1. I lost my sanity in love's plateau
And lost what reason had sustained in me
١. ضَيَّعتُ في هِضَبِ الهَوى رُشدي
وَفَقَدتُ ما أَبقى الحجى عِندي
2. And strove for glory with great diligence
Yet tumbled short of reaching glory's keep
٢. وَسَعَيتُ نَحوَ المَجدِ مُجتَهِداً
فَهَويتُ دون مدارِك المَجدِ
3. I see youth gleaming, rejuvenated
While I am frail and sallow-cheeked
٣. أَجدُ الشَبابَ يَلوحُ مُنتَعِشاً
وَأَنا نَحيلٌ أَصفَرُ الخَدِّ
4. Each night my dark-cloaked neighbor
Adds two stones toward my tomb from quarry's heap
٤. في كُلِّ لَيلٍ جار أَسودهُ
يَبني الرَدى حَجَرَينِ من لحدي
5. As distant are the stars from my poor eyes
As distant as the horseman from the rose
٥. بَعُدَ الكَرى عَن مُقلَتَيَّ كَما
بَعُدَ الفَتى الصادي عَن الوِردِ
6. My lids like a gazelle have come to be
To bar the way 'gainst sleep with their repose
٦. فَكَأَنَّ أَهدابي ظَبيً بَرَزَت
لِتحولَ دونَ النَومِ بِالسَهدِ
7. If you had known, my father, when I was
A babe, my fate would be devoid of bliss
٧. لَو كنتَ تَعلَمُ يا أَبي وَأَنا
طِفلٌ مَصيري العادمَ السَعدِ
8. You would have wept when I was born in woe
And choked me while I lay in cradle's midst
٨. لَبَكيتَ عِندَ وِلادَتي نَدَماً
وَخنَقتَني وَأَنا عَلى مَهدي
9. They whisper of me in despair
"He is a sword of keen and piercing wit"
٩. يَتَهامَسونَ عَلَيَّ من أَسَفٍ
هو سَيف عَقلٍ مُرهَفُ الحَدِّ
10. If I'm a sword of reason, then I am
A blade not yet unsheathed from out its slit
١٠. إِن كنت سَيفاً لِلحجى فَأَنا
لَم يَمتَشِقني الدَهرُ من غَمدي
11. The days desired to stab me
My chest with swords that have no clue to quit
١١. أَرَدتَنيَ الأَيّامُ طاعِنَةً
صَدري بِأَسيافٍ لَها تُردي
12. While I, a lad, still gather in a knot
From meadows of my youth the rose's wit
١٢. وَأَنا فَتىً ما زِلتُ أَجمَعُ من
رَوضِ الصَبابَةِ وَالهَوى عَقدي
13. The turns of fate clawed savagely my frame
With talons like the talons of the beast
١٣. عاثَت صُروف الدَهرِ في جَسَدي
بِمَخالِبٍ كَمَخالِبِ الأُسدِ
14. Alas, specters of doom have come so close
What will Saada's fate be after my decease?
١٤. وَيلاهُ أَشباح الرَدى قَربت
ماذا سعاد تَصير من بَعدي
15. Mother! Where is my father, for with him
Are matters lost that stole away my wit
١٥. أُمّاهُ أَينَ أَبي فَإِنَّ لَهُ
عِندي شُؤوناً ضَيَّعَت رُشدي
16. My father, may God grant you peace, how can it be
You left me and abandoned me, fending alone?
١٦. أَأَبي رَعاك اللَهُ كيفَ تَرى
خَلَّفتَني وَتَرَكتَني وَحدي
17. Were you like me, despairing and fatigued,
So you roamed the world pursuing your own deed?
١٧. هَل كُنتَ مِثلي يائِساً تَعِباً
فَعَثيتَ في الدُنيا عَلى جَدّي
18. No matter, sleep, and let the soul be pure
For to you my passion has always cleaved.
١٨. لا بَأسَ نَم وَالروحُ طاهِرَةٌ
فاليكَ وَجدي لَم يَزَل وَجدي