1. And he bent down weeping on her breast
And she bent down weeping on his head
١. وَأَهوى عَلى صَدرِها باكِياً
وَأَهوَت عَلى رَأسِهِ باكِيَه
2. And it was but moments until
The bloody visions of her soul vanished
٢. وَما هِيَ إِلّا دَقايِقُ حَتّى
تَلاشَت رُؤى نَفسِها الدامِيَه
3. Then she brought her lips near to his
In a scene of chaste courting
٣. فَأَدنَت إِلى ثَغرِهِ ثَغرَها
عَلى مَشهَدٍ من تُقى الرابِيَه
4. In a scene of the flowers' purity
Of chaste maidens and of the pouring youth
٤. عَلى مَشهَدٍ من نَقاءٍ الزُهورِ
العَذارى وَمن عِفَّةِ الساقِيَه
5. And when the full moon rose behind the mountains
And melted on the high knoll
٥. وَإِذ صَعِدَ البَدرُ خَلفَ الجِبالِ
وَذابَ عَلى الرَبوَةِ العالِيَه
6. And the birds fluttered among the branches
To dream their lucid dreams
٦. وَهَوَّمَتِ الطَيرُ بَينَ الغُصونِ
لِتَحلمَ أَحلامَها الصافِيَه
7. And nothing more could be heard in the field except
The sighing of the sleepy shepherd boy
٧. وَلم يَبقَ يُسمَعُ في الحَقلِ إِلّا
تَنَهُّدُ شَبّابَةِ الراعِيَه
8. The two lovers awoke from the intoxication of tears
To a second intoxication
٨. أَفاقَ الحَبيبانِ من سَكرَةِ الدُموعِ
إِلى سَكرَةٍ ثانِيَه
9. And they remained intoxicated with rapture
Purified by an abiding chastity
٩. وَظَلّا من السُكرِ في نَزواتٍ
تُطَهِّرها عِفَّةٌ باقِيَه
10. Until the time of parting drew near
And the languid stars paled
١٠. إِلى أَن دَنا مَوعِدٌ لِلفِراقِ
وَاصفَرَّت الأَنجُمُ الساهِيَه
11. As if the dim stars on the horizon
Were a sprinkling of wine on a faded robe
١١. كَأَنَّ النُجومَ الضَئيلَة في الأُفقِ
رَشحُ خُمورٍ عَلى خابيه
12. As if the stars were the sighing of sins
That a wanton night exhaled
١٢. كَأَنَّ النجومَ زَفيرُ خَطايا
تُصَعِّدُهُ لَيلَةٌ زانِيَه