
Your excuse, from inspired poets who led

عذيرك من مستلهمين تصدروا

1. Your excuse, from inspired poets who led
The rhyme scheme and fragrant metre

١. عَذيرُكَ مِن مُستَلهِمينَ تَصَدَّروا
مَحَطُّ القَوافي وَالرواءُ المُعَطَّرُ

2. And Lebanon, dawn of God's creation, is the truest
And firmest in its early beauty

٢. وَلُبنانُ فَجرُ اللَهِ أَصدَقُ ما بِهِ
وَأَثبَتُ ما فيهِ الجَمالُ المُبَكِّرُ

3. From its eyes, light, and from its heart, passion
So your Lord in Lebanon loves and watches

٣. وَمِن عَينِهِ نورٌ وَمِن قَلبِهِ هَوىً
فَرَبُّكَ في لُبنانَ يَهوى وَيَنظُرُ

4. Lebanon is from Eden a forehead and fontanel
Kauthar flowed in it and perfumed basil bloomed

٤. وَلُبنانُ مِن عَدنٍ جَبينٌ وَمُهجَةٌ
جَرى كَوثَرٌ فيهِ وَأَزهَرَ عَبقَرُ

5. The sweetest who sang of Lebanon is a nightingale
On whose lips stood to love a pulpit

٥. وَأَعذَبُ مَن غَنّى بِلُبنانَ بُلبُلٌ
عَلى شَفَتَيهِ قامَ لِلحُبِّ مِنبَرُ

6. From his throat scatters the gold of profit
And Lebanon is the most luminous and freest land

٦. يُنَثَّرُ مِن حُلقومِهِ ذَهَبُ الربى
وَلبنانُ أَغنى الأَرضِ نوراً وَأَهَرُ

7. The most generous who sang of Lebanon is a poet
Whose brides surpass dictionaries, perfected

٧. وَأَكرَمُ مَن غَنّى بِلُبنانَ شاعِرٌ
عَرائِسُهُ دونَ القَواميسِ حُضَّرُ

8. Stingy with sips of generosity, honoured
And frolicking in the pasture of beauty, scattering

٨. يَضِنُّ عَلى جَرعى الكَرامَةِ عِزَّةً
وَيَمرَحُ في مَرعى الجَمالِ يُبذِّرُ

9. The cave companion of poetry saw me and said
Guidance from him came to me so I rose to preach

٩. رَآني حَوارِيُّ القَريضِ فَقالَ لي
أَتاني هُدىً مِنهُ فَقُمتُ أُبَشِّرُ

10. I teach the night wanderers of passion how to find guidance
And those touched deep in their veins how to feel

١٠. أُعَلِّمُ عَشواءَ الهَوى كَيفَ تَهتَدي
وَمَن مُسَّ في أَعراقِهِ كَيفَ يَشعُرُ

11. And the ancestors from the place of exaltation told me
We grew by it, and merit with merit grows

١١. وَقالَ لِيَ الأَجدادُ مِن مَسقَطِ العُلى
كَبِرنا بِهِ وَالفَضلُ بِالفَضلِ يَكبُرُ

12. And our children are a repository for our seeds
We are honoured or shamed by them when we sow

١٢. وَأَولادُنا مُستَودَعٌ لِبُذورِنا
نُكَرَّمُ أَو نُخزى بِهِم حينَ نَبذُرُ

13. And eloquence told me, I envied his tongue
So from an eloquence, poetry was refined excellence

١٣. وَقالَت ليَ الفُصحى غَبَطتُ لِسانَهُ
فَمِن لَغوَةٍ لِلشِّعرِ هُذِّبَ عُنصُرُ

14. And if this poetry seems narrow but composed
No harm, the generous one is composed

١٤. وَإِن ضاقَ هذا الشَعرُ وَهوَ مُحَرَّرٌ
فَما ضَرَّهُ إِنَّ الكَريمَ مُحَرَّرُ

15. He slept in the streams of the sun, his sweet rhetoric
So his spontaneous speech is illuminatingly clear

١٥. نَما في مَجاري الشَمسِ عَذبُ بَيانِهِ
فَمَنطِقُهُ الفَورِيُّ كَالشَمسِ نَيِّرُ

16. And Lebanon, green like passion, passed by him
So his inspiration is like love, lush and green

١٦. وَمَرَّ بِهِ لُبنانُ أَخضَرَ كَالهَوى
فَإِلهامُهُ كَالحُبِّ رَيّانُ أَخضَرُ

17. Did he come modest from the countryside and stand
To atone for the eloquent ones of the age?

١٧. أَمِن ساذِجِ الأَريافِ أَقبَلَ وادِعٌ
وَعَن بُلغاءِ العَصرِ قامَ يُكَفِّرُ

18. And the Baroque told me, his poetry passed by
My amber so musk never cleaved, and ambergris

١٨. وَقالَ ليَ الباروكُ مرَّ بِشَعرِهِ
عَبيري فَمِسكٌ ما نَشَقتُ وَعَنبَرُ

19. My drink, clustered with the sugar of his words
And my perfume, fermented over it

١٩. زُلاليَ مَعقودٌ بِسُكَّرِ لَفظِهِ
وَطيبيَ مَعجونٌ عَلَيهِ مُخَمَّرُ

20. I saw myself in it, so the breeze is unsullied
Its passages, and thickets flowering, flourishing

٢٠. أَرانِيَ فيهِ فَالنَسيمُ نَقِيَّةٌ
مَعابِرُهُ وَالبُطمُ نَديانُ مُزهِرُ

21. And the Shouf has spirits that gently tremble
At his revelation, and revelation is the path of the soul

٢١. وَلِلشّوفِ أَرواحٌ تَرُفُّ كَريمَةً
عَلى وَحيِهِ وَالوَحيُ لِلرّوحِ مَعبَرُ

22. In every pasture the Shouf includes stragglers
And in every shack the Shouf includes Ja'far

٢٢. وَفي كُلِّ مَرعىً ضَمَّهُ الشوفُ وائِلٌ
وَفي كُلِّ كوخٍ ضَمَّهُ الشوفُ جَعفَرُ

23. In every subservient, stubbornness entrenched
And in every drunkard, chastity fortified

٢٣. وَفي كلِّ مَفتولٍ إِباءٌ مُخَندَقٌ
وَفي كُلِّ مَكحولٍ عَفافٌ مُسَوَّرُ

24. And Abu Su'ada said, I greeted his poetry
As if I still roar in it

٢٤. وَقالَ أَبو سُعدى حَييتُ بِشِعرِهِ
كَأَنِّيَ فيهِ ما أَزالُ أُزَمجرُ

25. And I love Lebanon, its forehead roams
And it was only truth in us knotted

٢٥. وَأَعجَبُ مِن لُبنانَ يَطرى جَبينُهُ
وَما كانَ إِلّا الحَقُّ فينا يُؤمَّرُ

26. We are the offspring of beauty and its soldiers
So only beauty in us is sovereign

٢٦. وَنَحنُ مَواليدُ الجَمالِ وَجُندُهُ
فَما عِندَنا إِلّا الجَمالُ مُسَيطِرُ

27. And if the marble of yesterday stripped my home
In inherited morals, unruly marble remains

٢٧. وَإِن عَرِيَت مِن مَرمَرِ الأَمسِ دارَتي
فَفي الخُلُقِ المَوروثِ عاجٌ وَمَرمَرُ

28. You tired but did not despair, and ones like you give hope
Your poetry in the world is the pure pigeon

٢٨. تَعِبتَ وَلَم تَقنَط وَمِثلُكَ يُرتَجى
وَشِعرُكَ في الدُنيا الحمامُ المُطَيَّرُ

29. So from mountain to rocky shore
Those who carry hopes do not shatter

٢٩. فَمِن جَبَلٍ وَعرٍ إِلى صَخرِ شاطيءٍ
وَمَن حَمَلَ الآمالَ لا يَتَكَسَّرُ