
I tell her that I still draw myself

أجيبيه أني ما أزال مقربا

1. I tell her that I still draw myself
Towards a star called Suhail

١. أَجيبيهِ أَنّي ما أَزالَ مُقَرِّباً
بِنَفسي إِلى نَجمٍ يُقالُ لَهُ الشعرى

2. And I have not crept in the flock of darkness
Seeking to cast it as a screen upon my lean body

٢. وَأَنيَ لَم أَنسَلَّ في سَرب الدُجى
بَغاءً لِألقيه عَلى دَعَري سِترا

3. Neither have I entered the tents of women
To make my sword and dagger sharp

٣. وَلم أَغشَ أَخدارَ النِساءِ مِن الكوى
فَأَجعَل سَيّين المَغارَة وَالخدرا

4. Nor have I coveted a neighbor's wife and tempted her
Against my oath - no ugly sin like that

٤. وَما رُغتُ مِن زَوجٍ فَدارَجته عَلى
وَلائي وَفي هذا الوَلا بُغيَة نكرا

5. So when I dropped pure truth onto his chest
I dropped onto his progeny another drop

٥. فَلمّا قَطَرتُ الصِدقَ خُبثاً بِصَدرِهِ
قَطرتُ لَهُ في نَسلِهِ قَطرَةً أُخرى

6. I say to her: "Your husband's lineage has not ceased
To harbor in his heart a father's kindness

٦. أَقولُ لَها أعراق زَوجِكِ لَم تَزَل
وَفي قَلبِهِ عَطفُ الأُبُوَّةِ لم يَبرَ

7. Nor has the feeling of men ceased within his chest
So your love flows from it on the left side

٧. وَلم يَبرَ إِحساس الرِجال بِصَدرِهِ
فَحُبُّكِ يَجري مِنهُ في الجِهَةِ اليُسرى

8. I tell her: "Remember the dress of chastity
For it had no speck of dust when you wed

٨. أَقولُ لَها ثَوبَ العَفافِ تذكّري
فَفي ساعَة الإِكليلِ لَم يَكُ مُغبِّرا

9. You wore the gown of marriage pure white
So whence came this red smudge?

٩. لَبستِ رِداءَ العِرسِ أَبيَضَ ناصِعاً
فَمن أَينَ جاءَت هذِهِ اللَطخَة الحَمرا

10. Your foolish letters have come into my hands
I wish thee safety from Satan because of these good tidings

١٠. رَسائِلك الحَمقاءُ أَصبَحن في يَدي
أَعيذك بِالشيطانِ مِن هذه البُشرى

11. Indeed, denial has withered the flowers of her days
And she has surrendered her green dreams to a madman

١١. لَقَد أَيبَسَ التَكفيرُ أَزهارَ عَهدِها
فَسَلَّمَتِ المَجنونَ أَحلامِك الخَضرا

12. She has regretted it but she will come back
For I detected in her regret a buried ember

١٢. لَقَد نَدمَت لكِن سَتَرجِع إِنَّني
لَمحتُ عَلَيها مِن نَدامَتِها طَمرا

13. You will possess her whatever you wish afterwards so do not worry
And suck her dry until you make her a rind

١٣. سَتملِكُها ما شِئتَ بَعدُ فَلا تَخَف
وَتَمتَصَّها حَتّى تُصَيِّرَها قِشرا

14. Your lips will rub the polished marble of her body
Until her white prominent front teeth appear yellow

١٤. سَتَحفُر مَصقولَ الرخامِ بِجِسمِها
شفاهُكَ حَتّى تُبرِزَ الأَعظَم الصَفرا

15. You will mix with the virulent poison her blood
To make it a potent drink that pulls to death

١٥. سَتَمزَجُ بِالسمِّ الزَعافِ دِماءَها
لِتَجعَلَها لِلمَوتِ مَصلاً فَيجتّرا

16. And toss her into the abyss of woe and misery
A fallen disgrace that inspires fear and alarm

١٦. وَتَرمي بِها في حَمأةِ الوَيلِ وَالخنى
سُقاطَة عار تَلهم الخَوفَ وَالذُعرا

17. Yes, the night will show her to you afterwards hugging her
And the lamp will show you squeezing her tightly

١٧. أَجل سيراكَ اللَيلُ بَعدُ تَضمُّها
وَيبصرُكَ المِصباحُ تعصرُها عَصرا

18. And you will see in yourself sins like
A ewe who has a brown snake clinging in her belly

١٨. وَسَوفَ تَرى فيكَ المَآثِمُ نَعجَةً
قَد التصَقَت في بَطنِها حيَّةٌ سَمرا

19. You will possess her whatever you wish afterwards so do not worry
For her son is still unaware of the matter

١٩. سَتملِكُها ما شِئتَ بَعدُ فَلا تَخَف
فَإِنَّ اِبنَها لَمّا يَزَل يَجهَلُ الأَمرا

20. A small innocent child content with a toy
Sleeping blissfully with the great gift

٢٠. صَغيرٌ بَريءُ العَينِ يَرضى بِلُعبَة
فَيَرقِد مَغبوطاً بِذي الهبةِ الكُبرى

21. He sleeps unaware that the silliness
He plays with was for an expensive price

٢١. يَنامُ وَلا يَدري بِأَن سَخافَة
تَلهّى بِها كانَت لموبِقَة سعرا