
I heed your call, O heart of days gone by, you called me

لبيك يا قلب ماض فيك ناداني

1. I heed your call, O heart of days gone by, you called me
I hid in its fragrance my love and my faith

١. لَبَيكَ يا قَلبِ ماضٍ فيكَ ناداني
خَبَّأتُ في عِطرِهِ حُبّي وَإيماني

2. Days when passionate love would happily twitter
And the cheer of life would chime to my tunes

٢. أَيّامَ كانَ الهَوى الغِرّيدُ يَضحَكُ بي
وَيَرتَمي مَرَحُ الدُنيا بِأَلحاني

3. When people nurtured hopes gilded
That came apart from biers and coffins

٣. وَكانَ لِلنّاسِ آمالٌ مُحَبَّرَةٌ
تَفَكَّكَت عَن كَلاليبٍ وَأَرسانِ

4. Alas, the rule of the unjust is irreversible
The strong submitted to it and the weak grew bold

٤. فَقَد دَهى الحُكمَ أَمرٌ لا مَرَدَّ لَهُ
هانَ القَوِيُّ لَهُ وَاِستَأسَدَ الواني

5. It drew the idiot lot in a land
With no moderation, just ignorance and knowledge

٥. كانَت لَهُ القُرعَةُ الحَمقاءُ في بَلَدٍ
بَلا النقيضَينِ مِن جَهلٍ وَعِرفانِ

6. So to knowledge it was ignorance in its arrogance
And to ignorance it was knowledge in its conceit

٦. فَكانَ كَالجَهلِ لِلعُرفانِ عَجرَفَةٌ
وَكانَ لِلجَهلِ كَالعِرفانِ عُرفانِ

7. Its excuse is a glimmer in pitch black night
To its confused heart some hope still clings

٧. عَذيرُهُ وَمضَةٌ في لَيلِ مُدلِجٍ
باقٍ لَهُ أَمَلٌ في قَلبِ حَيرانِ

8. Like a wanderer lost in a scorching desert
As if it were anguish in the dream of a thirsty man

٨. كَسائِحٍ ضَلَّ في صَحراءَ مُحرِقَةٍ
كَأَنَّها قَلَقٌ في حُلمِ ظَمآنِ

9. He walks with embers blazing in his eyelids
On the fiery sands from valley to valley

٩. يَمشي وَلِلنّارِ في أَجفانِهِ زَبَدٌ
عَلى لَظى الرَملِ مِن وادٍ لِوِديانِ

10. And mirages betray on his lips
As if they were the devil's mockery of man

١٠. وَلِلسَّرابِ خِياناتٌ عَلى فَمِهِ
كَأَنَّها هُزءُ شَيطانٍ بِإِنسانِ

11. Until he reached at dusk an oasis
Where the clouds' shade gathers like a cave

١١. حَتّى أَصابَ سَراهَ العَصرِ ناحِيَةً
يَمُجُّ فيها سَحابَ الظِلِّ كَهفانِ

12. Yet he did not choose, but lusted for thirst
And his lips met the fangs of a snake

١٢. فَما تَخَيَّرَ بَل أَهوى عَلى ظَمَإٍ
فَصادَفَت شَفَتاهُ حَلقَ ثُعبانِ

13. In that raging time, I wore the garb of a lad
Whose nature exuded Gassan's glories

١٣. في ذلِكَ الزَمَنِ العاتي لَبِستُ فَتىً
أَلَمَّ في خُلقِهِ أَمجادَ غَسّانِ

14. Of generosity now gone from our hands
In his hands gesturing still persists

١٤. مِن سالِفِ الكَرَمِ المَسلوخِ عَن يَدِنا
باقٍ عَلى يَدِهِ إيماءُ إِدمانِ

15. Dreams of Lebanon, bodies on his lips
As if Lebanon itself never left Lebanon

١٥. أَحلامُ لُبنانَ أَجسادٌ عَلى فَمِهِ
كَأَنَّ لُبنانَ لَم يَبرَح كَلبنانِ

16. He would listen to sorcery and bring it to life
Seeing in every rune the return of Iwan

١٦. تُصغي إِلى السِحرِ يُحييهِ بِهِ فَتَرى
في كُلِّ رابِيَةٍ بَعثاً لإيوانِ

17. And not like omens in etiquette a guide
To the lost or rousing the complacent

١٧. وَلَيسَ كَالفَألِ في الآدابِ داعِيَةٌ
لِهَديِ حَيرانَ أَو تَنبيهِ وَسنانِ

18. And like imagination a tongue to incite
A disdainful populace to rebuild

١٨. وَكَالخَيالِ لِسانٌ يُستَفَزُّ بِهِ
شَعبٌ أَبِيٌّ إِلى تَجديدِ بُنيانِ

19. And it happened that free speech was in his blood
Spreading the embers of hate in the tyrant's heart

١٩. وَكانَ أَنَّ البَيانَ الحُرَّ في دَمِهِ
أَشاعَ حِقدَ اللَظى في الحاكِمِ الجاني

20. Who said: Your rhetoric in your pretensions is a threat
To my subjects, inciting them to rebel

٢٠. فَقالَ نَهجُكَ في ما تَدَّعي خَطَرٌ
عَلى الرَعِيَّةِ يَحدوها لِعِصيانِ

21. Did you not hear the people cheering for me?
The people are mine and time is my ally

٢١. أَما سَمِعتَ صُدورَ الشَعبِ تَهتِفُ لي
فَالشَعبُ مِلكيَ وَالأَيّامُ أَعواني

22. So the free man sheathed in his eyes a blaze
From his two gazes like volcanoes spewing lava

٢٢. فَأَغمَدَ الحُرُّ في عَينَيهِ فُوَّهَةً
مِن ناظِرَيهِ كَبُركانٍ بِبُركانِ

23. And said: Your subjects are not yours, my king
So you own nothing but some blind subjects

٢٣. وَقالَ مِلكُكَ لَيسَ الشَعب يا مَلِكي
فَلَستَ تَملِكُ إِلّا بَعضَ عُميانِ

24. Be whoever you want, be the whole world
You will not equal one friend in my measure

٢٤. كُن مَن تَشاءُ كُنِ الدُنيا بِكامِلِها
فَلَستَ تَعدِلُ صِدّيقاً بِميزاني

25. The beauty of my heart is bare on my lips
And the light of my soul knotted in my lashes

٢٥. جَمالُ قَلبي عُريانٌ عَلى شَفَتي
وَنورُ نَفسي مَعقودٌ بِأَجفاني

26. And how can I lie when the world reveals me
Even myouter self, even my fleeting body

٢٦. وَكَيفَ أَكذِبُ وَالدُنيا تُصارِحُني
حَتّى قُشوريَ حَتّى جِسمِيَ الفاني

27. I look upon the river in clarity and murkiness
Can its tranquility and radiance be hidden from the willow and acacia?

٢٧. أَنظُر إِلى النَهرِ في صَفوٍ وَفي كَدَرٍ
فَهَل تَخفّى عَلى الصَفصافِ وَالبانِ

28. For light each of its channels is polished
And each bend for love has two breasts

٢٨. لِلنّورِ في كُلِّ مَجرىً مِنهُ مِصقَلَةٌ
وَكُلِّ مُنعَطَفٍ لِلحُبِّ ثَديانِ

29. So that towering mountain fed me
The food of eagles, and this river gave me drink

٢٩. فَذلِكَ الجَبَلُ الجَبّارُ أَطعَمَني
قوتَ النُسورِ وَهذا النَهرُ رَوّاني

30. Restrain your tyranny and wash your sinful heart
Oppression lasts a day, the oppressed will have their day

٣٠. خَفِّف عُتُوَّكَ وَاِغسِل قَلبَكَ الجاني
لِلظُّلمِ يَومٌ وَلِلمَظلومِ يَومانِ

31. The throne of the unjust one is on the volcano of his shame
An insult engraved in the heart of a drunken tyrant

٣١. عَرشُ العَتِيِّ عَلى بُركانِ مُنكِرِهِ
شَتيمَةٌ رَخَمَت في قَلبِ سَكرانِ

32. The people's ruler was never their master
Mastery never needed crowns

٣٢. ما كانَ سُلطانُ هذا الشَعبِ سَيِّدَهُ
إِنَّ السِيادَةَ ما اِحتاجَت لِتيجانِ

33. However defiant these subjects might be
Without you among them, none is sovereign

٣٣. هذي الرَعِيَّةُ مَهما تَطغَ نافِرَةٌ
وَمَن تَكُن لَستَ فيها غَيرَ سُلطانِ

34. Obey your conscience though the world be against it
And when I disobeyed in my misguidance, you reproached me

٣٤. تَعصي ضَميرَكَ وَالدُنيا تُناطُ بِهِ
وَحينَ أَعصي ضَلالاً فيكَ تَنهاني

35. So take off and change your attire of war for a new foundation
Be yours reconciliation, and tyranny be your two garments

٣٥. فَاِخلَع وَبَدِّل لَكَ الحِرباءُ قاعِدَةٌ
لَكَ الوَداعَةُ وَالطُغيانُ ثَوبانِ

36. Who are you? You are a black hand raised
Only to divide dear ones and brothers

٣٦. مَن أَنتَ أَنتَ يَدٌ سَوداءُ ما اِرتَفَعَت
إِلّا لِتَفريقِ أَحبابٍ وَإِخوانِ

37. Where are you from? From vices - had my soul felt it
I would not have sold my plains and trees

٣٧. مِن أَينَ أَنتَ مِنَ الفَحشاءِ لَو شَعَرَت
روحي بِها لَم أَبع سَهلي وَأَظعاني

38. Who brought you to us, people's folly my king?
Not builder but destroyer he is in you

٣٨. مَن جاءَنا بِكَ حُمقُ الشَعبِ يا مَلِكي
لا بُؤسُهُ فَبِكَ الهَدّامُ لا الباني

39. You have committed adultery, yet were not sated
You have fornicated, yet no lovers rejoiced

٣٩. لَقَد بَطِرتَ فَلَم تُستَر مُخَدّرَةٌ
وَقَد زَنَيتَ فَلَم يَهنَأ حَبيبانِ

40. The sword is at my head for you to behead
And mine is upon you though eyes be veiled

٤٠. لَكَ الحُسامُ عَلى رَأسي تُسَرِّحُهُ
وَلي عَلَيكَ وَلَو حُجِّبتَ عَينانِ

41. Nothing remains of you but vanishing fruits
Ruses rotting on some of the tree branches

٤١. لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ ثَمارٍ مِنكَ فانِيَةٍ
خَدائِعٌ نَتَنَت في بَعضِ عيدانِ

42. Do you not hear the blowing wind? It echoes
The crawling of specters and shrouds

٤٢. أَما سَمِعتَ هُبوبَ الريحِ إِنَّ لَهُ
صَدى تَزَحُّفِ أَشباحٍ وَأَكفانِ

43. So the angry tyrant fumed and on him appeared
Phantoms of whales and serpents

٤٣. فَدَمدَمَ الحاكِمُ الغَضبانُ وَاِرتَسَمَت
عَلَيهِ أَشباحُ غيلانٍ وَحيتانِ

44. And his wicked soul issued what in its vileness
It possessed of red desire for crimson blood

٤٤. وَأَصدَرَت نَفسُهُ ما في قَذارَتِها
الحَمراءِ مِن شَهوَةٍ لِلأَحمَرِ القاني

45. And he shouted: If thus is your tongue with me
Then I have a tongue whose answer is death

٤٥. وَصاحَ إِن يَكُ ذا حَدٍّ لِسانُكَ بي
فَلي لِسانٌ عَلَيهِ المَوتُ حَدّانِ

46. So the free man glared at the unjust and said:
Rule tomorrow or I die today, it is the same

٤٦. فَحَملَقَ الحُرُّ في العاتي وَقالَ لَهُ
أَقضي غَداً أَو أَموتُ اليَومَ سِيّانِ

47. All I want is for you not to interrupt me
Let me finish my defense, O criminal

٤٧. فَكُلُّ ما أَبتَغي أَن لا تُقاطِعَني
دَعني أُكَمِّل دِفاعِيَ أَيُّها الجاني