
Shafiq was always secluded

كان شفيق لم يزل مختلي

1. Shafiq was always secluded
In the left side of the temple

١. كانَ شَفيقٌ لم يَزَل مُختَلي
في الجِهَةِ اليُسرى من الهَيكَلِ

2. Thinking of his locked up love
Questioning his heart, it does not speak

٢. مُفَكِّراً في حُبِّهِ المُقفَلِ
يُسائِلُ القَلبَ فَلا يَنطِقُ

3. And the heart is a secret in passion that throbs
So when he saw his crazy passion

٣. وَالقَلبُ سِرٌّ في الهَوى يَخفِقُ
فَمذ رَأى فُلَّتَهُ الذاوِيَه

4. Ferocious with a bleeding liver
Remaining imploring in the corner

٤. غَلواءَ ذاتَ الكبدِ الدامِيه
باقِيَةً تَضرَعُ في الزاوِيَه

5. He said: Wake up, oh love, from your slumber
The master of sorrows is in your pact

٥. قالَ أَفِق يا حُبُّ من هَجعِتك
فَسيِّدُ الآلامِ في بيعَتِك

6. He loved even Mary the adulteress
Then he approached her with tears in his eyelids

٦. أَحبَّ حَتّى مريَمَ الزانِيَه
ثُمَّ دَنا مِنها وَفي مُقلَتِه

7. Tears where love tosses in its waves
Like flotsam thrown from its tide

٧. دَمعٌ يَطوفُ الحُبُّ في مَوجَتِه
كَحِطمَةٍ تُقذَفُ من مُهجَتِه

8. So the ferocious one recoiled in her horror
And breaths flared up in her chest

٨. فَاِنتَفَضَت غَلواءُ من ذُعرِها
وَثارَت الأَنفاسُ في صَدرِها

9. As if she were a volcano in its eruption
So he said gently: These are my tears

٩. كَأَنَّها البُركانُ في ثَورَتِه
فَقالَ عَفواءً هذِهِ أَدمُعي

10. Intercede for me, oh ferocious one, so intercede
I dropped them from my aching heart

١٠. تَشفَعُ يا غَلواءُ بي فَاِشفَعي
قَطَرتُها من قَلبِيَ الموجِعِ

11. Their waves carry from my blood
A love story that has not come out of my mouth

١١. تَحمِلُ موجاتِها من دَمي
حَديثَ حُبٍّ لَم يَرِد من فَمِ

12. And has not before fallen on any hearing
In front of this most sacred temple

١٢. وَلم يَقَع مِن قَبلُ في مِسمَعِ
أَمامَ هذا الهَيكَلِ الأَطهَرِ

13. In front of the eyes of the greatest wretch
In front of the candle of the yellow temple

١٣. أَمامَ عَينِ البائِسِ الأَكبَرِ
أَمام شَمعِ المَعبَدِ الأَصفَرِ

14. And these melting rays
From the fawn's glowing fetus

١٤. وَهذِهِ الأَشِعَّةِ الذائِبَه
من فِلذَةِ الغَزالَةِ الشاحِبَه

15. On the marble of the bright altar
In front of my pains, in front of the sorrow

١٥. عَلى رُخامِ المَذبَح النَيِّر
أَمام أَوجاعي أَمامَ الأَلَم

16. In front of this weakness, this illness
And these eyes that did not sleep

١٦. أَمام هذا الضُعفِ هذا السَقَم
وَهذِهِ العَينِ الَّتي لَم تَنَم

17. I lay bare my glowing heart to passion
So the ferocious one muttered, how unfaithful

١٧. أَطرَحُ قَلبي لِلهَوى مجمَرَه
فَغَمغَمَت غَلواءُ ما اكفَرَه

18. This passion goes on, and regret comes after
And she stared for a while at the lovesick one

١٨. هذا الهَوى يَمضي وَيَأتي النَدَم
وَحَدَّقَت حيناً إِلى المَغرَمِ

19. While her heart in her dark chest
Walks from sorrows in mourning

١٩. وَقَلبُها في صَدرها المظلِمِ
يَمشي من الآلامِ في مَأتمِ

20. Then she turned her distracted eyes
Away from his sad, crying eyes

٢٠. ثمَّ أَمالَت عَينها الساهِيَه
عن عَينه الكَئيبَة الباكِيَه

21. And sank into an ambiguous dream
So he said: No, no, do not turn away, for misery

٢١. وَاستَغرَقَت في حُلمٍ مُبهَمِ
فَقالَ لا لا تُعرِضي فَالشَقا

22. Wanted, oh ferocious one, for me to be created
To know love and to fall in love

٢٢. أَرادَ يا غَلواءُ أَن أُخلَقا
أَن أَعرِفَ الحُبَّ وَأَن اعشَقا

23. So what secret in your darkness was hidden
That your eyes reveal to this image

٢٣. فَأَيُّ سِرٍّ في دُجاكِ استَتَر
تُفشيهِ عَيناكِ لِهذي الصُوَر

24. And from my heart has remained locked
And he had just become silent when he fell prostrate

٢٤. وَعن فُؤادي لَم يَزَل مُغلَقا
وَلَم يَكَد يَصمُتُ حَتّى سَجَد

25. The holiness of passion, no one has ever humbled like this
As if in her eyelids is His temple

٢٥. قُدسُ الهَوى ما ذَلَّ فيه أَحد
كَأَنَّ في مُقلَتها هَيكَلَه

26. Where he sees the Lord of Golgotha
Opening fresh wounds for love

٢٦. يَرى عَلَيهِ سَيِّدَ الجَلجَله
يَفتَحُ لِلحُبِّ جِراحاً جُدَد

27. And the ferocious one said: Here is my temple
In your extinguished chest, the ignited one

٢٧. وَقالَ غَلواءُ هنا مَعبَدي
في صَدرِك المُنطَفىءِ الموقَدِ

28. And your eyes drowned in tomorrow's sea
And her eyelids met the altar

٢٨. وَعَينكِ الغَرقى بِبَحرِ الغَدِ
وَصادَفَت مُقلَتُهُ المَذبحا

29. Upon it was a tail of the light of morning
And the image of the virgin, so he said: Bear witness

٢٩. عَلَيهِ ذَيلٌ من شُعاعِ الضُحى
وَصورَةَ العَذرا فَقالَ اِشهَدي

30. He said: Bear witness that passion testifies
Oh image of Mary who is worshipped

٣٠. قالَ اِشهَدي إِنَّ الهَوى يَشهَدُ
يا صورَةً لِمَريَمٍ تُعبَدُ

31. Oh igniter of love that cannot be blamed
Love is fires that light up the sky

٣١. يا مَوقِداً لِلحُبِّ لا يَحمَدُ
الحُبُّ نيرانٌ تُنيرُ السَما

32. So it sends light to us whenever
An appointment with God comes to us

٣٢. فَتُرسِلُ النورَ لنا كُلَّما
حانَ مع اللَهِ لنا مَوعِدُ

33. Rays from the Creator's eyelids
That melt in the ardent livers

٣٣. أَشِعَّةٌ من مُقلَةِ الخالِقِ
تَذوبُ في الاِكبادِ من حالِقِ

34. So it mixes the Creator with the lover
And God did not create the human heart

٣٤. فَتَمزُجُ الخالِقَ بِالعاشِق
وَاللَهُ ما أَبدَعَ قَلبَ البَشَر

35. To remain dormant like a stone
So the fire in its throbbing element

٣٥. حَتّى يَظَلَّ خامِداً كَالحَجَر
فَالنارُ في عُنصُرِهِ الخافِق

36. He said to her: Your heart, how it agonized
Oh God, how cruel, how painful it was

٣٦. قالَ لَها قَلبُكِ ما أَفجَعَه
أَلِلَّهَ ما أَقساهُ ما أَوجَعَه

37. Speak, I want to hear it
I want to bend my ribs for it

٣٧. تَكَلَّمي أَودُّ أَن أَسمَعَه
أَوَدُّ أَن أَحني لَهُ أَضلُعي

38. An arc of love, so it stays with me
As long as life remains, and I remain with it

٣٨. قَوساً من الحُبِّ فَيَبقى مَعي
ما بَقِيَ العُمرُ وَأَبقى مَعَه

39. I want to spread my eyes out for it
For passion makes the crucifixion easier

٣٩. أَوَدُّ أَن أَفرُشَ عَينَيَّ لَه
هذا دَمعي أَوَدُّ ان يَأكُلَه

40. Passion, oh sister of my soul, is nothing but
The sacrifice of souls, passion is not

٤٠. إِنَّ الهَوى يَهوِّنُ الجَلجَلَه
لَيسَ الهَوى يا أُختَ روحي سوى

41. So the ferocious one muttered: nothing but nonsense
And she left him in a deepening unnamed

٤١. قُربانَةِ الاِرواحِ لَيسَ الهَوى
فَغَمغَمَت غلوا سوى مهزَلَه

42. From one problem tossed to another
Like someone wandering in his long night

٤٢. وَغادَرتُهُ في اسمىً موغِلِ
من مُشكِلٍ يُزَجى الى مُشكِلِ

43. So he said: Who has revealed this love?
So the nonsense echoed in his hearing

٤٣. كَمُدلِجٍ في لَيلِهِ الأَليَلِ
فَقالَ هذا الحُبُّ من أَنزَلَه

44. And the temple dome returned it

٤٤. فَرَنَّ في مِسمَعِهِ المهزَلَه
وَرَجَّعتَها قُبَّةُ الهَيكَلِ