1. Tell me the story of those who loved
Before us, you are the best of people in assumption
١. قُصَّ لي سيرَةَ الَّذينَ أَحَبَّوا
قَبلَنا أَنتَ أَحسَنُ الناسِ ظَنّا
2. Rest your beautiful head on my chest
And listen, I will let you hear what does not perish
٢. أَسنِدي رَأسَكِ الجَميلَ إِلى صَد
ري وَأَصغي أُسمِعكِ ما لَيسَ يَفنى
3. The first of lovers, O night, was Qais
There is no meaning in love before Qais
٣. أَوَّلُ العاشِقينَ يا لَيلَ قَيسٌ
لَيسَ في الحُبِّ قَبلَ قيسٍ مُعَنّى
4. His madness, O night, was for Layla, and when
She married another, he became lovesick and mad
٤. تَيَّمَتهُ يا لَيلَ لَيلى وَلَمّا
زُوِّجَت مِن سِواهُ هام وَجُنّا
5. The most loving of lovers is he who loved Layla
Like we are now, O night
٥. وَأَحَبُّ العُشّاقِ مَن هام يا لَي
لى بِلَيلى وَكان ما نَحنُ صِرنا
6. And Jameel bin Ma'amar, I wish
you would see how highly he valued loyalty
٦. وَجَميلُ بنُ مَعمَرٍ أَتَمَنّى
لَو تَرَوَّيتِ كَيفَ كَرَّمَ بَثنا
7. His love made him more chaste and noble
Whenever a man blamed or mocked him
٧. زادَهُ حُبُّهُ عَفافاً وَنُبلاً
كُلَّما عَضَّهُ اِمرؤٌ وَتَجَنّى
8. If you knew how sincerely his poetry smells
You would say, that is us
٨. شِعرُهُ لَو عَرفتِ كَيفَ يَفوحُ ال
صِدقُ مِنهُ لقُلتِ ذلِكَ مِنّا
9. The most generous of lovers in eye and heart
The most enchanting of poets in composition and meaning
٩. أَكرَمُ العاشِقينَ عَيناً وَقَلباً
أَطرَبُ الشاعِرينَ مَبنىً وَمَعنى
10. And of love there was Urwa bin Hizam
Who found his share in death and was content
١٠. وَمِنَ الحُبِّ عُروَةُ بنُ حِزامٍ
نالَ في المَوتِ شَطرَهُ وَاِطمَأَنّا
11. He died in Afra, then Afra died for him
The two lovers got what they wished
١١. ماتَ في عَفرَ ثُمَّ ماتَت بِهِ عَف
را كِلا العاشِقينِ ما يَتَمَنّى
12. It is a legend in poetry, they said
But it is the highest truth of love, we say
١٢. هيَ أُسطورَةٌ مِنَ الشِعرِ قالوا
وَهيَ أَسمى حَقايِق الحُبِّ قُلنا
13. And if hearts did not perish in love
Beauty would not bloom, nor sing
١٣. وَلَو أَنَّ القُلوبَ لَم تَفنَ في الحُ
بِّ لما أَورقَ الجَمالُ وَغَنّى
14. O night, God's palm did not send down a soul like your spirit
Nor beauty like your beauty
١٤. لَيلَ ما أَنزَلَت كَروحِكِ كَفُّ اللَ
هِ روحاً وَلا كَحُسنِكِ حُسنا
15. Is there on earth, for the heavens, care that can numb my eyes like yours?
You were like women, but when
١٥. وَالحَنانُ الَّذي يُخَدِّرُ عَينَي
كِ أَفي الأَرضِ لِلسَّما مِنهُ أَدنى
16. You came to my heart, you appeared as poetry and melody
And planted stars of hopes in me
١٦. كُنتِ في الناسِ كَالنِساءِ فَلَمّا
جِئتِ قَلبي ظَهَرتِ شِعراً وَلَحنا
17. What treasure do I love more than them, and makes me richer?
We, O night, are the happiest people, so we
١٧. وَزَرَعتِ الآمالَ فيَّ نُجوماً
أَيُّ كَنز أَحبَّ مِنها وَأَغنى
18. Forgive them everything they say about us
١٨. نَحنُ يا لَيلَ أَسَعدُ الناسِ فَل
نَغفِر لَهُم كُلَّ ما يَقولونَ عَنّا