
This world has wearied me

هذه الدنيا سآمه

1. This world has wearied me
Staying in it is tiring

١. هذِهِ الدُنيا سَآمَه
تَعبٌ فيها الإِقامَة

2. The unjust have denied me
And left me no dignity here

٢. جَحد العاتي فَلَمّا
يُبقِ لي فيها كَرامَه

3. My stillness is not from weakness
But from dignity and pride

٣. لَيسَ عَن ضُعفٍ قُعودي
عَنهُ لكِن عَن شَهامَه

4. I have a soul that taught me
How to disdain the vile

٤. ليَ نَفسٌ عَلَّمَتني
كَيفَ أَستَزري لِئامَه

5. I have manners I see
As the pinnacle of knowledge

٥. ليَ آدابٌ أَراها
فَوقَ خَدّ العِلمِ شامَه

6. And a knight who wishes only
A smile to be sunrise

٦. وَيراعٌ يَتَمَنّى ال
فَجرُ لَو كانَ اِبتِسامَه

7. Meanness is known even if
A turban is upon the head

٧. يُعرَفُ النَذلُ وَلَو حَطَّ
عَلى الرَأسِ عَمامَه

8. Every vile upstart
Has a mark on his face

٨. كُلُّ نَذلٍ مُستَبَدٍّ
في مُحَيّاهُ عَلامَه

9. I did not fight him with a sword
But with truth and justice

٩. لَم أُحارِبهُ بِسَيف
بَل بِصِدقٍ وَاِستِقامَه

10. If I grant him a slap with a sandal
I would match it to his station

١٠. إِن أُفَضِّل صفعَه بِال
نَعلِ أَنصِفه مُقامَه