1. How is the patient, what has befallen him
How did he spend the night, I wonder, and in what state
١. كَيفَ حالُ المَريضِ ماذا جَرى لَهُ
كَيفَ أَمسى تُرى وَفي أَيّ حاله
2. Indeed, at your question, my heart
Stands still today, losing all hope
٢. إِنَّ قَلبي لَدى سُؤالِك هذا
يَقِفُ اليَومَ قاطِعاً آمالَه
3. What good is grieving, O my soul's sister
It is my fate, no doubt
٣. ما يُفيدُ النُواحُ يا أُخت نَفسي
إِنَّني قِسمة الردى لا محاله
4. Every night I see the image of my grave
And see death making preparations inside it
٤. كُلَّ لَيلٍ أَرى خَيالَ ضَريحي
وَأَرى المَوتَ يستعدُّ خِلاله
5. I used to rationalize to myself, but
The sickness of the chest leaves no room for rationalizations
٥. كُنتُ قَبلاً أُعَلِّلُ النَفسَ لكِن
علةُ الصَدرِ لا تبقّي عُلالَه
6. Obliterate the memories of yesterday, it's better
That no yesterday remains remembered
٦. أَمحقي ذِكرَياتِ أَمس فَخَيرٌ
لَكِ أَلّا يَبقى لِأمسٍ سُلالَه
7. Obliterate them for the sake of my soul and my love
Obliterate them, for memories are but misguidance
٧. أَمحقيها بِحَقِّ روحي وَحُبّي
أَمحَقيها فَالذِكرَياتُ ضَلالَه
8. And know that tears shed over one who lies
Beneath the soil hurt his spirit
٨. وَاِعلَمي أَن دَمعَةً فَوقَ مَن تَهو
ينَ تَحتَ التُرابِ تُؤذي خَياله
9. I read it and held back the tears
That had they poured into the Nile, they would have disturbed its serenity
٩. قَرَأتها فَأَمسَكت عبراتٍ
لَو أُريقَت في النَيلِ هالَت جلاله
10. Tears of a melting, agonized heart
That had they poured over the desert, they would have soaked its sands
١٠. عبرات من ذوبِ قَلبٍ مُدمّى
لَو أُريقَت في القفرِ أَدمَت رماله
11. I held them back from the letter
So tears would not dishonor that letter
١١. أَمسَكتها عَنِ الرِسالَة حَتّى
لا تُهينُ الدُموعُ تِلكَ الرِسالَه
12. It was as if the darkness was an ailing man
Coughing in the groves among the palm trees
١٢. وَكَأَنَّ الدُجى مَريضٌ يُوالي
في الشَواطي مَع النَخيلِ سُعاله
13. And if a shudder passed over it
Its wings folded, and the night wrapped it in shadow
١٣. وَإِذا رَعشَةٌ أَمَرَّت عَلَيها
جانِحيها وَاللَيلُ يَطوي ظِلاله
14. Dawn came wanly over waves
As if the coughing had preoccupied it
١٤. وَأَتى الفَجرُ شاحِباً فَوقَ مَوجا
تٍ كَأَنَّ السُعالَ أَشغَل باله