
I left the king fearing that we would be

تركت الشاه خشية أن أكونا

1. I left the king fearing that we would be
Among the women on whom they mint his image

١. تَرَكتُ الشَّاهَ خشيةَ أن أكُونَا
من اللاِّئِى عَلَيه يُسَكِّكُونَا

2. And fearing that I would be like an old man named Shayb
When the young men gather, they entrance him

٢. وخَشيَةَ أن أكُونَ كَمِثلِ شِيبٍ
إِذَا قِيمَ الأتَاىُ يُسحرِّوُنَا

3. Their talk is of the young men, and they do not speak
Of aught but their talk to entrance us

٣. حَدِيثُهُم الأَتَاىُ ولاَ تَرَاهُم
بِغَيرِ حَدِيثِهم يَتَحَدَّثُونَا

4. And fearing that I would be a boon companion of hope
I call, degrading chaste youths and helping us

٤. وخَشيَةَ أن أكُونَ نَدِيمَ آمٍ
أُنَادِ مُهُنَّ أبكَاراً وعُونَا

5. And fearing that I sit with every despicable person
Who drags deficiencies and humiliation to me

٥. وخَشيَةَ أن أُجَالِسَ كُلَّ نَذلٍ
يَجُرَّ ِإلَىَّ مَنقَصَةً وهُونَا

6. And fearing that I would be stingy
And I did not see what would pay our debts

٦. وخَشيَةَ أن أكُونَ أخَادُيُونٍ
ولَم أرَ مَا بِه أقضِى الدُّيونَا

7. And fearing that the whiteness of my face
Would be blackness, unchanging with years

٧. وخَشيَةَ أن يَكُونَ بَيَاضُ وَجهِى
سَوَاداً لاَ تُغَيِّرُهُ السِّنُونَا

8. So this is what I said about it, but
I see I have gone mad with it, madness

٨. فَهَذَا مُا قُلتُه فِيهِ ولَكِن
أرَاني قَد جُنِنتُ بِهِ جُنُونَا