
She passed away, and after this day will slumber alone.

قضيت وهي بعد اليوم ترقد وحدها

1. She passed away, and after this day will slumber alone.
Whom did she leave on this earth to mourn her when gone?

١. قَضَيت وَهيَ بَعد اليَوم تَرقِد وَحدَها
فَمن تَرَكَت في الأَرضِ لِلنوحِ بَعدَها

2. A child who will shed tears in grief for its mother?
Or a lover whose passion she nurtured before moving on?

٢. أَوالِدَةً تُفني عَلَيها الدُموعُ أَم
حَبيباً سَقَتهُ قَبلَ ذلِكَ وُدَّها

3. It's as if I see my Lord when her form He completed,
Love overcame Him, her cheek He then kissed.

٣. كَأَنّي بِربّي حينَ أَكملَ صنعَها
تملَّكَه حبٌّ فَقَبَّل خَدَّها

4. Her beauty enraptured, perfection completed,
It stirred in Him the fires of love, He couldn't resist.

٤. وَأَدهَشَه مِنها جَمالٌ مُتَيَّمٌ
أَثارَ بِهِ نارَ الهَوى فَاِستَرَدَّها