1. My lyre I have not defiled with filth
Though circling with it in disgrace's haunt
١. قيثارَتي لَم أُلَطِّخها بِأَقذارِ
عَلى طَوافي بِها في بُؤرَةِ العارِ
2. A virgin accuses the naked of her chastity
In every veil that listened to my strings
٢. عَذراءُ تَتَّهِم العُرّى بكارَتها
في كُل خَمّارَة أَصغَت لِأَوتاري
3. And every foul one elevates her shame
To a tongue adept in wickedness wandering
٣. وَكُلُّ قاذورَة تَرقى بِعورتها
إِلى لسانٍ ذَريف الخُبثِ سَيّار
4. The cursed hypocrite disguises in his blood
A barren one embellishing in the garb of disgrace
٤. تَنكّر الخفر المَمسوخ في دَمها
يَزخرف عاقِر في مَنطِق عارِ
5. The strings of her infected lyre are mournful
As if a serpent took refuge in the lyre
٥. أَوتار قيثارها الموبوء فاجِعَة
كَأَنَّها حَيَّة لاذَت بِقيثارِ
6. A viper stricken with the fever of glory
Came out of its cave, intoxicated, upon the cave
٦. أَفعى أُصيبَت بِحمّى المَجدِ فَاِنقَلَبَت
مِن كَهفِها مِزَقاً سَكرى عَلى الغارِ
7. Iblis, take this naked one, for in it
Is what is in your hell of sulfur and fire
٧. إِبليسُ خُذ هذِهِ العَرّى فَإِن بِه
ما في جَحيمِك مِن زَفت وَمن نارِ
8. Take her to you and sterilize her, so she will not conceive
A female from mankind with sulfur and tar
٨. خُذها إِلَيكَ وَعَقِّمها فَلا حَبَلَت
أُنثى مِن الأنس بِالكِبريتِ وَالقارِ
9. How many a poet whose maidens corrupted him
So he went reciting with fangs and claws
٩. كَم شاعِر خبثَت فيهِ عَرائِسُه
فَراحَ يُملي بِأَنياب وَأَظفارِ
10. From the wine-skins, or when the camels aroused him
The lower passions known by flowers
١٠. مِن المَواخيرِ أَو حينَ الجَمال لَهُ
مُعَرَّف الشَهوَة السُفلى بِأَزهارِ
11. And brought to him crowns, made woeful,
Grown poison at the edges of branches
١١. وَجئنَه بِأَكاليلِ مُفَجَّعَة
نَمَت سموماً عَلى حافاتِ أَوجارِ
12. A crown of the lowest gloom circulating him
Upon bats in the remains of decay
١٢. تاج مِن الدَرك الأَدنى يَطوفُ بِهِ
عَلى الخَفافيشِ في أَشلاءِ أَطمارِ
13. The dwarves march in his train, attendants
Who stood to support him in his transient kingdom
١٣. تَسيرُ في رَكبِهِ الأَقزامُ حاشِيَةٌ
قامَت لِتَأييدِهِ في مُلكِهِ الهاري
14. The mockeries of immortality played with him
So he shouted, those are my ruins upon generations
١٤. تَهَتَّكَت سُخُرِّياتُ الخُلودِ بِهِ
فَصاحَ تِلكَ عَلى الأَجيالِ آثاري
15. Love simmers only in his viscera
So his eye is for passion and his heart for revenge
١٥. لا يَضمر الحُبُّ إِلّا في مَحاجِرِه
فَعَينه لِلهَوى وَالقَلبُ لِلثارِ
16. Iblis, take him and sterilize him, so no offspring grew
From his loins, a wretched family in the house
١٦. إِبليسُ خُذه وَعَقِّمهُ فَلا نَشَأَت
مِن صُلبِهِ أُسرة شَوهاء في دارِ
17. How many a lover surfeited from a pure virgin
Exalted by the highest company with lights
١٧. كَم عاشِقٍ راغَ مِن عَذراء طاهِرَة
عُلَّت مِن المَلَإِ الأَعلى بِأَنوارِ
18. The first fruits of love left in her pillows
The breast of the sky nursing the Creator Bountiful
١٨. باكورَة الحُبِّ أَبقى في مَراشِفِها
ثَديُ السَماءِ رَضاعَ الفاطِرِ الباري
19. Until when she came close and he corrupted her
And he rose throwing her off his vicious body
١٩. حَتّى إِذا أَدنَأَت فيهِ وَفاجَرَها
وَقامَ يَطرَحَها عَن جِسمِهِ الضاري
20. She plunged into despair and despair pierces her
Either the grave or disgrace, so choose!
٢٠. أَهوَت عَلى يَأسِها وَاليَأسُ يَنخَزُها
إِما الضَريحُ وَإِما العارُ فَاِختاري
21. And how many a guardian ruined the people he tended
His devout lips craving the drinkers' cups
٢١. وَكَم وَليّ رَعى شَعباً فَأَهلَكَه
تَرغي عَلى زُهدِهِ أَرياقُ عشّارِ
22. And a ruler whose baseness was in him
Displayed a pregnancy in the heart of a butcher
٢٢. وَحاكِم سَفَلَت فيهِ وَداعَتَهُ
فَأَظهَرَت حَملاً في قَلبِ جَزّارِ
23. Iblis, take them all in their wraps
And lift your wing away from the brides of my strings
٢٣. إِبليسُ خُذهُم جَميعاً في بَراقِعِهِم
وَاِرفَع جَناحَك عَن أَبكارِ أَوتاري
24. Take them to you, so their offspring will not return
And, O Iblis, sterilize the fire with fire!
٢٤. خُذهُم إِلَيكَ فَلا عادَت سُلالَتَهم
وَعَقِّمِ النارَ يا إِبليسُ بِالنارِ