
Is your prose swifter than your verse, or your verse more creative than your prose?

هل إن فكرك من يراعك أسرع

1. Is your prose swifter than your verse, or your verse more creative than your prose?
God has gifted you with talent that amazes the minds,

١. هَل إِنَّ فِكرَك من يراعِك أَسرَعُ
أَم إِنَّ نَثرَك من نَظيمِكَ أَبدَعُ

2. I yearn for the meadows of feeling through its fragrance.
O son of spring, and in spring there are flowers,

٢. لِلَّهِ مَوهِبَةٌ يحارُ بِها الحجى
أَرجُ الشعورِ بِروضِها يَتَضَوَّعُ

3. Like stars sparkling in your sky.
How did you turn away from verse, preferring

٣. يا اِبنَ الرَبيعِ وَفي الرَبيعِ أَزاهِرٌ
مِثل الكَواكِبِ في سَمائِكِ تَلمَعُ

4. To leave your poetry sleeping in your mind?
O son of imagination, and in imagination there is truth,

٤. كَيفَ اِنثَنَيتَ عَن النَظيمِ مُخَيِّراً
وَتَركتَ شعركَ في دماغِكَ يَهجَعُ

5. Before which the sight of existence bows down in awe.
How often have you signed your verse with a melody,

٥. يا اِبنَ الخَيالِ وَفي الخَيالِ حَقيقَةٌ
بصرُ الوجودِ أَمامها يَتَخَشَّعُ

6. And the night listened spellbound.
O songster of the valley, and in the valley there is passion

٦. كَم مَرَّةٍ وَقَّعتَ شِعرَكَ نغمَةً
وَاللَيلُ أَنصَتَ مُصغياً يَتَسَمَّعُ

7. That flows toward you, and ribs and breasts.
You taught it the song of yearning in farewell,

٧. يا أَرغنَ الوادي وَفي الوادي هَوى
يَصبو إِلَيكَ فُؤادُهُ وَالأَضلُعُ

8. And you left it, while eyes bid farewell.
A sympathetic one, not cold or aloof,

٨. لَقَّنتَهُ شَدوَ الهِيامِ مودِّعاً
وَرَحلتَ عَنهُ وَالعُيونُ تودَّعُ

9. If he is one of Baroda, and your love makes him weep.
Hear the moaning coming from its depths,

٩. أَشفيق لا بَردى وَلا فَيحاؤُه
إِن كانَ بَرَدونيُّ وَحيك يدمعُ

10. When you hear its moan, you will hurt.
Do not cut the strings of a lyre

١٠. إِسمَع أَنيناً صادِراً من غورِهِ
فَإِذا سَمعتَ أَنينَهُ تَتَوَجَّعُ

11. Whose melodies in poetry do not cease.

١١. لا تَقطعِ الأَوتارَ من قيثارةٍ
نَغَماتُها في الشِعرِ لا تَتَقَطَّعُ