1. Does the creator of souls, the just one
Allow beauty to disappear before dawn?
١. أَمِنَ العَدلِ خالِقَ الأَرواحِ
أَن يَغيبَ الجِمالُ قَبلَ الصَباحِ
2. Does the just one allow a heart to be seen as desperate
While the wine of hearts is in cups?
٢. أَمن العَدل أَن يُرى القَلبُ عَط
شانَ وَخمرُ القُلوبِ في الأَقداحِ
3. Does the just one allow eyes
To wander in darkness with oil in the lamp?
٣. أَمن العدل أَن تَجولَ عُيونٌ
في ظَلامٍ والزيتُ في المِصباح
4. If you forbid birds their sky
Why then did you create the wing's feather?
٤. إِن تَكُن تَحرمُ الطُيورَ سَماها
فَلِماذا خَلَقتَ ريشَ الجَناحِ
5. And his eyes roamed upon the green dusk
Then landed upon a farmer
٥. وَتَناءَت عَيناه في الشَفَقِ الاخضَرِ
فَاِنحَطَّتا عَلى فَلّاحِ
6. Who tills the earth calmly and peacefully
And rips the darkness like a surgeon
٦. يَحرِثُ الاِرضَ هادِئاً مطمئنّاً
فَيَشقُّ الاتلام كَالجَرّاحِ
7. He said blessed is he and blessed is his soul
How sweet is the purity in the water of his cup
٧. قالَ طوبى لَه وَطوبى لِنَفسِه
ما أَلَذَّ الصَفاءَ في ماءِ كَأسِه
8. How dear are the plants around his canals
And how rich is he in his poverty
٨. ما أَعَزَّ الاِعشابَ حَولَ سَواقيهِ
وَأَغناهُ في قَناعَةِ بُؤسِه
9. He sees nothing but his field when dawn breaks
Or when evening comes, nothing but his own company
٩. لا يَرى غَيرَ حَقلِهِ إِن أَطلَّ الفَجرُ
أَو أَقبَلَ المَسا غَيرَ أُنسِه
10. Ignorant, he ignores reading books
Yet he is wise with his axe
١٠. جاهِلٌ يَجهَلُ القِراءَةَ في الأَسفارِ
لكِنَّهُ حَكيمٌ بِفَأسِهِ
11. His tomorrow is like his day, no misery befalls him
And his day is like his yesterday
١١. غَدُه مِثلُ يَومِهِ لَيسَ يَغشاهُ شَقاءٌ
وَيَومُهُ مِثلُ أَمسِه