
O bard of tears, I gained nothing

شاعر الدمع ما جنيت بشيء

1. O bard of tears, I gained nothing
So my mute tears are the sweetest melody

١. شاعِرَ الدَمعِ ما جَنيتُ بِشَيءٍ
فَدُموعي الخَرساءُ أَطيَبُ لَحنِ

2. I am a lute you played
So its tune wept while you sang

٢. أَنا قَيثارَةٌ ضَربتَ عَلَيها
فَبَكى لَحنُها وَأَنتَ المُغَنّي

3. So both of us recite to the hearing of love
And read its verses slowly

٣. فَكِلانا نَشدو عَلى مَسمَعِ الحُ
بِّ وَنَتلو آياتِه بِتَأَنِّ

4. And my tears are a painter on my cheeks
Of the melodies of love in the most skilled art

٤. وَدُموعي رَسّامَةٌ في خُدودي
نَغَماتِ الهَوى بِأَتقَنِ فَنِّ