
However much I try to rest it

حتى م أحاول أرقده

1. However much I try to rest it
A dark night rebels

١. حَتّى مَ أُحاوِلُ أَرقدُهُ
لَيلٌ يَتَمَرَّدُ أَسودُهُ

2. And my gazelle eyes are sleeping
My eyelids burden it and weigh it down

٢. وَعيونُ غَزالي نائِمةٌ
تَضني جفني وَتسهِّدُهُ

3. The untouched braids have descended
The virgins of poetry and its jewelry

٣. حَلَّت معقودَ ضَفائِرها
أَبكارُ الشِعرِ وخرَّدُهُ

4. And she sang dancing, singing
O night of life when will its tomorrow come

٤. وَتغنَّت ترقصُ مُنشِدةً
يا لَيلُ العمرُ مَتّى غدُهُ

5. My Master, he whose eyes have strayed
Your love, so your glance can guide him

٥. مَولايَ وَمن ضَلَّت عَيناه
هَواكَ فَلحظُك يرشدُهُ

6. Why does your slave suffer so
You draw him near and push him away

٦. فَعَلامَ وَعبدُكَ في سَقَمٍ
تُدنيهِ مِنك وَتُبعِدُهُ

7. It's as if the full moon saw you fasting
And craved your splendor, praising it

٧. فَكَأَنَّ البَدرَ رآكَ تميس
فَهامَ بَقدِّكَ يُنشدُهُ

8. It desired to taste the honey of your lips
Melting at your mouth, bowing down before it

٨. وَهَوى يسترشفُ شهدَ لماك
فَذابَ بِثَغرِكَ عَسجدُهُ

9. My Master, when you love a young man
The kings of the world envy him

٩. مَولايَ إِذا أَحبَبتَ فَتىً
فَملوكُ العالَمِ تحسدُهُ

10. You forgot your servant's faith
The Master grew angry at his lord

١٠. أَنَسيتَ العَبدَ ديانَته
فَاِغتاظَ المَولى سَيِّدُهُ

11. My faith has fallen, so alas if it's lost
Is there anyone left I can worship but you?

١١. ديني قَد رَقَّ فَوا تَلَفي
هَل باقٍ غَيرك أَعبُدُهُ

12. A young man always longs for you
Sighing hopelessly, used to it

١٢. أَبداً يَشتاقُ إِلَيكَ فَتىً
تَتَأَوَّهُ يَأساً عَوَّدُهُ

13. When you wish, provide him provisions
The burdens of life provide them for him

١٣. فَإِذا ما شِئتَ تزوّده
تَعبَ الدُنيا يَتَزَوَّدُهُ