
Who are you, daughter of the exalted, whom they found

من أنت يا بنت الألى وجدوك

1. Who are you, daughter of the exalted, whom they found
In the garden of life without a partner?

١. مَن أَنتِ يا بِنتَ الأُلى وَجدوكِ
في رَوضَةِ الدُنيا بِغَير شَريكِ

2. You are the daughter of the crowned East, its head
Crowned with your mother's roses or your father's swords.

٢. أَنتِ اِبنَةُ الشَرقِ المُكَلَّلِ رَأسه
بورودِ أُمكِ أَو سُيوفِ أَبيكِ

3. You claim a qithara but you have smashed it
So that the strings would move in your club.

٣. تَدعين قَيثاري وَقد حَطَّمتِهِ
لِيُحَرِّكَ الأَوتارَ في ناديكِ

4. O flower of the perfumed East, its aroma
Playing with your loose waist.

٤. يا زَهرَةَ الشَرقِ المضمَّخِ عُرفُها
يَلهو النَسيمُ بخصرِك المَفكوكِ

5. And the singing nightingale pours out his melody
In your open sleeve for your cupbearer.

٥. وَالبُلبُلُ الغَريدُ يَسكُبُ لحنَه
في كُمِّكِ المَفتوحِ لِلساقيكِ

6. Poetry in the glances of your eyes is sleeping
And awakens when you want with a wink.

٦. الشِعرُ في أَلحاظِ عَينِك نائِمٌ
وَإِذا وَدَدتِ يُفيقُ بِالتَحريكِ

7. But if your glance wishes to be seen
In poetry, the most beautiful spectacle captivates you.

٧. لكِن إِذا ما شاءَ لَحظُك أَن يُرى
في الشعرِ أَجمَلَ مَنظَرٍ يسبيكِ

8. So observe in the fountain your radiant beauty—
The masterpieces of poetry do not describe you!

٨. فَتَأَمَّلي في الحَوضِ حسنَكِ مُشرِقاً
فَبَدائِع الأَشعارِ لا تحكيكِ

9. The shining full moon has poured out its brightness
In the tent of flowers that houses you.

٩. قَد أَفرَغَ البَدرُ المُنيرُ ضِياءُه
في خَيمَةِ الزَهر الَّتي تَأويكِ

10. And since you reclined on the pillow to rest
With the nargileh, they all came to you.

١٠. وَإِلى الوسادِ مُذ اِستَنَدتِ لِراحَةٍ
بِالنارِجيلَةِ كلُّهم جاؤوكِ

11. You brought your hands near the burning coals to light it
Lined on the inside with plaited marjoram.

١١. أَدَنت يداك مِن اللمى نربيجها
متبطِّناً بِالزَنبَقِ المَحبوكِ

12. When you opened it flirtatiously
The emotions of its passionate heart fluttered.

١٢. لَمّا نشقتِ أَريجَها بِتَدَلّلٍ
خفَقت عواطِف صَدرِها المنوك

13. I had regained my youth whenever I saw you, my love,
And found it more delicious and sweet in you.

١٣. إِنّي اِستعدتُ لَدُن رَأَيتُكِ صَبوَتي
فَوَجدتها أَشهى وَأَعذَبَ فيكِ

14. But my youth and passion have withered
So they are like a puff of smoke from your mouth.

١٤. لكِن شَبابي وَالغَرامُ تَلاشيا
فَهُما كَنَفخَةِ دُخنةٍ من فيكِ

15. I cannot forget the day you rode a led horse
And reined it in front of you like a lively colt.

١٥. لَم أَنسَ يومَ عَلَوتِ متنَ مطهَّمٍ
وَكبحتِهِ بَين يَدَيكِ كَالصعلوكِ

16. And rays from the moon of your night illuminated
The ruby of the dagger of your slender waist.

١٦. وَأَشِعَّةً من بَدرِ لَيلكِ نَوَّرَت
ياقوتَ خنجَرِ خصرِكِ المشكوكِ

17. I have plucked the roses of life
And tossed them on the deserted shore.

١٧. إِنّي قَطعتُ مِن الحَياةِ وُرودَها
وَرَمَيتُها في الشاطىء المَتروكِ

18. Then the angry sea came and swept them
To the deep eddies with the darting winds.

١٨. فَأَتَت غضابُ البَحر تَجرِفُها إِلى
اللجج العَميقَةِ بِالرِياحِ النوكِ

19. The roses of my heart would breathe their fragrance on my love,
With the aroma of pure love and laughter.

١٩. كانَت ورودُ الصَدرِ تَنفَح مُهجَتي
بِأَريجِ حبٍّ باسِمٍ وَضَحوكِ

20. How much poetry I would chant in verses
If your age were twenty, my brother!

٢٠. كَم كُنتُ أَنشدتُ القَريضَ مسلسَلاً
لَو كانَ في العِشرينَ عمر أَخيكِ

21. For a phrase or glance for which
Men have worshipped chastity since they worshipped you.

٢١. لِعبارَةٍ أَو نَظرَةٍ من أَجلِها
عَبدَ الرجالُ الطهرَ مُذ عَبَدوكِ