
What can time the pretender do

ماذا بوسع الزمن المدعي

1. What can time the pretender do
As long as you are in my poetry and in my ribs

١. ماذا بِوِسعِ الزَمَن المُدَّعي
ما دمتِ في شِعري وَفي أَضلعي

2. Our lifelong companionship will never be severed
No matter how far the world separates us, we will reunite

٢. لَن يُقطَعَ الدَهرَ لَنا أُلفَةٌ
مَهما يُفَرِّقنا الوَرى نُجمَعِ

3. We say to people if they scream
What the bulbul said to the oleander

٣. نَقول لِلنّاسِ إِذا صَيَّحوا
ما قالَهُ البُلبُلُ لِلضِفدَعِ

4. If our youth passes, passion remains
We perish with it like creation with the Maker

٤. شَبابُنا إِن يَفنَ يَبقَ الهَوى
نَفنى بِهِ كَالخَلقِ في المبدِعِ

5. What of love if infatuation is lacking
Has the wine ever sobered until it's chastised?

٥. ماذا عَلى الحُبِّ إِذا لَم يُفق
هَل وَعَتِ الخَمرَةُ حَتّى نَعي

6. You saw me as an old man with far-sighted vision
My past is connected to my destiny

٦. رَأَيتُني شَيخاً مَديد الرُؤى
مُتَّصِلَ السالِفِ بِالمزمِعِ

7. On my mouth an ode that doesn't fade
And a verdant melody in my hearing

٧. عَلى فَمي أُنشودَةٌ لا تَني
وَنَغوَةٌ خَضراءُ في مَسمَعي

8. I live in memories in absent-mindedness
As a child lives suckling at the wet nurse

٨. أَعيشُ في الذِكرى بِغَيبوبَةٍ
كَما يَعيشُ الطِفلُ في المرضعِ

9. The birds of my dreams and the passion's rapture
Encircling me and alighting

٩. طيورُ أَحلامِيَ وَحيُ الهَوى
مِن حُوَّمٍ حَولي وَمن وُقَّعِ

10. If life becomes difficult and frowns at us
Which ground in you hasn't been cultivated?

١٠. إِن تُمحِلِ الدُنيا وَتَعبس لَنا
فَأَيُّ أَرضٍ فيكِ لَم تُمرعِ

11. I attained through your eyes the essence of wishes
So the universe lives through me and dies with me

١١. غَنِمتُ في عَينَيكِ كُنهَ المُنى
فَالكَونُ يَحيا بي وَيَفنى مَعي