1. The poet of the heart, eloquence falls short of him,
Rhyme and diction and meter.
١. شاعِرُ القَلبِ ضاقَ عَنهُ البَيانُ
وَالقَوافي وَاللَفظُ وَالأَوزانُ
2. Silent, he sends sighs as poetry
Whenever his throbbing heart flutters.
٢. صامِتٌ يُرسِلُ التَنَهُّدَ شِعراً
كُلَّما هَزَّ قَلبَه خَفَقانُ
3. You read revelation in the sweetness of his eyes,
For the verses of his eyes are a Quran.
٣. تَقرَأُ الوَحيَ في عُذوبَةِ عَينَي
هِ فَآياتُ عَينِهِ قُرآنُ
4. His soul is an ember from God that adversities
Did not manage to erase its purity.
٤. نَفسُهُ جَذوَةٌ من اللَهِ لَم تَد
نَس فَتَمحو نَقاءَها الأَضغانُ
5. So in the procession of life he is wise
And in the ship of darkness he is the captain.
٥. فَهو في مَوكِبِ الحَياةِ حَكيمٌ
وَهوَ في مَركِبِ الدُجى رُبّانُ
6. The lost ones find in him consolation,
And safety when safety is gone.
٦. يَجد التائِهونَ فيهِ عَزاءً
وَأَماناً إِذا تَلاشى الأمانُ
7. Days taught him the preaching of fire, so flames rose in his chest.
Yet Heaven said to him: "Be silent and see how volcanoes fall silent!"
٧. لَقَّنَتهُ الأَيّامُ مَوعِظَة النا
رِ فَثارَت في صَدرِهِ النيرانُ
8. Afflictions built the palace of his inspiration
And tears painted it.
٨. غَيرَ أَنَّ السَماءَ قالَت لَهُ اِصمت
إِنظُروا كَيفَ يَصمِتُ البُركانُ
9. An ascetic in life, in his coarse robes,
His body emaciated by grief, famished.
٩. شَيَّدت قَصرَ وَحيِهِ الأَشجانُ
وَطلاه مِنَ الدموعِ دهانُ
10. The seat of his reign is tribulations and worries,
And the ruby of his crown is sorrows.
١٠. زاهِد في الحَياةِ في بردتيه
جسد شفّه الضَنى جوعانُ
11. The icicles of pain are in his hands,
And sighs of a suffering king, his icicles.
١١. ملك عَرشِه المَصائِب وَاله
مُّ وَياقوت تاجِه الأَحزانُ
12. In his soul Jareer has laments
And in his heart Qais has fondness.
١٢. صولجانُ الآلامِ في قَبضَتَيهِ
وَيحَ ملكٍ آلامهُ الصولجانُ
13. And remnants of Al-Ma'arri walked
In his blood which time did not erase.
١٣. لجريرٍ في روحِهِ شَهقاتٌ
وَلِقَيسٍ في قَلبِهِ تَحنانُ
١٤. وَبَقايا من المعرّي تَمَشَّت
في دماه لَم تَمحُها الأَزمانُ