
I rode my camel at dawn or by her forelegs

غشيت بعفرى أو برجلتها ربعا

1. I rode my camel at dawn or by her forelegs
Through ashes and rocks where she stumbled over debris

١. غشيتُ بِعُفرى أَو بِرَجلَتِها رَبعا
رَماداً وَأَحجاراً بَقينَ بِها سَفعا

2. I did not stop spurring her until mid-day
When my eyes had both streamed with tears

٢. فَما رُمتُها حَتّى غَدا اليَومُ نِصفَهُ
وَحَتّى اِمتَرَت عَينايَ كِلتاهُما دَمعا

3. I conceal sorrows, if some of them could seep
Into a solid rock, they would split it open

٣. أُسِرُّ هُموماً لَو تَغَلغَلَ بَعضُها
إِلى حَجَرٍ صَلدٍ تَرَكنَ بِهِ صَدعا

4. I am hopeful as if I had drunk a potion
With nine measures that settled in its brew

٤. أُميدُ كَأَنّي شارِبٌ لَعِبَت بِهِ
عُقارٌ ثَوَت في دَنِّها حِجَجاً تِسعا

5. A strong mead that wounds those who seek respite in it
When they want to enjoy themselves thereby intoxicated

٥. مَقَدِّيَّةٌ صَهباءُ تَثخَنُ شُربَها
إِذا ما أَرادوا أَن يُراحوا بِها صَرعى

6. The extract of a vine not recently planted
In the valley of Hudayjaa nor recently pruned

٦. عُصارَةُ كَرمٍ مِن حُدَيجاءَ لَم تَكُن
مِنابِتُها مُستَحدَثاتٍ وَلا قَرعا

7. Leave this and tell me, can you see a flashing light
And a glitter you spot from afar shining

٧. فَدَع ذا وَلَكِن هَل تَرى ضوءَ بارِقٍ
وَميضاً تَرى مِنهُ عَلى بُعدِهِ لَمعا

8. Rising amid the constellation Lepus quenching
When it thunders, did you perceive among its vibrations pairs

٨. تَصَعَّدَ في ذاتِ الأَرانِبِ مَوهِناً
إِذا هَزَّ رَعداً خِلتَ في وَدقِهِ شَفعا

9. It left none of its darkness in its pillars
Nor excess whiteness, neither increase nor decrease

٩. فَما تَرَكَت أَركانُهُ مِن سَوادِهِ
وَلا مِن بَياضٍ مُستَزاداً وَلا وَفعا

10. It reached high in the night sky until Sagittarius
Rose and the night cast off its armor

١٠. سَما في الصِبا حَتّى إِذا ما تَنَصَّبَت
شَماريخُهُ وَاِجتابَ مِن لَيلِهِ دِرعا

11. It leaked copiously with rain and left
No trace on the ground unswept and no furrows unwatered

١١. تَبَعَّجَ مَجّاجاً مِنَ الغَيثِ لَم يَذَر
أَباطِحَ إِلّا يَطَّرِدنَ وَلا تَلعا

12. I praise the Commander of the Faithful who called
Them to him - the best of people for their religion's defense

١٢. مَدحتُ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ الَّذي دَعَوا
إِلَيهِ وَخَيرُ الناسِ عَن دينِهِم دَفعا

13. You have not ceased, since your Lord commanded you to lead them,
To be like a devoted shepherd among his flock

١٣. فَما زِلتَ مُذ وَلّاكَ رَبُّكَ أَمرَهُم
كَأَخيرِ راعٍ في رَعِيَّتِهِ صُنعا

14. By God's command you defended them from their enemy
And bare mountains where no progeny or milk was left

١٤. دَفَعتَ بِأَمرِ اللَهِ عَنهُم عَدُوَّهُم
وَجَرداءَ لَم تَترُك نِتاجاً وَلا ضَرعا

15. Inanimate rocks traversed by winter without
Almost melting into copious downpour or dripping sap

١٥. جَماداً تَخَطّاها الشِتاءُ فَلَم تَكَد
تَعقي بِتَنضاحٍ هَبيراً وَلا نَتعا

16. For you glory has value whereas for other men
Its scope makes them uneasy and confined

١٦. فَأَنتَ الَّذي لِلمَجدِ عِندَكَ قيمَةٌ
تَضيقُ مَساميحُ الرِجالِ بِها ذَرعا

17. When its flood swelled you were not unjust
And for glory you could not commit wrong or sever ties

١٧. إِذا ما غَلا غالَيتَهُ غَيرَ ظالِمٍ
وَلَم تَستَطِع لِلمَجدِ ظُلماً وَلا بَتعا

18. As for the clan of Fadl, their perfection
Increases those they birthed whom the Merciful raised high

١٨. وَأَمّا بَنو فَضلٍ فَإِن تَمامَهُم
يَزيدُ بِهِ الرَحمَنُ مَن وَلَدوا رَفعا

19. The clan of war, they are its limb in all its states
They found in it no failing of nerve or despair

١٩. بَنو الحَربِ عَضّوها عَلى كُلِّ حالِها
فَما وَجدوا فيها لِياماً وَلا جزعا

20. They did not pitch their tents seeking protection
So some audacious tribe could wrest it away

٢٠. وَما ضَرَبوا أَوتادَهُم بِحِمايَةٍ
فَيَسطيعُ قَومٌ كاشِحونَ لَها نَزعا

21. No living creature turned from them and came back safely
No people, after confrontation, could mend their rift

٢١. وَما نابَهُم حَيُّ فَيَرجِعُ سالِماً
وَلَم يَستَطِع قَومٌ لَما فَتَقوا رَقعا

22. So the insect of ignorance has flown far from them
And they did not crush people's ribs at their side

٢٢. فَطارَ ذُبابُ الجاهِلَيَّةِ عَنهُمُ
وَلَم يَهضِموا لِلناسِ مِن جَنبِهِم ضَلعا

23. You are the most perfect of men in wealth and father
And the greatest in dominion and most discerning in hearing

٢٣. وَأَنتَ أَتَمُّ الناسِ مالاً وَوالِداً
وَأَعظَمُهُم مُلكاً وَآجَدُهُم سَمعا

There is no group of Muslims who have a distress

٢٤. وَما مِن أُناسٍ مُسلِمينَ عَلَيهمُ
بِهِم ضَرَّةٌ إِلّا ضَمَنتَ لَهُم نَفعا

25. Through them but you guaranteed for them benefit
So God, Lord of mankind, increased your number for His favor

٢٥. فَزادكَ رَبُّ الناسِ عَداً لِفَضلِهِ
وَفي كُلِّ ما أَعطاكَ مِن سيمَةٍ وُسعا