1. Your passion inflamed, your cup overflowing,
Give your father wine, lie with him unknowing,
١. مَغناكِ مُلتَهِبٌ وَكَأسُكِ مُترَعه
فَاِسقي أَباكِ الخَمر وَاِضطَجِعي مَعَه
2. No longer on your lips the taste of milk
That nourished your infancy, all forsaking,
٢. لَم تُبقِ في شَفَتَيكِ لذاتُ الدِما
ما تَذكُرينَ بِهِ حَليبَ المرضعه
3. Arise, enter in, O daughter of Lot's kin,
Your father's bed awaits, his lust unslaking,
٣. قومي اِدخُلي يا بنتُ لوط عَلى الخنى
وَاِزني فَإِنَّ أَباكِ مهّدَ مَضجَعَه
4. If to its source your crimson blood returns
Like streams that to their springs are backward making,
٤. إِن تُرجِعي دَمك الشَهِيِّ لِنَبعَه
كَم جَدوَلٍ في الأَرضِ راجِع مَنبَعَه
5. Heed not your Lord's retribution, 'tis but
Sparks from your fiery lust to you outbreaking,
٥. لا تَعبَأي بِعِقاب رَبِّكِ إِنَّهُ
جُرثومَةٌ من نارِكِ المُتَدَفِّعَه
6. Within your fevered breast sulfuric ore
When lusts play with will ribs detonating,
٦. في صَدرِكِ المَحمومِ كِبريتٌ إِذا
لَعِبَت بِهِ الشَهَواتُ فَجَّر أَضلُعُه
7. On each your ribs a pendant hangs displayed
On the necklace of youthful lusts partaking,
٧. فَبِكُلِّ صَقعٍ مِن ضُلوعِك قِسمَة
خِلَعٌ عَلى لَهَب الشَبابِ موزَّعَه
8. O Sodom risen from the flames of shame
With lusts through every age re-awaking,
٨. إيه سدومُ بُعثتِ مِن خَلِلِ اللظى
حَمراءَ في شَهَواتِكِ المُتَسَرِّعَه
9. On each wave of your flames a custom lies
Drunken, broken, on new wine ever saking,
٩. في كُلِّ جيلٍ مِن لَهيبِكِ سُنَّة
سَكرى محطَّمَة عَلَيهِ مُخَلَّعَه
10. The past led me back to you, and lit
My heart, my lids, with vision sorrowing,
١٠. عَقَبت بيَ الذِكرى إِلَيكِ فَأَشعَلَت
قَلبي وَأَجفاني رُؤاكِ الموجِعَه
11. Beyond the flames, gardens I witnessed, flowers
Blooming in every season, joy outpaking,
١١. شاهَدت مِن خَلَلِ اللَهيبِ حَدائِقاً
كانَت نَواضِرَ في الفُصولِ الأَربَعَة
12. Wafting enchantment from Paradise,
And heavens above their sweetness down-shaking,
١٢. نَشَقَت مِن الفِردَوسِ عبقَة سِحرهِ
وَمن السَماءِ طُيوبِها المُتَضَوِّعه
13. Verdant, pure, their saplings so it seemed
As Eden in its chastity remaking,
١٣. خَضراءَ طاهِرَة الغراس كَأَنَّها
بِصَفاءِ عَدنٍ لا تَزالُ مُبَرقَعَه
14. As if Adam's remorse breathed paradise
And Eve's prayers this fertility were slaking,
١٤. وَكَأَنَّ مِن تَكفيرِ آدم نَفحَةً
فيها وَمن صَلَواتِ حَواءٍ دِعه
15. I saw the meadows' nurses nurturing
With buds like Children in their bosoms taking,
١٥. وَرَأَيتُ غَدراناً مَراضِع تُربَة
بِأَجِنَّة الزهر النَدِيِّ مرصَّعَه
16. And the soft dawns upon the grasses strewing
Seeds for the feathered choirs their rest forsaking,
١٦. وَمراوِح الفَجرِ الجَميلِ عَلى الذَرى
يَلقى عَلَيها كُلَّ طيرٍ مخدَعَه
17. I saw houris in cups of lilies white
With the milk of heaven nourished, pure partaking,
١٧. وَرَأَيتُ حوراً في شُفوفِ زَنابِق
بَيضاء من لَبَن الجنان مُشَبَّعَه
18. The gentle breeze their breasts blew open, smiled,
A haughty rose above them undertaking,
١٨. نَفخ الصِبا بنُهودِها فَتَكَوَّرَت
وَتَبَسَّمَت عَن وَردَةٍ مُتَرَفِّعَه
19. What has Sodom done, where are the charms
That once her cheeks and brows were overtaking?
١٩. ماذا فَعَلتِ سُدومُ أَينَ جَواذِبٌ
كانَت عَلى تِلكَ الخُدورِ مجمَّعَه
20. How has your growing milk to poison turned
In the wine-cups of vice raised high partaking?
٢٠. فيمَ اِستَحالَ لُبانُكِ النامي إِلى
خَمر بكاساتِ الفجورِ مُشَعشَعَة
21. Your wine dissolves to make hearts captive, not
Pure, but so souls may deeply of it slaking,
٢١. ذَوَّبَت خَمرِكِ لا لِيُصبِح طاهِراً
لكِن لِيَستَهوي النُفوسَ فَتَجرَعَه
22. The hissing snakes' venom your drink's become
That every heart may sip and pierced be breaking,
٢٢. وَجَعَلتِ غَرغَرَةَ الأَفاعي كَأسَه
لِيَذوقَ مِنها كُلَّ قَلبٍ مَصرَعَه
23. The world is drunk on you Sodom, become but
Throngs on life's road in crazed debauch awaking,
٢٣. سَكَرَت بِكِ الدُنيا سدومُ فَكلَّها
زمرٌ عَلى طرق الحَياةِ مُتَعتَعه
24. You trained the throat of vice and it let loose
Songs from hell played on strings set a quaking,
٢٤. وَأَثرَتِ حُنجُرَة الفجور فَأَطلَقَت
حِمَماً عَلى نَغَمِ الجَحيمِ مُوَقَّعَه
25. Scarlet melodies the perverse have sung
On your shattered strings jarring notes making,
٢٥. أَغنيَّة حَمراء أَنشَدَها الخنى
مِزَقاً عَلى أَوتارِكِ المُتَقَطِّعَه
26. Sodom of this age, you'll not conceal your face
Which, by your mother's, shamefully partaking,
٢٦. أَسدومَ هذا العَصر لَن تَتَحَجَّبي
فَبِوَجهِ أمكِ ما بَرِحَتِ مُقَنَّعَه
27. When hell's whirlwinds blew, horror was her face,
As horror is your unveiled face's making,
٢٧. كانَت مُنَكَّرَة كَوَجهِكِ عِندَما
هَبَّت عَلَيها مِن جَهَنَّم زَوبَعَه
28. The desert of whoredoms birthed your civilization,
Bereft of children, faces horror-shaken,
٢٨. قَذفتك صحراءُ الزِنى بِحَضارَة
ثَكلى مُشَوَّهَةِ الوُجوهِ مُفَجَّعَه
29. Debauched dens masked in guises of rectitude,
Hypocrisy's rags o'er their sinful ways taking,
٢٩. بُؤرٌ مُسَتَّرَة الفَسادِ بخدعة
نَكراءَ بِالخَزِّ الشَهِيِّ مُرَقَّعَه