1. What news has spread in the dens of curses,
The blaze was confused by it, and Hell asked.
١. وَما سَرى في مَقاصيرِ اللَظى خبرُ
حارَ اللَهيبُ بِهِ وَاِستَسأَلَت سقرُ
2. The people have unleashed winds towards Hell,
Leading a people subdued by humanity to the Fire.
٢. إِنَّ الوَرى أَطلَقوا ريحاً إِلى سَقرٍ
تقود لِلنّارِ قَوماً دانَه البشرُ
3. Until a group of ghosts emerged
In a bridal carriage beneath which embers smoldered.
٣. حَتّى أَطَلَّت مِن الأَشباحِ طائِفَة
في هودجٍ يَتَنَزّى تَحتَهُ الشررُ
4. Their eyes were flames - whenever they penetrated
The small crevices of vicious slander, they grew.
٤. بُلهُ العُيونِ ضخام كُلَّما وَغَلوا
في مَسرَبِ مِن دياميس اللَظى صَغِروا
5. A red owl drags them in her hands,
On her sides an axe with snakes engraved.
٥. تَجُرُّهُم بومَة حَمراء في يَدِها
فَأس عَلى جانِبيها صُوَّر الدعرُ
6. The damned of Hell rose up entirely,
And groups followed them in succession.
٦. فَثارَ ثائِرُ أَهل النارِ كُلُّهُم
وَجُيِّشَت زُمرٌ في إِثرِها زُمرُ
7. They streamed from the vaults of Hell
To the hall of Iblis where jinn were intoxicated.
٧. تَدَفَّقَت مِن سَراديبِ الجَحيمِ إِلى
إيوانِ إِبليسَ حَيثُ الجِنِّ قَد سَكروا
8. Among the specters' procession was one with a duckbill
With a snake frothing on his lips.
٨. وَكانَ في مَوكِب الأَشباحِ ذو بَطر
يَفحُّ في شَفَتَيهِ حَيَّةٌ ذكرُ
9. On him was a barren lyre, broken,
And a cane made from shattered dreams.
٩. عَلَيهِ قيثارَة ثَكلى مخلَّعَة
وَصولَجان مِن الأَحلامِ مُنكَسِرُ
10. He cast on the chambers of fire, sparks
From his red robe, causing them to flare up.
١٠. يَلقي عَلى غرفِ النيرانِ أَخيلَة
من ثَوبِهِ الأَحمَر القاني فَتَستَعِرُ
11. He had not struck the strings to play the tunes
Before a swoon overcame the jinn.
١١. فَما أَصاخَ إِلى الأَنغامِ يَعزِفُها
رَهط مِن الجِنِّ حَتّى مَسَّهُ خَدرُ
12. "What is this vision? Where am I?" he shouted.
Iblis said, "Wait, this is Hell."
١٢. وَصاحَ ما هذِهِ الرُؤيا وَأَين أَنا
فَقالَ إِبليسُ مَهلاً هذِهِ سقرُ
13. "You carried a false lyre on earth
With no truthful vibrating strings."
١٣. حَملتَ قيثارَة في الأَرضِ كاذِبَة
مِن الحَقيقَة لَم يَنبِض بِها وَترُ
14. "A feather from the owl's wing never drew
Anything but bats cloaked in brocade."
١٤. وَريشَة مِن جَناح البومِ ما رَسَمَت
إِلّا خَفافيشَ بِالديباجِ تستَترُ
15. "So you are mine and my Hell is mine to distribute
Among fools who composed poetry yet never knew poetry."
١٥. فَأَنتَ لي وَجَحيمي لي أَوزِّعُه
عَلى الأُلى أَنشَدوا شِعراً وَما شَعروا
16. Among the specters' procession was one arrogant,
Filth in his palm, vileness in his eye.
١٦. وَكانَ في مَوكِب الأَشباحِ ذو صَلفٍ
في كَفهِ سلع في عَينِه قَذرُ
17. He dragged the train of distorted laws
To which no trace of virtue clung.
١٧. يَجُرُّ ذَيلَ قَوانينَ مشوهَة
مِن الفَضيلَة لَم يَعلق بِها أَثرُ
18. Iblis said, "Be silent, he who paved
His hands in dirt, no vision elevates him."
١٨. فَقالَ إِبليسُ أَطرق إِن مَن سَفلت
يَداهُ في الأَرضِ لا يَعلو لَهُ بَصرُ
19. "So you are mine and my Hell is mine to distribute
Among fools who swore to the people and boasted."
١٩. فَأَنتَ لي وَجَحيمي لي أَوزِّعُه
عَلى الأُلى أَقسَموا لِلشَّعبِ وَاِبتَهَروا
20. Among the specters' procession was one cross-eyed,
Gurgling and frothing, leaving nothing untouched.
٢٠. وَكانَ في مَوكِب الأَشباحِ ذو خَطَل
يرغي وَيزبد لا يَبقي وَلا يَذرُ
21. In his irises, dormant volcanoes;
In his brow, the mirage of God recedes.
٢١. في مُقلَتَيهِ بَراكينُ مرمَّدَة
وَفي الجَبين خَيال اللَهِ يَندحرُ
22. Iblis said, "Be brief, you were never angry
In the speech of prophets, verses, and scriptures."
٢٢. فَقالَ إِبليسُ أَقصِر لَم تَكُن غَضِباً
في مَنطِق الرُسل الآياتِ وَالسُوَرُ
23. "So you are mine and my Hell is mine to distribute
Among fools who only harvested more rage."
٢٣. فَأَنتَ لي وَجَحيمي لي أَوزِّعُه
عَلى الأُلى ما جَزوا إِلا لِيثّئروا
24. Wine was frothing in its cups,
Jinn were playing music, and fires erupting,
٢٤. وَكانَت الخَمر تَرغي في مَقاصِفها
وَالجِنُّ تَعزِف وَالنيرانُ تَنفَجِرُ
25. When a voice from the pardoned earth cried out,
"The people of earth have forgiven."
٢٥. إِذا بِصَوت مِن الأَرضِ الَّتي صَفحت
يَقول لِلنّار أَهل الأَرضِ قَد غَفَروا