
Relieve your fluttering heart from the misery of passion,

أرح قلبك الخفاق من شقوة الهوى

1. Relieve your fluttering heart from the misery of passion,
For every passion, the wretchedness of life accompanies it.

١. أَرح قَلبَك الخَفّاقِ من شَقوَةِ الهَوى
فَكُلُّ هوىً بُؤسُ الحَياةِ يراوِحُه

2. When the eagle does not settle having remained soaring,
Flying in the skies, its wings are purified.

٢. إِذا النِسر لم يجثم وَقد ظَلَّ صاعِداً
يحلّق في الأَجواءِ تَبرى جَوانِحُه