
She waters an August parched with calamity,

تروي لأزغب صيفي بمهلكة

1. She waters an August parched with calamity,
When the wildcats' cubs are left helpless.

١. تُروي لَأَزغَبَ صَيفِيٍّ بِمَهلَكَةٍ
إِذا تَكَمَّشَ أَولادُ القَطا خَذَلا

2. She drinks from the pouring of the rivers, feeding him
On fish and crabs he has never tasted.

٢. تَنوشُ مِن صُوَّةِ الأَنهارِ يُطعِمُهُ
مِنَ التَهاويلِ وَالزُبّادِ ما أَكَلا

3. She cradles him to her wings and breast
As a girl cradles her drowsy baby brother.

٣. تَضُمُّهُ لِجناحَيها وَجُؤجُؤِها
ضَمَّ الفَتاةِ الصَبِيِّ المُغيِلَ الصَغِلا

4. She secretly imports the secret, when thirsty,
And the shallows beneath her talons are darkened.

٤. تَستَورِدُ السِرَّ أَحياناً إِذا ظَمِئَت
وَالضَحلَ أَسفَلَ مِن جَرزانِهِ الغَلَلا

5. Dotted about below with blackness
From which he copied the color and lined his eyes.

٥. مُوَلَّعٌ بِسَوادٍ في أَسافِلِهِ
مِنهُ اِحتَذى وَبِلونٍ مَثلِهِ اِكتَحَلا