenever you shot it.
٤. صادَتكَ أُختُ بَني لُؤَيٍّ إِذ رَمَت
وَأَصابَ سَهمُكُ إِذا رَمَيتَ سِواها
5. She reserved her affection for you alone,
While others' love for her was as naught.
٥. وَأَعارَها الحَدَثان مِنكَ مَوَدَّةً
وَأُعيرَ غَيرُكَ وُدُّها وَهَواها
6. I knew that darkness when I was heavily in debt,
And she came gently to meet me at night.
٦. تِلكَ الظَلامَةُ قَد عَلِمتُ فَلَيتَها
إِذ كُنتُ مَكتَبِلاً تَلِمُّ نَواها
7. A fair one who steals the minds of men,
Huge of buttocks and slight of hips.
٧. بَيضاءُ تَستَلِبُ الرِجالَ عُقولَهُم
عَظُمَت رَوادِفُها وَدَقَّ حَشاها
8. She was as pleasing to taste as ginger,
Grey-eyed, and enchanting when she smiled.
٨. وَكَأَنَّ طَعمَ الزَنجَبيلِ وَلَذَّةً
صَهباءَ ساكَ بِها المُسَحِّرُ فاها
9. Oh passion, what ailed you when at daybreak
Their pack-saddles were visible to me?
٩. يا شَوقُ ما بِكَ يَومَ بانَ حُدوجُهُم
مِن ذي المُوَيقِعِ غُدوَةً فَرَآها
10. They were like palm-trees crumpling in the valley,
Amidst their discarded refuse and droppings.
١٠. وَكَأَنَّ نَخلاً في مُطيَةٍ ثاوِياً
بِالكَمعِ بَينَ قَرارِها وَحَجاها
11. When the camels were surly with their driver
They made the last to start hurry to overtake them.
١١. وَعَلى الجِمالِ إِذا وَنَينَ لِسائِقٍ
أَنزَلنَ آخَرَ رائِحاً فَحَداها
12. Among the trudging and weary ones, another
Stumbling when the stick was lifted against him.
١٢. مِن بَينِ مُختَضِعٍ وَآخَرَ مَشيُهُ
رَقِلٌ إِذا رُفِعَت عَلَيهِ عَصاها
13. Among the young ones, lively and playful,
Luxuriant pastures had nourished their youth.
١٣. مِن بَينِ بَكرٍ كَالمَهاةِ وَكاعِبِ
شَفَعَ النَعيمُ شَبابَها فَغَذاها
14. Not the crowd of rabble, nor the son of a slave-girl
Whose shamelessness lays waste his neighbour's honour.
١٤. لا مُكثِرٌ غُسٌّ وَلا اِبنُ وَليدَةٍ
بادي المروَةِ يَستَبيحُ حَماها
15. They climbed up Uthaydah Valley after
Maltreating the young she-camel and splitting her hooves.
١٥. وَلا جَعَلنَ مَحمَلَ ذي السِلاحِ مَجَنَّهُ
رَعنَ اليَتيمَةِ وَاِفتَرَشنَ لِواها
16. A village where pregnancy swelled the udders
And whose roofs could be seen amidst the waste.
١٦. أَصعَدنَ في وادي أُثيدَةٍ بَعدَما
عَسَفَ الخَميلَةَ وَاِحزَأَلَّ صَواها
17. Your people from Dhatu Qatad pitched camp there,
Where are they in relation to your dwellings?
١٧. قُرَيَّةٌ حَبَلَ المُقيظُ وَأَهلُها
بِحَشا مَآبٍ تُرى قُصورُ فَراها
18. Whenever her image lingered in the heart,
Tears would flow abundantly from the eyes.
١٨. وَاِحتَلَّ أَهلُكَ ذا القتودِ وَغُرَّباً
فَالصَحصَحانَ فَأَينَ مِنكَ نَواها
19. Will you not forget her for one with flowing hair,
Proud, when her litter is seen openly?
١٩. فَإِذا تَحَيَّرَ في الفُؤادِ خَيالُها
شَرِقَ الشُؤونُ بِعَبرَةٍ فَبَكاها
20. She crosses the stony ground when the desert is aflame,
Plaiting the fringes of the litter's canopy.
٢٠. أَفَلا تَنساها بِذاتِ بَرايَةٍ
عَنسٍ تَجُلُّ إِذا السَفارَ بَراها
21. Wearing slippers for fear of the Jinn,
When the flies swarm noisily around her tent,
٢١. تَطوي الإِكامَ إِذا الفَلاةُ تَوَقَّدَت
طَيَّ الخَنيفِ بِوَشكِ رَجعِ خُطاها
22. Her trousers gathered together at the joints, above them
Strangely deaf, closing off the place for her ritual prayer,
٢٢. وَتَشولُ خَشيَةَ ذي اليَمينِ بِمُسبَلٍ
وَحفٍ إِذا ضَخِبَ الذُبابُ حَماها
23. Her back was thumped when mounting, as if her seat
Were steps Solomon - Allah's prophet - built.
٢٣. مُتَذَيِّلٍ لَدنِ المَفاصِلِ فَوقَهُ
عَجَبٌ أَصَمُّ يَسُدُّ خَورَ صَلاها
24. Her legs lead the succession of her limbs
In single file, her hoofs crushing the pebbles beneath them.
٢٤. نُخِسَت بِهِ عَجزٌ كَأَنَّ مَحالَها
دَرَجٌ سُلَيمانُ النَبِيُّ بَناها
25. She cast her fetus down on the road
In an arid, barren plain, stripped bare.
٢٥. بُنيَت عَلى كَرشٍ كَأَنَّ حُرودَها
مُقَطٌ مُطَوّاةٌ أُمِرَّ قُواها
26. Thus she spent the night swelling with pregnancy
Curled up in the encampment, wrapped in her garment.
٢٦. في مُجفَرٍ حابي الضُلوعِ كَأَنَّهُ
بِشرٌ يُجيبُ الناطقينَ رَجاها
27. Her resting place is scarce blessed,
Along with those born to her there.
٢٧. وَيَقودُ ناهِضُها مَجامِعَ صُلبِها
نَعباً وَتَبتَدِرُ النَجاءَ يَداها
28. Jet black twins, remainder of her brood,
She flung them vilely down to the ground.
٢٨. وَتَسوقُ رِجلاها تَوالي خَلقِها
طَرداً وَتَلتَطِسُ الحَصى بِعجاها
29. Until the drowsiness left him,
And he had satisfied a need,
٢٩. أَلقَت عَلى مَتنِ الطَريقِ جَنينَها
بَتَنوفَةٍ قَفرٍ يُعارُ قَطاها
30. He bent his head to wrap a turban,
Unworn when he slept, around it.
٣٠. فَغَدَت وَأَصبَحَ في المَعرَسِ ثاوِياً
كَالجِروِ مُلتَفِعاً عَلَيهِ سَلاها
31. Then he hastened to the tethering rope of his mount,
Like a young camel which strains against its nose-rein.
٣١. وَلَها مُناخٌ قَلَّ ما بَرَكَت بِهِ
وَمُصَمَّعاتٌ مِن بَناتٍ مِعاها
32. The plump waterskin rivaled him - as if it were
A goat whose udder the wild beasts had eaten away.
٣٢. سودٌ تَوائِمٌ مِن بَقِيَّةِ حَشوِها
قَذَفَت بَهِنَّ الأَرضَ غِبَّ سُراها
33. Until it despaired, and he squeezed its teat dry,
And it saw the remains of its milk gone.
٣٣. حَتّى إِذا اِنقَشَعَت ضَبابَةُ نَومِهِ
عَنهُ وَكانَت حاجَةً فَقَضاها
34. It wriggled free, and a grey horse of excellent stock met it,
Neighing loud, and it shied away from it.
٣٤. أَهوى يُعَصِّبُ رَأَسَهُ بِعَمامَةٍ
دَسماءَ لَم يَكُ حينَ نامَ طَواها
35. They raise the dust, covering each other white with it,
Weaving it anew as they race onward.
٣٥. ثُمَّ اِتلَأَبَّ إِلى زِمامِ مُناخَةٍ
كَبَداءَ شُدَّ بِنَسعَتَيهِ حَشاها
36. It billows up when they pass over high ground,
And subsides when they course over low ground.
٣٦. وَغَدَت تُنازِعُهُ الجَديلُ كَأَنَّها
بَيدانَةٌ أَكَلَ السِباعُ طَلاها
37. The grey urged and raced up abreast of it,
Butting its shoulder, then wheeled around and left it.
٣٧. حَتّى إِذا يَئِسَت وَأَسحَقَ ضَرعُها
وَرَأَت بِقِيَّةَ شَلوِهِ فَشَجاها
38. On a morning where drizzling rain striped the hide of the valley,
Dotting it with the remnants of its moisture.
٣٨. قَلِقَت وَعارَضَها حِصانُ نَحائِصٍ
صَحِلُ الصَهيلِ وَأَدبَرَت وَتَلاها
39. They travelled until the sun was high and hot,
And the time of day for drink was past.
٣٩. يَتَعاوَرانِ مِنَ الغُبارِ مُلاءَةً
بَيضاءَ مُجدَثَةً هُما نَسَجاها
40. Their hearts thought of the valley's pools in the dusk,
That would clear away the day's fatigue and anguish.
٤٠. تُطوى إِذا عَلَوا مَكاناً جاسِياً
وَإِذا السَنابِكُ أَسهَلَت نَشَراها
41. So he importuned her, and she resolved to yield to him,
Raising her tail's twin pendants, then pressing them close.
٤١. فَأَلَحَّ وَاِعتَزَمَت عَلَيهِ بِشَأوِها
شَرَفَينِ ثُمَّتَ رَدَّها فَثَناها
42. To a stallion whose spittle was thick with froth
To be swallowed by the sands where it fell.
٤٢. لِسَرارَةٍ حَفَشَ الرَبيقُ غُثاءَها
حَوّاءَ يَزدَرِعُ الغُمَيرَ ثَراها
43. They mingled by night, and when dawn broke
Were like two armies because of their loud cries.
٤٣. فَتَصَيَّفاها يُصبِحانِ كِلاهُما
لِثَقُ الجَحافِلِ مِن وَكيفِ نَداها
44. Until the sun was bright and the noon heat intense,
And the time for drinking was gone.
٤٤. حَتّى اِصطَلى وَهَجَ المَقيطِ وَخانَهُ
أَبقى مَشارِبَهُ وَشابَ عَثاها
45. Thirst tortured them, and he remembered
The waters he had frequented and loved before.
٤٥. وَثَوى القَتامُ عَلى الصُوى وَتَذَكَّرا
ماءَ المَناظِرِ قُلبَها وَأَضاها
46. He called to her passionately, and a bay mare appeared,
With gashes on her flanks where she had been beaten.
٤٦. فَأَرَنَّ يَأَرِنُها عَرَضَت لَهُ
بَيداءُ ذاتُ مَخارِمٍ عَسَفاها
47. So they drank their fill at a spring of turbid water
That frogs made muddy around its overflow.
٤٧. حَتّى تَأَوَّبَ ماءَ عَينٍ زَعرَبٍ
تَنقي الضَفادِعَ في نَقيعِ صَراها
48. Then fully watered they went on their way,
Happy that they had not missed that stop.
٤٨. فَتَزَوَّدا نَفَسَينِ ثُمَّ تَوَلَيّا
فَرِحَينِ غِبَّ الرَي أَن يَذَراها