
I knew your nobility, oh my poet

عرفت فيك النبل يا شاعري

1. I knew your nobility, oh my poet
So, should your brethren get to know you?

١. عرفتُ فيك النبل يا شاعِري
فَهل لِإِخوانِك أَن يعرفوك

2. You struggled with the effort of the patient hero
So, should your lovers support you?

٢. جاهَدتَ جُهد البَطل الصابِر
فَهَل لعشاقك أَن يعضدوك

3. You wrote the anthem of brotherhood with tears
And with the pure blood what was recorded

٣. كَتَبتَ بِالدَمع نَشيدَ الإِخاء
وَبِالدمِ الطاهِرِ ما سجلا

4. So if they betrayed you, they betrayed the fatherhood
And if they answered you, they answered the most high

٤. فَإِن هُمُ خانوكَ خانوا الإِباء
وَإِن أَجابوكَ أَجابوا العلى

5. You are the scion of honesty, the growth of honor
In your beating heart, the heart of the countries

٥. أَنتَ سَليلُ الصِدق نبت الشَرف
في قَلبِك الخافِق قَلب البِلاد

6. How much counterfeit was created in my homeland
Broken by estrangement, and how many hearts

٦. كَم خُلق في مَوطِني من خزف
تحطمه الغاي وَكَم مِن فُؤاد

7. O you who sheathed your sword for a long time
It’s a disgrace for the nation to sheath you

٧. يا منصلاً أَغمَدت عَهداً طَويل
عارَ عَلى الأُمة أَن تَغمَدك

8. Come out, for the time for the clanging of swords has come
And it is the right of loyalty to support you

٨. إِخرج فَقَد آنَ أَوانُ الصَليل
وَحقّ لِلإِخلاصِ أَن يعضُدَك