1. What ailment can be cured, what ailment
My God, savior of the innocent
١. أَيُّ داءٍ يشفُّهُ أَيُّ داءِ
يا إِلهي يا مُنقِذَ الأَبرِياءِ
2. What ailment can be cured when before my eyes
Is a specter with a dark complexion
٢. أَيُّ داءٍ يشفُّهُ فَعَلى عَينَي
هِ طَيفٌ ذو جَبهَةٍ سَوداءِ
3. Each night that passes robs me
Of blooms nurtured by my blood
٣. كُلُّ لَيلٍ يَمُرُّ يَسلُبُ مِنهُ
زَهراتٍ تَعهَّدَتها دِمائي
4. I was told he would be cured but
His eyelids disappeared behind a veil
٤. قيلَ لي إِنَّهُ سَيَشفى وَلكِن
مُقلَتاهُ تَوارَتا في غِشاءِ
5. Behind a veil revealing some spirit
In which there is no hope left for a mother
٥. في غِشاءٍ يشفُّ عَن بَعضِ روحٍ
لَيسَ فيهِ لِلأُمِّ بَعضُ رجاءِ
6. His color changed from yesterday, illness
Erases from him the beauty of youth
٦. لَونُهُ أَمسِ غَيره اليَومَ إِنَّ ال
داءِ يَمحو عَنهُ جَمالَ الفَتاءِ
7. Lord, your mercy, do not humiliate my heart
With my beloved or make my evenings hellish
٧. ربِّ رُحماكَ لا تُذلَّ فُؤادي
بِحَبيبي وَلا تَجهَّم مَسائي
8. Lord, do not strike the sorrowful one with disdain
Or afflict me with this tribulation
٨. ربِّ لا تضرب الحَزينَةَ بِالثَك
لِ وَلا تَبلني بِهذا البَلاءِ
9. Do not let me, oh Lord, bear my worries
Before my remaining children
٩. لا تَدَعني يا رَبُّ أَحمل أَوجا
عي أَمامَ الباقينَ من أَبنائي
10. Do not stain with despair the whiteness of my thoughts
Oh comfort of radiant motherhood
١٠. لا تلطِّخ بِاليَاسِ بيض شعوري
يا عزاءَ الأمومَةِ البَيضاءِ
11. She sobbed for a time to hear God's voice
But God remains indifferent in the heavens
١١. وَأَصاخَت حيناً لِتَسمَعَ صَوت اللَ
هِ وَاللَهُ معرِضٌ في السَماءِ
12. As if the heavens were a structure of brass
And as if the darkness was the throne of fate
١٢. فَكَأَنَّ السَما بناءُ نحاسٍ
وَكَأَنَّ الظَلامَ عرشُ قَضاءِ
13. And as if the stars in the mantle of night
Were shrouds candles for the living
١٣. وَكَأَنَّ النُجومَ في شُرفَةِ اللَي
لِ شموعُ الأَكفانِ لِلأَحياءِ
14. And the eyes of the patient grow more restless
As his soul gains more radiance
١٤. وَعيونُ المَريضِ تَزدادُ نَزعاً
كُلَّما اِزدادَ روحه في الضياءِ