
Life is short and we are in its expanse

العمر قصر نحن بين رحابه

1. Life is short and we are in its expanse
While death stands guard at its doors

١. العُمرُ قَصرٌ نَحنُ بَينَ رِحابِهِ
وَالمَوتُ مُنتَصِبٌ عَلى أَبوابِهِ

2. If one boasts of his lineage
Worms and decay are of his lineage

٢. وَالمَرءُ إِن يَفخَر بِأَنسابٍ لَهُ
فَالتُرقُ وَالديدانُ من أَنسابِهِ

3. This body in existence is but ruin
Eras march on its dust

٣. ما الجِسمُ في هذا الوُجودِ سِوى بَلىً
تَمشي العُصورُ عَلى أَديمِ تُرابِهِ

4. Since the time of Adam the grave was prepared
And all of creation is hostage to its request

٤. مِن عَهدِ آدَمَ وَالضَريحُ مهيّأ
وَجَميعُ هذا الخَلقِ رَهنُ طِلابِهِ

5. Everyone is made absent by time to the tomb
And so shall time itself meet its absence

٥. كُلٌّ يُغَيبهُ الزَمانُ إِلى الهبا
وَكَذا الزَمانُ يَحينُ يَومُ غِيابِهِ

6. All things to oblivion are but playthings
Even eternity becomes of its games

٦. وَالكائِناتُ لَدى الرَدى أُلعوبَةٌ
حَتّى الخُلودُ يَصيرُ من أَلعابِهِ

7. Not so the creed of the sage aware
It is the creed of reason clear and keen

٧. ما مُذهبُ الدَهرِيُّ ذا لكنَّما
هو مذهب العَقلِ الحَكيمِ النابِهِ

8. How many eras before Adam passed
Which time made vanish upon its return

٨. كَم مِن عُصورٍ قَبلَ آدم أَدبَرَت
وَمَضى بِها النِسيانُ عِندَ إِيابِهِ

9. And man's faith is firm in it
Until oblivion veils him with its screen

٩. وَعَقيدَةُ الإِنسانِ راسِخَةٌ بِهِ
حَتّى يُحجّبَه الرَدى بِحِجابِهِ

10. If he would read in the ether the book
He would see the truth in lines of its script

١٠. لَو كانَ يَقرَأُ في الأَثيرِ كِتابَه
لَرَأى الحَقيقَةَ في سُطورِ كِتابِهِ

11. How many religions marched in the land
Time took them away before its departure

١١. كَم من دِياناتٍ تَمَشَّت في الوَرى
ذَهبَ الزَمانُ بِها قُبَيلَ ذَهابِهِ

12. And religions yet shall our faith corrupt
And rise above its wreckage for days to come

١٢. وَلَسَوفَ أَديانٌ تَخَرَّب دينَنا
وَتَقومُ لِلأَيّامِ فَوقَ خَرابِهِ

13. This world is but a tumultuous sea
The shells of life floating atop its swell

١٣. ما هذِه الدُنيا سِوى بَحر طَمى
صدفُ الحَياةِ تَعوم فَوقَ عبابِهِ

14. This one riches cover in comfort
While that in poverty, reward for his toil

١٤. هذا يحفُّ بِهِ الغِنى في راحَةٍ
وَيَعُمُّ ذا فَقرٌ جزا أَتعابِهِ

15. If the tyrant of nature is just
Where is the equality of his calculation?

١٥. إِن كانَ جَبّارُ الطَبيعَةِ عادِلاً
أَينَ المُساواةُ الَّتي بِحِسابِهِ

16. Does he create the worlds then rest
Content with his making atop his throne?

١٦. أَتَراهُ قَد خَلَقَ العَوالِمَ وَاِكتَفى
بِصَنيعِهِ فَاِرتاحَ فَوقَ وِثابِهِ