
He carried the disease from the banks of Egypt

حمل الداء من شواطىء مصرا

1. He carried the disease from the banks of Egypt
And came to Zahleh where he found a grave

١. حَملَ الداءَ مِن شَواطىءِ مِصرا
وَأَتى زَحلَةً فَصادَفَ قَبرا

2. The specters of his affliction would not have frightened him
Had his soul not been stirred by the purest memory

٢. لَم تُرِعهُ طُيوفُ بَلواه لَو لَم
تَختَلِج في هَواهُ أَطهر ذِكرى

3. When darkness falls, the sun passes over it
Bearing embers upon its wings

٣. حينَ يَهوي الدُجى يَمُرُّ بِهِ الأَم
سُ عَلى جانِحيه يَحمِلُ جمرا

4. What ember more scorching than the ember of love
That chanced upon a heart, burning, and settled there

٤. أَيُّ جَمرٍ أَحَرُّ من جَمرِ حُبٍّ
صادَفَ القَلبَ مَوقِداً فَاِستَقَرّا

5. If he slept, the image of the maiden passed in a dream
Calling upon her Lord and beating her chest

٥. إِن غَفا مَرَّتِ الفَتاةُ بِرُؤيا
هُ تُنادي رَبّاً وَتَلطُمُ صَدرا

6. At times tears burst forth, at others
She held back her tears through sheer will

٦. تارَةً تفجر الدموع وَطوراً
تمسك الدمع في المَحاجِر قَسرا

7. She stepped before a new grave
Over which she had scattered tears and flowers

٧. تَتَخَطّى أَمام قَبرٍ جَديدٍ
نَثَرَت فَوقَهُ دُموعاً وَزَهرا

8. Grief changed her face, it did not remain
As it had once radiated beauty like a spell

٨. بَدَّل الحُزنُ وَجهَها فَهو لَم يَبق
كَما كانَ يَهرق الحُسنَ سحرا

9. And when he awoke he stared into the darkness
For a while like one expecting something

٩. وَإِذا ما اِستَفاقَ حَدّق في الظُل
مَةِ حيناً كَمَن تَوَقَّع أَمرا

10. And peered with eyes in the gloomy chamber
Hoping the darkness would uncover a secret

١٠. وَأَجالَ العُيونَ في الغُرفَةِ الس
وداءِ عَلَّ الظَلامَ يَكشِفُ سِرّا

11. Then he listened to a melody in his depths
That twisted him with the memory of her, and he shivered

١١. ثُمَّ أَصغى لِنَغمَةٍ في حنايا
هُ تَلوّى لِذِكرِها وَاِقشَعرّا

12. And he knew that the visions had awakened him
From one passion to another

١٢. وَهوُ يَدري أَنَّ الرُؤى أَيقَظَتهُ
مِن شُجونٍ إِلى شُجونٍ أُخرى

13. One night he felt a violent throbbing in his lungs
And the image of his beloved appeared to him

١٣. ذاتَ لَيلٍ أَحَسَّ في رِئَتَيهِ
خلجَةً مرَّةً فَخفقاً أَمَرّا

14. A gory specter, so he shuddered in horror

١٤. وَتَراءَت لَهُ فَتاة هَواه
شَبحاً دامِياً فَأَوجَسَ ذُعرا