
They asked her, "What have you done

قالوا لها ماذا فعلت

1. They asked her, "What have you done
To the eyelids of your lion?

١. قالوا لَها ماذا فَعَلتِ
بِجِفنِ ذَيّاكَ الأَسَد

2. We see him shedding his tears
Every day like hail.

٢. فَنَراهُ يَنثُرُ دَمعَه
في كُلِّ يَومٍ كَالبَرَد

3. She smiled at them and said,
"The lover has fallen into passion.

٣. قالَت وَقَد بَسَمت لَهُم
وَقعَ المُتَيَّمُ في فَنَد

4. I brought him down into a valley,
From which his passion could not ascend."

٤. أَنزَلتُهُ في وَهدَةٍ
مِنها هَواهُ ما صَعَد

5. They said to her, "Is it not wrong
That sorrow should cling to him?"

٥. قالوا لَها أَوَما حَرامٌ
أَن يُلازِمَهُ النَكَد

6. Passion has toyed with him and left
No health to his body.

٦. عَبثَ الغَرامُ بِهِ وَلَم
يُبقِ السقامُ لهُ جَسَد

7. She said, "Leave him be.
Whoever thinks love is medicine

٧. قالَت دَعوهُ وَشَأنه
مَن خالَ أَنَّ الحُبَّ دَد

8. Has not known me to be a man who,
When in calamities, is born."

٨. عَهدي بهِ رَجُلاً إِذا
هوَ في مَصائِبِهِ وَلَد

9. They said to her, "You have wasted him away.
Your love drew its tears from his blood.

٩. قالوا لَها أَضنَيتِهِ
فَهواكِ من دَمِع اِستَمَد

10. His blood is spilled for you, and a trace shows
On each cheek."

١٠. دَمُهُ لَدَيكِ وَقَد بَدا
أَثَرٌ لَهُ في كُلِّ خَد

11. Leyla fidgeted angrily, having lost
Her reason out of rage.

١١. فَتَمَلمَلَت لَيلى وَقَد
فَقَدَت من الغَيظِ الرشد

12. "Enough," she answered. "Go back
From my torment, I have no patience."

١٢. حَسناً أَجابَت فَاِرجَعوا
عن مِحنَتي ما لي جَلَد