1. He recognized the abode imagining it, so he accustomed himself to it
After time had encompassed its countries with destruction
١. عَرَفَ الدِيارَ تَوَهُّماً فَاِعتادَها
مِن بَعدِ ما شَمِلَ البِلى أَبلادَها
2. Except for its firm mountains, all of which the red flames
Kindled by its people had scorched
٢. إِلّا رَواسِيَ كُلُّهُنَّ قَد اِصطَلى
حَمراءَ أَشعَلَ أَهلُها إيقادَها
3. Its cooking pots were places for lunch meat, but they were stripped
Of it, and time had seized their ashes
٣. كانَت رَواحِلَ لِلقُدورِ فَعُرِّيَت
مِنهُنَّ وَاِستَلَبَ الزَمانُ رَمادَها
4. With the chamber of the houri whose Western one
Lost the features of its courtyard and its pillows
٤. بِشُبَيكَةِ الحَوَرِ الَّتي غَربِيُّها
فَقَدَت رَسومُ حِياضِهِ وَرّادَها
5. Everything was disguised after we left
And the land recognizes its barrenness and its inanimateness
٥. وَتَنَكَّرَت كُلَّ التَنَكُّرِ بَعدَنا
وَالأَرضُ تَعرِفُ تَلعَها وَجَمادَها
6. By the evident-browed, white-complexioned gazelle
Who had pegged its tents with it
٦. وَلَرُبَّ واضِحَةِ الجَبينِ خَريدَةٍ
بَيضاءَ قَد ضَرَبَت بِها أَوتادَها
7. Which with its captivating coquetry entraps
An onlooker, and then intentionally does not trap him
٧. تَصطادُ بِهجَتُها المُعَلَّلَ بِالصِبا
عَرَضاً فَتُقصِدُهُ وَلَن يَصطادَها
8. Like an unbroken filly grazing
On the wastelands and bushes of its land
٨. كَالظَبيَةِ البِكرِ الفَريدَةِ تَرتَعي
مِن أَرضِها قَفَراتِها وِعِهادَها
9. The knots of lightning adorned its forehead
From its rubbing against its salty bushes and thickets
٩. خَضَبَت لَها عُقَدُ البِراقِ جَبينَها
مِن عَركِها عَلَجانَها وَعَرادَها
10. Like the beauty in the face of a bride who displayed herself
Without shyness, so she did not conceal her intention
١٠. كَالزينِ في وَجهِ العَروسِ تَبَذَّلَت
بَعدَ الحَياءِ فَلا عَبَت أَرآدَها
11. It warbles the most melodious song, as if the eye of its chanting
Is a pen that drew from the inkwell its ink
١١. تَزجي أَغَنَّ كَأَنَّ إِبرَةَ رَوقِهِ
قَلَمٌ أَصابَ مِنَ الدَواةِ مَدادَها
12. It mounted a bewildered, elevated place,
A wasteland which its wild beasts scare its cubs
١٢. رَكِبَت بِهِ مِن عالِجٍ مُتَحَيِّراً
قَفراً تُرَيّبُ وَحشُهُ أَولادَها
13. With the getting ready to strike of lightning that ripped
Through the thickness of clouds, dragging its bags
١٣. بِمَجَرِّ مُرتَجِزِ الرَواعِدِ بَعَّجَت
غُرُّ السَحابِ بِهِ الثِقالُ مَزادَها
14. Thus you see its torrents that water the land
And the showers that ripen its vegetation and make it flourish
١٤. فَتَرى مَحانيهِ الَّتي تَسِقُ الثَرى
وَالهُبرَ يونِقُ نَبتُها رُوّادَها
15. Good times departed and missed their appointment
And distanced themselves from us to deny us their provision
١٥. بانَت سُعادُ وَأَخلَفَت ميعادَها
وَتَباعَدَت مِنّا لِتَمنَعَ زادَها
16. When isolation does not unite me with my bosom friend
And distance comes between me and her settlement
١٦. إِنّي إِذا ما لَم تَصلِني خُلَّتي
وَتَباعَدَت عَنّي اِغتَفَرتُ بِعادَها
17. Either I see white hair spreading through my black hair
Until brightness peers through its darkness
١٧. وَإِذا القَرينَةُ لَم تَزَل في نَجدَةٍ
مِن ضَغنِها سَئِمَ القَرينُ قِيادَها
18. The hand of the maiden was once my pillow
Making my right hand a pillow under her head
١٨. إِمّا تَرَي شَيباً تَفَشَّغُ لِمَّتي
حَتّى عَلى وَضَحٌ يَلوحُ سَوادَها
19. And the companions of the heavily armed army saw me
As the bravest horseman among its cavalry and infantry
١٩. فَلَقَد تَبيتُ يَدُ الفَتاةِ وِسادَةً
لي جاعِلاً يُسرى يَدَيَّ وِسادَها
20. And a poem whose verses I collected completely
Until I corrected its leaning and its support
٢٠. وَأَصحابُ الجَيشِ العَرَمرَم فارِساً
في الخَيلِ أَشهَدُ كَرَّها وَطِرادَها
21. The thoughts of the cultivated man in his meditations
Until his education straightens its minarets
٢١. وَقَصيدَةٍ قَد بِتُّ أَجمَعُ بَينَها
حَتّى أُقَوِّمَ مَيلَها وَسِنادَها
22. And indeed I attained the joy of livelihood
And encountered the harshness of hardships and their severity
٢٢. نَظَرَ المُثَقِّفِ في كُقوبِ قَناتِهِ
حَتّى يُقيمَ ثِقافُهُ مُنآدَها
23. So I concealed the flaw of my life with nobility
And attained success at the peak of luxury and its firmness
٢٣. وَلَقَد أَصَبتُ مِنَ المَعيشَةِ لَذَّةً
وَلَقيتُ مِن شَظَفِ الخُطوبِ شِدادَها
24. And I remained such that I do not ask a scholar
About one science in order to increase it
٢٤. فَسَتَرتُ عَيبَ مَعيشَتي بِتَكَرُّمٍ
وَأَتَيتُ في سَعَةِ النَعيمِ سَدادَها
25. May God pray upon a man whom I bid farewell
And complete His blessings upon him and augment them
٢٥. وَبَقيتُ حَتّى ما أُسائَلُ عالِماً
عَن عِلم واحِدَةٍ لِكَي أَزدادَها
26. When the springs continued one after another
Watering the cheeks of the barren lands, so it poured forth generously
٢٦. صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلى اِمرِئٍ وَدَّعتُهُ
وَأَتَمَّ نِعمَتَهُ عَلَيهِ وَزادَها
27. Al-Walid came down upon it, so for its people he was
A rain that brought relief to its companion and its countries
٢٧. وَإِذا الرَبيعُ تَتابَعَت أَنواؤُهُ
فَسَقى خُناصِرَةَ الأَحَصِّ فَجادَها
28. Does it not please you that the entire wilderness
Cast its reins to him, so he led it?
٢٨. نَزَلَ الوَليدُ بِها فَكانَ لِأَهلِها
غَيثاً أَغاثَ أَنيسَها وَبِلادَها
29. And indeed God wanted, when He made him its guardian,
The reform of a nation and its guidance
٢٩. أَوَلا تَسري أَنَّ البَرِيَّةَ كُلَّها
أَلقَت خَزائِمَها إِلَيهِ فَقادَها
30. And you populated the land of the Muslims, so it came to life
And you eliminated from it those who want its corruption
٣٠. وَلَقَد أَرادَ اللَهُ إِذ وَلاكَها
مِن أَمَّةٍ إِصلاحَها وَرَشادَها
31. And you attained in the land of the enemy a blow
That reached the furthest parts of its expanse and its palms
٣١. وَعَمَّرتَ أَرضَ المُسلمينَ فَأَقبَلَت
وَنُفيتَ عَنها مَن يُريدُ فَسادَها
32. A victory and triumph the like of which
None of the allies had ever intended or wanted
٣٢. وَأَصَبتَ في أَرضِ العَدُوِّ مُصيبَةً
بَلَغَت أَقاصي غورِها وِنِجادَها
33. And if you unfold praise for him you will find him
Gathering virtues, its edges, and its extensions
٣٣. نَصراً وَظَفراً ما تَناوَلَ مِثلَهُ
أَحَدٌ مِنَ الحُلَفاءِ كانَ أَرادَها
34. Al-Walid surpassed the honorable in generosity
And it sufficed Quraysh what afflicts its pillow
٣٤. وَإِذا نَشَرتَ لَهُ الثَناءَ وَجَدتَهُ
جَمَعَ المَكارِمَ طُرفَها وَتِلادَها
35. The trophies of power come to him forcibly
And by compulsion, and he gathers for wars its equipment
٣٥. غَلَبَ المَساميحَ الوَليدُ سَماحَةً
وَكَفى قُرَيشاً ما يَنوبُ وَسادَها
36. And when he saw the fire of destruction raging
He rallied those people at its height and peak
٣٦. تَأَتيهِ أَسلابُ الأَعِزَّةِ عَنوَةً
قَسراً وَيَجمَعُ لِلحُروبِ عَتادَها
37. With heavily armed soldiers subduing the highlands, men of distinction
Bearing the noonday heat like the hot wind carrying its bundles
٣٧. وَإِذا رَأى نارَ العَدُمِّ تَضَرَّمَت
سامي جَماعَةَ أَهلِها فَاِكتادَها
38. They extinguished the fires of the enemy and ignited
A fire sparked by your palms striking its flints
٣٨. بِعَرَمرَمٍ يَئِدُ الرَوابي ذي وَغيٍ
كَالحَرَّةِ اِحتَمَلَ الضُحى أَطوادَها
39. So its insight became clear to those who follow guidance
While the intense heat of its evil smoldered its enviers
٣٩. أَطفَأَت نيرانَ العَدُوِّ وَأوقِدَت
نارٌ قَدَحتَ بِراحَتَيكَ زِنادَها
40. And when a fated day comes with a blast
The next day presents the like of it, so it repeats it
٤٠. فَبَدَت بَصيرَتُها لِمَن تَبَعَ الهُدى
وَأَصابَ حَرُّ شَرارِها حُسّدَها
41. And when horses raced to overtake a goal
The one approaching and coming leads its steeds
٤١. وَإِذا غَدا يَوماً بِنَفخَةِ نائِلٍ
عَرَضَت لَهُ الغَدَ مِثلُها فَأَعادَها
٤٢. وَإِذا جَرَت خَيلٌ تُبادِرُ غايَةً
فَالسابِقُ الجائي يَقودُ جِيادَها