
This is my wine, so taste it, my friend

هذه خمري فذقها يا نديمي

1. This is my wine, so taste it, my friend
It has a strange flavor in my vineyards

١. هذِهِ خمري فَذُقها يا نَديمي
فَلَها طَعمٌ غَريبٌ في كُرومي

2. In my cup there is certainty that was not
Doubt has gone with the old love

٢. ليَ في كَأسي يَقينٌ لَم يَكُن
ذَهبَ الشَكُّ مَع الحُبِّ القَديمِ

3. In the eyes of my beloved there is joy
That has spread hope and fragrance in my core

٣. إِنَّ في عَينَي حَبيبي طَرَباً
شاعَ آمالاً وَعِطراً في صَميمي

4. Where is that worry which flowed
Poisons from its snakes in my heart

٤. أَينَ مِنهُ ذلِكَ الهَمُّ جَرى
مِن أَفاعيهِ سُموماً في كُلومي

5. My friend, a hand has healed my wound
From it has poured the balm of a generous heart

٥. يا نَديمي أَبرَأَت جُرحي يَدٌ
فاضَ مِنها مَرهَمُ القَلبِ الكَريمِ

6. On every wretched there is mercy
From my heavens and on every sick

٦. فَعَلى كلِّ شَقِيٍّ رَحمَةٌ
مِن سَمائي وَعَلى كُلِّ سَقيمِ

7. My past in love was nothing but
A cleanser that led to this bliss

٧. لَم يَكُن ماضِيَّ في الحُبِّ سِوى
مَطهَرٍ أَفضى إِلى هذا النَعيمِ