
Our fields and plains are all joy, all bounty

حقولنا سهولنا كلها طرب كلها غنى

1. Our fields and plains are all joy, all bounty
The sun in them is gold, and the streams are bliss

١. حُقولُنا سُهولُنا كُلُّها طَرب كُلُّها غِنى
الشَمسُ فيها ذَهَب وَالسَواقي مُنى

2. To the harvest,
The yield of struggle,

٢. إِلى الحَصاد
جَنى الجِهاد

3. The country's heart revives through us
Come, reap and sing-

٣. قَلبُ البِلاد
يَحيا بِنا

4. Love is heart and hand
And life is cultivation and harvest

٤. هَيّا اِحصُدوا وَأَنشِدوا
الحُبُّ قَلبٌ وَيدُ

5. Our fields and plains are all joy, all bounty
The sun in them is gold, and the streams are bliss

٥. وَالعُمرُ زَرعٌ وَجَنى
حُقولُنا سُهولُنا كُلُّها طَرب كُلُّها غِنى

6. We love our mountains,
These eyes are their hearts

٦. الشَمسُ فيها ذَهَب وَالسَواقي مُنى
جِبالُنا نُحِبُّها

7. These gardens, their fertility,
Apples and grapes their jewelry,

٧. هذي العُيونُ قَلبُها
هذي الجِنانُ خَصبُها

8. Winds in the reeds their melodies
And all is ours and our sons' after us

٨. حُلِيُّها التفاح وَالعِنَب
أَلحانُها الرِياح في القَصَب

9. Small among nations
Great as hope

٩. وَكُلُّها لَنا وَلِلبَنينِ بَعدَنا
صَغيرَةٌ بَينَ الدُوَل

10. Ours it was and still is
Our country, our forefathers, our sons

١٠. كَبيرَةٌ مِثلُ الأَمَل
كانَت لَنا وَلم تَزَل

11. Its freshness a cure, its soil ethics, its sun gold
Apples and grapes their jewelry,

١١. بِلادُنا أَجدادُنا أَولادُنا
زُلالُها تِرياق تُرابُها أَخلاق وَشَمسُها ذَهَب

12. Winds in the reeds their melodies
And all is ours and our sons' after us

١٢. حُلِيُّها التفاح وَالعِنَب
أَلحانُها الرِياح في القَصَب

Come, reap and sing

١٣. وَكُلُّها لَنا وَلِلبَنينِ بَعدَنا
هَيّا اِحصُدوا وَأَنشِدوا

14. Love is heart and hand
And life is cultivation and harvest

١٤. أَلحُبُّ قَلبٌ وَيدُ
وَالعُمرُ زَرعٌ وَجَنى